THE DAILY XEWS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1879. NOVEL BY MAURICE WILTON. MARSHALL nd SNELGKOVP FAXCY ADAM and EVE. Tho Kew Serial to commenced ia the CAR XUSEBER of TBifLE BAB, which trill bo read, en MONDAY, Den. a.
I One Sliillrns. Xw Hsr- ti4 o-T-r a oar er ins ore a s.hv EOUTLBDGrE'S ANNUALS for 1880. Messrs. iGoutlirdee may fairly be said to cover the entire field of juvenile litoraturo witli their Every Boy's 'Every Giri'a and' Little Widaawat-c' books which Arc literally storehouses of everything likely to divert, eaeite. and interest the yotsng The ho.t of able and successful writers who contributs to these pages is, we venture to thiaV, not snrpe-'a-d by any of the hish-pnceo mass.
zinaa of the dav." North IlrirWi Dally Mail. Messis. Ito'atledge and ons have always been the faronnte poo-lishera of yoan? people becauj ol their annaaba." Scotsman. in A.l n.nn! Messrs. Rniitlrxlrro and was, woo, as caterers lor yoaus people, uavo u1, ouperiors.
jeir ana iiymoom THT-'. wnVS' In super royal 8vo, clnth, eiges. (is. i by port. r.s.
ILL, OUTLEDiiE'S EVERY B'JY'S ANNUAL for 1880. JUb Edited by Edmckd P.E.G.S. With Illustrations aud Coiouied Plates, isth year of publicalioa. Scotsman. -'The stoiie? are etcelleat.
and-the uIuBtnlionfloreall that could be desired. The boy who is not able to find many months' amusem*nt in the Annual must waat some good quality. It is beautifully sot up." Exeter and Plymouth Gazette. Altogether the boot is an adrnfr-abla one. and worthy of the hiRhesf- praire." Chronicle.
Cornrnands the distinction of beinff the ohter work of its kind now issued. It is no haitily compiled manual of tales and Bliet-rhes to be road ann east twiao. out a saotnnna Tonrrae oi ow pagren, crowded with joodthinBs." George RoutTodiro and Sons, Broadway, LndBate-hltl. In super royal Svo, cloth, iriit edires. by post, Cs.
ROUTLEDGE'S EVRY GIRL'S ANNUAL for 1H80. Edited by Alicia AMTLnmt. With Illostrations and a Coloured Frontispiece and Title-page from a design by Kate Green-awav. Sftann.1 nf nublication. Court Journal." Its contents are rich Mid varied.
Tales, poems, nuwles. and instructive chanteTa follow each other in rich pro fusion." Exeter and Plymouih Gazette "The tone of the whole oooi ia thoroughly healthy and womanly." Scotsman. "The illus tmtiona am admiraDly deaigneo, and are fino pecuaens or toe woon-ensravers George and Sons, Broadway, LBdgito.hiU. TtTFi CFrrr.n-RPiv!.c? ANVT7AL. Tn crown 4to.
boards, cloth, gilt edges, postase LITTLE WIDE-AWAKE for 18b0. Edited bv Mrs. S.u.e Bajikes. With Illnstrations by Harri.011 Weir, M.E. Miriam Kerns, Emost Griset, and others, and a Coloured by Kate Greenaway.
Strth year of pubheacion. Exeter and Plymouth Gazette. "Really ono or the mosf; cbamnnff pietnrc-books that the most esigont denizen of tho nursery could desire." capital little book for the nuraery." George RoatJedgc and Sons, Broadway, Liidg-Ml. THE CHRISTMAS "ANNUAL. Now Rearly, in fcp.
to, fanoy cover, price by post 14 stams, THE STAGE DOOR Stories by Those who Enter ti. Edited by Cobmekt W. Scott, coatainin? Stories bytheltad-ln Actors. Actresses, and Dramatic Authors oi the Day. Punch, December 6, 1M3.
'The is a first-rate Bhil-liagsworth." George Routlodge and Sons, Broadway, Lad gate-hill. ROUTLEDGE'S CHRISTMAS GIFT-BOOK. In tto, cloth, gilt edges, price ifs. Od. b) pom, CHILDREN of the VILLAGE.
By Mart Bussbll Miti'obu. With 02 nriginal lUuatrations by ST. E. Miriam Kems. P.
Barnard,, C. O. Jlurray, A. Tnck, T. H.
Wilson, and other artists, ananjed aud ongravod by J. D. Cooper. Georgojloutledgeand Sons, iiroadway, Ludgate-hilU Ascorr hope's new book. In 4to, cloth, gilt edges, pries 7s.
6d. i by post, 8s. SPINDLE STORIES. New Yams SDun from Old Bv Ascott R. Hope.
Illustrated by C. O. Mtmnir. George and Sons, The Broadway, Lndgate-hill CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT. In crrnva vo, clcth gilr, price 7s.
Cd. by post, 8s. uJirti iojiLTio a x-i Practical Treatise on th Art LTX of tione. By Professor Hofi'Maxk. with 318 Ulustra.
Jn crown 8vo, cblh, 6s. bv post. 6s. 7d, THE SECRETS of CONJURING and MAGIC or, How to become a Wizard. By Roblbt Houdis.
Edited, with Notes, by Professor Hoffman. Iu crown fivo, cloth gilt, 6a. by post, Ga, 7d DRAWING-ROOM AMUsem*nTS and lEvening Party Jfinter-tainruents. By ral'i-sBor HOFt-MANH. With lllu t-aations.
Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Luogate-nul. THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES FOR CHILDREN'. In fancy cover, i rice Is. each, by post 13 stamps, THEATRICAL SCENES aud TABLEAUX for B. CHILDREN.
Arraneed bv J. Krith Axgui 2. CHILI BUN'S THEATRICALS. A Serios of ropnlar Fairy Tales, adapted for representation in tho drawing room. By J.
Keith Angus. 3. PLAYS for CHILDREN. Fj Miss Walkzb. 4.
NEW CHA RALES irrr the DRAWING-ROOM. By the Author of "A Trail fo Catch a Sunbeam. 7. HUMVTY-DUMPTY, and other Sensational Dramas. By W.
E. Show. 8. ANCIENT and MODERN MAGIC. By Abpbiif Vebb.
George Routledge and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate-hill. WALTER CRANE'S QFTRTST-MAS WOIiKS. In mall ito, fancy covers, designed by the artist price 5s. each, bj post, 3s. 1.
rTIHE BABY'S OPERA. A Book of Old Rhymes with New Dresses. By WaiiTJEE Chane. Ingraved and printed in colours by EnstUNn EVahs. 2.
THE BABY'S BOUQUET, A Fresh Bunch ot Old Rhymes and Tunes. Arranne.1 and decorated by Wali-EK Ckakf. Cut and prmted in colours by Edmund Evans. George Routledgo and Sons, Broadway, Ludgate-hill. MR.
HUGESSEWS NEW CHRISTMAS BOOK. In demy Svo, cloth, gilt edges, price Os. by post, (is. 7d OTHER STORIES. By the Right Hon.
E. H. Kuatch-bcll-Huoebses, U.P., Author of "Uncle Joe's Storiei," River Legends With Illustrations by Ernest Griset. George Boutledee and Sons, Uroadway, Lndgate-hill, MR. KINGSTON'S NEW BOOK.
In demy 8vo, cloth, gilt cdjes, price 7a. ejcL, bypostSs. OTABLB VOYAGES, from Columbus to Parry. By William H. G.
Kingston. Author of Great African Travellers," with many Hiustratioiuj. George Koutieoge ana Soirs, CAPTAIN MAYNE REID'8 NEW BOOK FOK BOYS. In crown Svo, cloth, gilt edges, pries by pot53.
(sd GASPAIi, the GAUOHO a Tale of the.Gran Chaco. By Captain Maynb Rrb, vith Illustrations by Rioc. (ieorge Kout'odgo and Soru, BroadTray, LudgatfrhlU. MR. JEPHSON'H NEW BOOK.
In crown Svo, cloth, gilt edges, price by post SL, THE EOLL of- the DKUM. By E. Mountknbt Jepitsos, Author of "Tom Bullkeley of lissington," With Illustrations by Major Ssccomtib, K.A. George Kotitledgo and Sons, Broadway, Ludgrate-hill Tn Ate (Vivor rwiflA Is hv ivnt IS fitamnri. ROUTLEDG-K'H SINGIifU QUADEILLhl.
Music by Miles B. Fostek, with Illustrations by E. 13. and CHAKV Cobbould, priuted in Colours by Bdmusd Eriis. Georse Boutleae and Sons, Btoadmyudsirte-hUh in a box, each contftiains 1G Page Kctures, in fancy boarded covers, price 5s, Bristol Meeccey.
"The Library ultogether forma one of the prettiest and moat useful ChriEtm at presents that young children could wish to have." Examinbk. Thepictare of httle boy race on thfi case containing these nnrsoty treaeures is irresistible." Couirr.TocHi. al. The sabjocta are most hatpdy choen. Stones from English history, with pkasmnt paa or catural histoty, poemB, tfec, are happilv blended, and they are such rich profusion tnat they will last till the year rolls round again, and EoutlcdKc aro prepared with a lresh tmpply." Rscor.D.
"The advent of such a library into a nursery would be an eientto be remembered." MoBNiNij ADVEFirisafl. "Kothinecan ba conceiTed ranch better than t-lm Christmas Bos Will deLigbc all towliom it is prescated." George Eoutledge and Bimdway, Ludgatfl-hilL Just published, cloth pit, post 3s. I0d ITTLE HINGIS. By Malbliht: Bonayta Hukt, JLj Author of "Brave little Heart," illustrated byM. Ellbs A pleaaantly-nrittcu history of a family of children the lhinge' in question typify tho in ycuns from which important events olien tpring.
It ia prettily idustrvted by M. ii. Edwards." -Morning Post. Cavplt. better, Galrin and Loon tvid nil iNUVtL, AT ALL, THE UHKAltiES.
AIREKN. By F. Frankfort of "Sojourners Together." London Smith, Elder, and Waterloo-place. KT.W 'aVl-I, AT AT.T, THT-! T.T'RRA lil ErS. VAYYARD WOJIAN.
Major Aiithue Geif-fxths, Author of Lola i a Talo'of the Boelr," (ia -1 vols. London Smith, Elder, ana 15, waterioo-piace. ITHIN tha PRECINCTS. By Airs. Ouphant, Author of Chronicles of Carlingford," New Edition, with Eraht Illustrtttiona.
Crown Svo. Cs. London Smith and 15, Waterloo-place. D1 ICKS' U0PYRK1HT K0rBLS. Illustratecl.
Sirnfnre paib. coninlpte no.t free 8d. CHETWYND CALVBRLEY. By W. Jj.
AiKoWORTH. OAliYNTiiiA. By E. COST of a eECBST. Br Author of Lyle." And 100 others.
Best authors. Oatalofruf post free. London: John Dicks, SIS, Strand all BltieilerR. if adv, pricfi free, PUNCH'S POCKET-BOOK lor ibSVwith a variety of amusing literature, contributed by tho Punch Statf, and illustrated bybarlei Keene, Linloy tombourne, and John Tennid; andwithalarffe coloured 1-rontispiec. Koid at tbfl" Punch" Offife, 85, Fleet-strret, London, and by all Booksellers and Smtionprs, and at the Baokt.tall3.
ready, creiwn 8Ta boTelle'i. cloth. 7a. THE KING of KINGS and XOKD of LORDS. Pome Cileaniugs from tho Divine Becordof His Life on Earth, and Hi? Reign in Glory, by Kobkbt N'lsok.
Author of Gommeuts on the tho "He'sruwit, and Jamo'." iunon; a. w. rnnnqe ian HEALTH K0U1ETYTS ALMANAC for i 1830. Illustrated. A sanitary maxim for every day, cheap cookery recipes, Published by J.
AIIhiau, 463, Oifora-street. Ona Jfenny each. IpNGLAND: Its People, "Polity, and "Pursuits. By T. H.
S. Lscott. 2 vols. Svo, cloth. Ottered at lfig.r pubb'ahed at Thii valuable work treats of the Enghnd of to-day, it3 jo'itical, soriai.
Iiterai'y, aud domestic character, and places England and tho EuR-ltsh of our oven time clearly and correctly before its. 3ilbsi4 and Bco*kealiOT, 67, Moorgato-stroet, anl 18, Grace London, Now ready, gratis, post free on application. TLLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, CUBISTMAS EDI-J TION, iUpaperi, with opinions of tho Press on OROIDE GOLD JEWELLERY the only perfect substitute for 18-carat Gold. Albert Chains from 5r. Yatchf.e, accuritti timekeepers, saie and free per post, registered.
i t'. Ruwe, and U2. Brcmpton-road. London, SAY, MISS PICTORIAL ARABIAN NTOHTS. Now ready, superbly illuatrated by Gustavo Uort1 and other Artists, price 3..
6d. cloth cilt, bevelled boirds, rod edges, MISS BRADDON'S ARABIAN NIGHTS, ALADDIN. I SINDBAD. 1 A LI BAB A. N.B.
The Choicest and Cheapest Gift Book of the Year, London J. andR. Maxwell, Shoe-lane, Fieet-itreet. MR. GLADSIONE'S ESSAYS.
Small 6to. 2s. Gd. LEANINGS of PAST YEARS, 1843-78. By ths IT Right Hon.
V. E. Glapstoxe, M.P. Vol. The Throne and the Prince Consort, the Cabinet and Constitution.
Vol. II. Personal and Literary. Vol. Ill and Specalatire.
Vol. IV.Foreisn. Vols. V. and VI.
Ecclesiastical. Vol. VIL MiieLtaneous John Murray, Albemarle-street. SKETCHES AT THE THEATRE. V.emy hyo.
Illustrated, One shilling, BBAllATiC Int0TES. An Illustrated Handbook to tho London Theatres 1879. By Charles E. Pasco. With Fifty-two Illustratioos of Scenes fund Characters by T.
Walter WiLon. London David Bcgue, 3, St. Martin's-place, W.C. OliR ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Cheap Edition, crovin 8vo, cloth, mHE DRAMATIC LIST.
A Record of anccs of Living Actors and Actresses of tho 1M ih Stage. Edited by E. Pasco*k. erlition, revised andenlarged. London David Bocue, ,3, tt.
Complete. 2 vols. SAUL WEIR. Complete. 2 vols.
3. ln preparation.) W. Uifickwood and Sons. EdinburKhand London 3JTH year of Publication. Olr Ready, PETER PARLEY'S ANNUAL.
Beautifully Ulus-trated with JSine Colonrcd Plates, besides many woodeutB. Ben George, London, and all Bookseller. Fifth Edition. Second Series. MANY THOUGHTS of MANY MINDS.
B7 Hejtby Houthgatk. Sfmaiu Sto, cloth elegant. 12a. 6d. Library Edition, hali-Roxburghe, morocco antiqua.
21s, lullvsnstains the deserved reputation achieved bv the first series," -John Bull. London Charles Griffin and Co Stationers'-hall-coart. "TAE MOST ACCEPT ABLEOF GIFT-BOOKS." Twenty-Ninth Thousand. First Series. MANY THOUGHTS oi MANY MINDS Treasury of Selection from the be-t Authors.
Analytically orranjed by HmN-by Soin-tniATE. Square Sko. cloth, eletk 12s, Libra-y Edition, half Rosburshe, Uf. raoroco ajitique, 21s. A Trasmncent sifr-ijoaic.
ilagaane. 1 Not 50 much a ios library." Pnt riot. CHRISTMAS ALBUM. -li4 llanofore Pieces, bv Tsch AiKowsii-y. op.
Avory interesting volume." rieocB ot tsteiling value. Rl views. tentpost free. London Neumsyer and Xoumvycr Hail, ilart-f-trect, W.C. TIQUIDATIONS and" COMWSITIONS.
View of Proceedings, with complete Bill of Cosfc. 2nu Edition. One Shilling. Cloth. By G.
M. Wltbletxeuj, Solicitor, i resham-b ui Idiuga. Uoiidhall Third Edition, in post Svo, liinp cloth, gilt, price 2. post frte, 2.. THE ART of SKATING, containing many Figure nevtT previously described, Diaflrams, aud Plain Directions for the: oi the mor-r- tliflicvilt anu e5eat mov ments.
By CiKOF.Lii: Andv.rson iur iany yars of the ulasgov: Akartus 'tab. London: r.iS, Stmnd. MATADOR, the Now Gaain for (juiilt. 2i hnndtiomolv itiiuttv). 1 ric.
r.A 1 1-. fiellers; or of tLe rurjuht.i, AUeti, Av L.i,u.m 1 ont. Edition, eulrirpd, free I HOU' to INVEST. "Aruliabto aud hence a valuable siiids. Should be purchased by invrors aud read bv them with tl.ooihtfjl uaif.
Public Prs. Published bv E. J. "j.rt!ett, F.R.G... rj), Price Is.
frw by post HI 1 MEDICAL BA1TEEIES aud How to USE THEM, By Hahbt Lobb, Surgeon-Electrician, fee. ai. Saririlletreet, PiccadfOr, London, W. AT)Y HOUSEKEEPER TJF.QT'IRKD fcr a first-claas i-. tabbslintont.
a nral banntss habits A 'a-v havinr; a nil a itai l- po-itiat: praftriod' orrieal Orbce. Fj'-. ablililes. ana Daily News WAXTK1X-A stnt-lomatt about in Utnterbttry, lidc aat ueHv. an I of niauners.
l-r-'i-l-ure K-svn one rev ra. twn-bo'iilrm'-Aildlvs-s W. M'-ivibe. aa tat.ait. 1' ADY-HELF nresUtat-icl-sfiy.
N'ob-aaaa -oac! "IVANTED, ur.rai air elt: WANTED. Charge thras I'hlldren, tiet.i WilirtK to clean the flay -Apply to Mi. Uammoad, St. Luck- respectable Pcrs'in 1-- LADY, with otru 1 li'dii'-v. ils, l'aik-s ATTENDANT duties.
Apply, or i Mr- d.l'-y. TVrUKSE 1 Aa. 1 UIL iti- at ba tt WANTED four uhildvcti. srist iir i.o.w and Csed to liid.sai sable. Apply it llroncVsb, o.d.
liiltirun. "rVTl'KSE WAX TliD. One hild. X10. Oooil Sorllli 1.TITRSE WANTED una who is fond of children; i r.o, l- irotrt ia s.ituatroia Apply l-arcen, ri-i, cicsl 1 a Tatmg woman as Kt'RSE TV abero anothfi- is kept, wsffis pi" Wcllirrat.
rr-tts-t-t, T7 ANTED, a NURSE )flio will do soma share of If li i-i-ertoik i va.riu.s! elull more than tluvc nse about il. Al-piy to rier.ra,' Frct'cns, l-aribriiy, "a ANTED, a to young ciiildren. Also a Moth: i rersoimlly, or tend directed euvtloi loS. rs', London, a.s'NUliSEMAlD.a good tempered ei not' Wks-'S i'-1 a adcll founL-Apply tollrs. Sb.
I'-rnVa. New ral-rr-road, 1, SAY. fAr ANTED, a CIi'ILD'S MAID. MeinbEr a Christian fhurtli Must be a good necrllewonian. and willius to assa in Ue man wi mt me rife, experience, vnge, to Mrs.
t'oty, nndra Iiad. bt. Me.lon near caidttf. AXTEDTa thorough PLAIN COOK, wages C-5; alia it staadv Nure, iat. SS; under on- ket.t.-Arb'y.
or.c'o el.reo;.e,Mi-. Godfrey, IIS, rurc-stre, v. (tro.vcuor-s itiarv. a7 AotTED, tliorouRhlv" pood PLAIN COOK for VI xentlematVit small fainiiy Wa(. anil a' a.uatl.
Jtrs. Graluni, JM, Baebir.sbata I'a e-io id. opposite ANTED," a thorough good COOK in a eeiitlotrmu's kitehenmaid kept excellent war- Riven Apply or cave'ope, Mrs. Oodlray, Us. Jt'ork-itrtrt.
tirosvenor-siinaro. WAXTMirilsood PLAIN COOK, LAUXDEEiS, and KlTCHiaNMAlD. Apply to Mrs. Liruiey, 1-riPlrds hcliool, Sarfrv.u Wuliieu, f-f- ANTED, a PLAIN COOK, who will assist, in a TV Uttte housevrork. aged about or ante, statins Mi parti tilars, to Mrs.
Lorrieburn, Third-class rcinmia-d lion Waterloo Station. i OOD COOK WANTED immediately sraall family XJC antfa i'2-b all Cliirrdford-s-iunre, i OOD PLATN COOK, nlso Jloosi and Parlour Maid, XJC WANfBD to Ml. T.n a Tub-e-h'l-. near Brixton.
tA. ANTED, an' experienced I'AULOUKMAID, age VV -Sitae Wagcai-Xallfomid. le-sonal rhumct.r indispen- sable. -App'y 51, Hurrniv-road, a thorousth PAULO t'KMAID also a 110. -BUA1D.
fc.i-a family in co.nti-ya i.ood cbarartors to the Norm 1, orfo.k- d'aadiiittoa. WANTED, a H'lUSE and PAELOLR MAID i a sma'l famflv heva two other rervi.nta ore kept wo? com- meni-ins- AppLvnerMJaaUy ot Si Hisbbury WU. ANTED "HOITSEMAII) in a srrhoot near Loudon. a stranrOirlto assist iii the statins uga. to A.
15., t'ollere, Mcrton. Sa- ley. ViS'TED. HOUSEMAID, for a West-end family asoyoant-l'ta-cn to assist uii-b. liov waiting rtauisate.
Apply t-rsoaully, or ci.cio.:e envelope, lata, ollrcy, 1. ISTANTED.a respectrable voung CURL, about lt years TT of age, tt. assist in tin hoaso generally. Must be atrows and 1 o'cloci to Mrs. Ares, 8 Sadnoi-i, Os- Xocl-tei-raco, W.
a "respo'ctable, clean GIRL, about 15, who li-nhad-ertie tnriuin'--, to work under a housemaid, f-lto must be well at 6, St. John HOUSEMAID WANTED, footman kept, 20, in town, tkmntrr persons enclose envelope; town aprly. Mr. 11., i-w, ureaL j. "in a house of business, TT).
arred abtilil tD. iloeral wase's given. Apply at Slosnc street, Knights- HOUSEMAID (thorough) WAMxlD. fersonai at fO, Eursoll-roncl, Kcnsiiistou plte Aduison rorol btat on HOUSEMAID WANTED for a private taroiiy. age A between IS and S3.
Wases SI6 to to-day and tomorrow at IIP, Ixintr-acte. W7 ANTSD, immediatalv, a good GENtKAL SEK-T VAXT. Ma.tbo able lo do plain ccoiiiw. Two i fannly. Anotaersorwnt kept -Apply bv letter, or -sonally, to Mrs.
I 3, Ca-nbridgetillris, I'ark-road, Surrey. "TS) ANTED, a "good GENEIiAL SERVANT who can TT co*k well, in a small family. No washing (tcod tvast-a. Apply at Smith's, stationer, Monmouth-terrace, 'i; GENERAL SCRY ANT young woman TT aborrt is. with ira ife tionable early riser and active.
Eoy kept. Apply by- letter first, llrisbtqn.c.aif Sutton, bui ray. TTANlrED," a GENERAL SERVANT, or Plain T' Oook a hoinetr.aid kept ltajeo i'16. L. 37, Bloonitick- road.
Maida-vale. W. XXTA nTED," SERVANT, where tsro are TT kpt. Mustiindcisraiidliousa.voi-k. Age IS to 22.
Apply from lit.) 1, W. Uoworjstivct, W.C. a GENERAL 'SWBVANT, age about 20. TT Veryiruodthaia-ter, truthful, clean, and am do plain cookies, giio; place smrill A bootar'a. Broadway, Tuinham.sreea.
a'clea'u, active GEXEKAL SEB-VAXX to an la or write, A. 6., US. Pars-street, Grosrenor-square, W. SANTED. ttiorough GENERAL about TT 23: must be trood plain cook.
Also Uirl abont 18, to wait at taolo and assist in noifcework. Good cbaractois required. Apply before three, il. Upper liorset-sciuare. Ttr ANTED, GBNEKAL "SERVANT, 20 to SO near London trro in family washuis put out man kept liberal wages: must liavo personal character, and do plain causaus.
Apply Si.f.i (in S.lfrp-a Ol luity, uh.vm; GENERAL SEEVAXTwlio understands plain cook-ins. WASTE 0 inm.ediatelv in a small private family. Housemaid kept. -Apply at K-, Westboamc-park-tcrrare. HalTow.road, V) "WjANTEDTa girl ahout 17, of good character, clean, anl temti -rod, to take tare of or.e cluld aud assist in liousetvork.
Apply alter one CO, Loudoun toad, St. John's. W0OJ, a. PESPEGTA BLE GIR WANTED; aboutlo. Oily A two ui unsiow-tuia, xioi.auu-roo, nuiiiwt ViUKC OTEOXG, clean, active GIRL' another laenr 'our Lee.
licat, SITUATIONS WASTED. 8UE-EDITOB. A Gentleman DESIEES KE-EX-GAGEMENd'. Ceaskml le4'T and gooi leaderette writer competent musical critic staunch Liberal and Xouconformist. Arbiters 811 -'Dal Xews" Advertisem*nt Icrj.ury Otiice, oT.i'leet-street, KC.
RESS--REPORTER and SUB-EDITOR; can assist in tho office, and act r.s rroof rader partial employ, meat pielerred. 33 -Daily Letts'' Advertisem*nt indui-y Orbcc, o7, Fleet-street. Gentfamon wilTfie oi)i in January to oc eat BVOAOKMENll' to London. Man-Chester, or dferd House on Clicsliiio and Wo'sli ground. Address G19 Daily News" Advertisem*nt Inquiry Ofiitre, 07, Fleet-street, KC.
WELL-KXOWN TKAVELLER with a valuabJe and extensive connection among oilmen, ironmon-ers. in Kent, Surrev, Sussex, Berks, and Hants, will be OPliln to BEPltE-SEST a rli-st-ekiss 1I0CSE in January. Traveller, 115a, Stoke A'eiv-iojten roal, N. Dailv News'' Advertisem*nt Inquiry Ollice. H7.
Meet-street, E.C. IJUNIS AKTS. ths advertiser, afjobO, a JD SITVaTIOX, or otlienvise, in connoction with the above is well educated, has had considerable experience both in and genera! business matters, and a.l funiisn unixt-eptionable le erencoa. W. 7.
2. City Mows F.oorns, St. bride-strct, I Let-street, aged 28, speaks k3 and a little English, good roir.srondent, SKKKS a StXUA'HOX. liish-ctaat references. Apply to Moreno, Clerkenwcil.
EMPLOYMENT WANTED by Frenchman B.A.,and tlrorouu'lily conversant with German and Portuguese. GoodEiwlisb. Xestimohials and lugbest references. Address A. tie, L-lso-Ione, C1LEKK, Aniauueusis, or any light employment.
KL-; CiUlRKDby gentleman careoi )ortley, 45, Mant-Uesier-struart-, W. SHORTHAND and GENERAL CLERK. -RE-ENGAGEMENT WANTED. ottered to last employer. V'.
Williams, 31. rouitiiey-street. N. CLERI or A- any rlacs trust. Ten years' expcrionco an implement nianafact'orv.
Aged 25 years. Good references. IV. Tiir.ity- rtreet, Liverpool-road, TASTED, bv a young Man, a SITUATION in the Draptrry ttr tra.o es LUADING HAND or a Store ui one or our colonies, r-rc red airea i. tro.o re- faiences i stars' Address Lucas, coutu-street.
TorrinKton, Devon. TO STATIOXEKS. -WAXTED, by the advertiser, a SiTIaVriON" at AtrISXANT. tr'eveial years' experienirc in a first o'ast Weit-enu house. Address J.
17, Uueen-scrcet, Soho, London. IV. ANTED" to PiACiS a YOUTH leaving uchool at TT Iteslmas Kith ail Survover. or Land Lstat-j Atr-ut. If de-irexl, an est hrinse c-aiid be made for a youth who could rc-'-o ve insT.iuct.oa in lurmintr, and vvho would have ft louuortablo honic Apply in tat instanco to A.
Kentish-town. A "Y'OUTH WANTS EMPLOYMENT Hotel or club. Conld assist engineer or as fltttr, and do stoking, state terms. WC.LC5, Bolsoer-stwet, MAN or" Waiter. Good address, active, sober, steady man surrle town or country.
A. la, I lood- street, Kios'a-road, r-. V)'. i aKDENER (Head) or good single-handed tho-XJT in flowers, melons, uenrabers, ire. Good cli ruarriedi ago 31.
J. West, Bcverie, Hampton, Middlesex. GAHDENER (Head Working); age 35 married: pmeti understands early and lata- forcing, stove and Rteanhouse plants owerand kiuhen garden Twenty years' eripe-ience. Go'i W. OS, Gayttn-load, HOME EMPLOYMENT.
WAXTED, by a Young ludt residing ia the country, reman rative E.YlH.OT.Mi'.X'l' Ijr inter, COl'llNO, Sc. Address Ml let, "Daily -News" Ailvertrsem*ntjiviiiiiv ofiice, at, Htet-stteet. E.V. TEQUIKEE, immediately, by a highly-respectable tV young lade, riU'tAliON in an Hotel. Ur.dersraads and hotel work generally Mis.
May, to.t-oiuee, Svirruiuii-Jbaaa by a'voung lady (25) accustomed to busi-TT a SITUATION in a KSSTACKANT or Would give time. Good l.AIUon WAXTED, "by" a young 'LADY, EJIFLOYMEa for a few- hours 'daily. Would make herself u-retul in any capacity nit menial. Address U. 7, Great irortianu-srreer.
DRESSMAKIXG, at Ludies' houses; excellent fit. It inner. other drosses, in good -tyle. Marhiiust. M.
Bt dav--'. Ca-ttfinaa-iico, iJama, SAV. LADY' is "DESIROUS of obtaining, after Christ- A. mas a SITUATION for a Iriead in a cvin'orlable tome, a-COMPANION to aLaiy, or novi-riio-s to yomiK eluldmi. t.ord rucntarv li-eueh, uud
Miss tiichards, Llanfairiat, Harlth. A I ADY (25) of good faniilv and education is anxious to meet with an E'NGAUFMLNT as to a lady, eras Governess to ouo or to children. Apply oy lctt.r. suit particulars, to 1'. caro of 1'nclaids, Kota.
library, North. rtrcet, Dris'liton, Sussex. S7'OUN(i of cheerful domestic habits, SEEKS KE-EXUAUKMKNT (at Chri.tuias; as VSEr'U, COM-lVSION Kvcellen- relti-encts, Nominal salary, but conitrrtabiu liunis. Koberts, Malurtrsbury. Wilts.
UIFe'INTENDENT HOME, or Companion. An ESOAGliMliN'TNEEDED by aLtld.v.who.-a-i give good leic. roncesiisto character and ct-stcr-Toad, Driitbtoii. Lady, highly educated, cheerful eoroi-a lion and xcdlent Irol sfY ptfer her scrvic. lelliiTitorariO.Mi;, tr woidd acToinp.uiy a lady a'aro-id.
i-ra, ill, Hainestoad-roati. raHE "advertiser (25). SEKKS HE-FXG AGEMENT as I ta ,1.1 laay l.oaseteejtfr u. seiiciuina i o- ot tonne ciirltirci. la orad ta liae ra bin -nts Itusie.
ii'iu -tobo in aoinr lea wrrnro ii nieiiai, i -iiKt-te 1 referea. Aat.res-.-. 'a .1 Netv A HOUSKKEEPEK. ilousokeciier-Governess, ot any tilaceof tr-ist Is of iadylik- laruaers. eherr-fel, obhtaotr.
and vei-v fond of children sinrrs arrd ay, w.a! rpta'as Geirurn eueuTiv 1- aaa smalt salary; brga re-fe'rertcej. is'wil insjto go abroai Delta, Aoklam-ioad, arvn T.ViF-nri- in A mHE OLD LuvE IS THU NEW. 'By Maxtrici Samual Tineley and SSo'nthamptonsttStraJi; NOTIOiT ThTs at all Libraries and Booksellers', in one hrtadsomo volame, 6vo, price A YEAR ia INDIA. Bv Anthoky GioitGS Shieih. Samuel Tinsley and Ctv, slu*thainpton-street, strand, W.C SOTICE -Sew' Novel "bv the Author of "A Tantaius Cap," This Day 'at every Library, in a IN SHfclEP'S CLOTHING.
By Mrs. HABETBEtorsTT. Edwabbs. "Thaa is nnqnestionaHo power in Mn. EenaetJ-lMwatds noval In Sheep's Clothing '-power tmth of conception and of elocution." 800 Smiuel Tinsley and ai.
Southainpton-ttreet, NOVEL, i the "The fttuenof Two This day. a ail the Lihran'ea. in 3 OYE'S BONDAGE By Lawkencb Beooke. 8 A Samnal Tinalev and 31. Sonthampion-strcet, Strand, W.C tz rt: it Notice.
ow reay. pneo es. noecire. u.u wj FRANK BLAKfc, the TRAPPER. By Mrs.
HasdY, Author of The Castaway's Home," Up horth," ee, Hand- aoraelv bound and Illustrated. i-ranS Blake is about flora, bulls, bears, beavers, fnipwrecto, floods, flies, frogs, and everything also that is dens htf ul. SaT.ael Ti'asley and .11 Southampton-street, Snand, W.C. A double encore nightly. MR.
MACGREGOR. Writtn by F. C. MU3ic by W.
M. Lrrrz. Sung liy Mr. Terry every night tho Tvry nmeesfnl ourlesnue. Eohbinjt Roy," at the Gaiety 'Theatre, always wiih a double encore.
2s, Duncan Daviaoa and Ui, ItogBUC-Erreeir. r. Tttla,rmu or, Th Titia'e on the Turn. JT Sun? with the t-reatest applause by Mr. J.
W. EowuK also by Mr. W. Wabdeoi-eb. 24 stamps.
7, Argyll-pSace, Eegent-street. RICHARD GUNTER'S BRIDE-CAKE ESTAB-LISmrEITT. BALLS, Dinners, Weddins Brcalcfasts sup- SJied also Cooka and Attendants s- lit to all parts of the country, ahlea, stats, linen, silver, china, andglKis lentonhire. 25, Motcomb-atreet, Belerave-square, S.W. CERISTMAS PRESENTS.
A choice of the very beat PARIS BONBONNIEKES, ComCto. Cractera, and Bonbons. Chocolate. Fancy Boxes, Preaervetl Fmits, of flnat quality, ot EICHASD.SUNTEE'S, Belirave-SQaare. HE FOREIGN VINEYARD ASSUUIAI'IUIV iLimitedl, Joint Stock Wine Company (establishedover a quarter of cantury).
The Directors call special attention to tae rouowing Sherries. Desideratnin (Besistered Trade Mark). A pure nnbiended wine, without any ad-, fto. 1. 30s, per acan.
ditiona! alcohol, now introdncod forio. i 42a. tho first time. (No. Old bottled crnstod Port, from 42s.
to lOOe. per oslcbrated Epcrnny, as originally mtrodacefl by this Company, and for 25 years supplied to naval and military mesees, clubs, and privare customers, 39s. per doseu. Heur de Sillery, 56s. Clarets', us.
to 120s. per all other desenption of wines of the hishost oaalitv kept in particulars and price lists, apply to W. H. Palmer, LhrectorManiing, 2g0, Hegent-straet, W. (1HRISTMAS" CASES," Oiie Guinea each, rsontaiuing bottles of Port, 3 Sherry, 1 Gin.
1 Bum, I Whisky, 1 Brandy, lio. Tea. Warranted pure and genuine. Sent, bottles and case, carriage free toany railway station in England by tho VICTORIA wrifE COMPANY. 12, Marlt-lane, London, on receipt of P.O.O.
to W.W. CHllSfMAS PRESENTS. Nothing is bo highly oppreciared as a case of GRANT'S MORELLA CHERRY awA-wrfv- ft-in -ordered of anv wino merchant. Cloeen's aualitv. as' supplied to her Majesty, ss.
jper downiSportsman'a special Quality. per dozen. Manuiacfurcr, T. GRANT. Dia- ttliory, mnrastone.
TTilNDLATE R'S 1 8 A 1 Hi S. BEST OLD IRISH and BEST ISLAY HALT, 30a. pei- gallon, 40s. per dozen, Ar the production of the old-faahioned Poc stills, softened ana mNot rAeLrontooen Labol with Trade llark, a Stag's 53, Wellington-street, Covent-gwden 20, Sloane-streot, Kmght8brg9 GENUINE DUBLIN WHISKY. THE MOS1' VHOLESOME OF ALL SPIRITS.
DUBLIN WHISKY distilled by Messra. John Jame. son and Son, William Jameson and John Power and Son, and can be obtained Hood Oy wholesale merchants and dealers, direct from their respective distilleries "GENUINE DUBLIN WHISKY. THE MOST WHOLESOME OF 'ALL SPIRITS. DUBLIN WHISKY.
Messrs. William Jameson and Cs. and Georgo Roe and Co. can also supply through the wholesale trade their Whiskies in cases, the bottles protected by capante, label, and brand on corka. PRESENTS.
HE WETT and Co. so-h'citan insiection of their largo STOCK of JAPANESE and CHINESE NOVELTIES, both useful and ornamental, from 50 guineas. i9, Baker-streetW riTEA. No adtauco inlhe price, and no altsrationmthe A Quality of COOPER COOPER and TEAS. The finest the world produces, or that money can pnrchase, at 3a.
a pound and Tea oi extraordinary merit at 2s. a pound. Samples gratis, end post free. 50, King Williani-sireet, London Bridie, E.C. i 63, Bishops-ratc-strcet Within, London, E.C.
208, London, W. and 35, Strand, London, W.C. OYSTERS. The BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT. The delicious BLUE POINTS are sold by the Importer, 100 ia neat Hamper 5s.
Booked ia 200 9s. London. Apply with Remittance- to the UNIVERSAL OYSTER DEPOT, ttm RS E. STERLING, Manager, O.tBotolph-alley, Billingsgate, E.O. ANULO-oUTCH OYSTtRS always tet in stock.
N.B. A Circular explaining how Hampers can be sent CARRIAGE 1'AIO also a Pamphlet resorumendirig abont 60 recipes about cooking oysters, forwarded Gratiaon applicatiou. LOVERS" of "FISH. H. BAYLY and Great Yarmouth.
100 light cured Bloaters, largest selected fish. I' 50. 5s, 6d. Gored tor keeping, rich ham ilavour aud gold colour: Extra large, 100. 1 2s.
5i, 6s. Sd. barrelof 500, 45s. or 200. 21s.
Carriage paid to London, Birmingham, or Hull. Terms Remittance with tho order "VOTICE of REMOVAL. To FISiiiJM G-KOD it MAKERS rnd Others. For SALE, a largo lot of HEART, ra Joints, i to troiu 3ft. to 6ft.
long also HICKORY anu LANCE WOOD. Apply to B. Johnson, at taw Mills. 13 Wharf. Maocieafleld-streBt.
Ciry-road. Must bo sold Thir Dey, NATYTiCAL, AGfCliLftfRAL, and CONSULTING. CHEMIST. 1RNARD DYER, Member of tho Society of Public Analynta, PERFORMS ANALYSES of Artificial Manures, Oilcakes, Seeds, Soils, Minerals, Articles of Food and Drink, Drugs, WaU-papera, on moderate terms, and undertakes chemical investigations relating to agricolmxal, sanitary, engineering, and commercial matter generally. Special attention to Water Analysis.
Laboratory, 17, Great jaear tork-lane). WEAK" or DEFECTIVE SIGHT. SPECTACLES scie.ntiflcolly adapted to remedy impaired vision, by Mr. Ackland, Surgeon, daily, at HORNE and i'KORNTHVAlTE'S. Opticians ts the 416.
Strand, London, W.C. Tne weak-sighted raid read AcUand's "Hints on Spectacles," 6d poBt free. THOS. HARRIS and SON'S bPECTACLES, of well-known excellence, can bo had only at 52. Great Rusteil-street, opposite tlie Erilish Museum.
The best CRYSTAL SPECTACLES, otheie from. Ss. Thomas Harris an.l Son cautiou the public against hawkers using their name. Kstabiished 1780. Notra-velltrs or agents.
Race, Hold, and Opera Glasses, and Telescopes. ME. FREDERICK A. ESKELL, 25, Haiiover-juare Surgeon-Dentist (the original and only The PATENT ADAMANTINE TEETH are ftcknowlettged to he incomparably superior to all other inventions, and can be had at the price ot the common appliances ordinarily supplied. They never change colour, hreafc.
or decay, and bands, wires, springs, or fasten- A RTTFI0IAL TEETH rthe Best), 2s. 7s. 6d. JtjL each (Enpphed in a few Sets equally moderate, and warranted to give- for year. For maetacating with theyare invaluable, and, beingtixed on narrow plates of line gold, vulcanite or celluloid, the palate is free and uncovered, Thi method surnames all others at preterit known.
Broken Artilidal Teeth ipan-ed if sent from the country returned by next wt; or boutcht, mil value given. Decayed Teeth preserved, or ex-tracted without causiug pain. Fortv years' expenenee. Stent, urgeon and pmctical dentist, SLA, Coventry-street, ZRKY CODRTICE, dis-yr covercr of the EXTRACT of NUT GALLS, which producesany desired shade indelibly in two hours without staining tho akin, lio trouble 'whatever. The extract ia invaluable to ladies for producing the natural colour close to the skin, where all other restorers laih 42 carriage Try it.
Try it. (JALtaaANTHIST-Perfectiy Henniess. Try it. CALDHANTHIST-Uuick and Indelible. COUETICE'S CALiMlANTHlST.
Only try it, and be stamp, carriage paid. 234, Ktnsnd, London. LOCKYEK'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER will darken yrey hair, and in a few days completely bring back th natural colour. Tlie eifect is superior to that produced by an hutcn taneou.9 dye, and does not injure the skin. Larje bottles, Is.
fed. Lockyer's is equal to tiie most ocnensive uair restorer. OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER is th JLj best tor restoring grey hair to its former colour. It produce perfectly natural shade, and ie absolutely harmless. RecommecdeoJfei 3etroyins scurf and encouraging growth of new hair.
Bottle, Is. fo. Sold by Onemista and Hairdressers everrwnero. iLNERS' XHIEF-RESISTiNG SAFES, JgURGLARYl Mitchell Mais Colliery, Wombwbll. rtEAa BAElvSLEia Messrs.
Milkbub' Sape Company, Gentlemen. On tho night of the Jth inst. our office at tliis colliery was broken into, and the thieves made a determined attempt to got into one of your safes. They wrenched titi tho knob an-rltac escutcheon, and although great violence has beee nsod iu thi at.empt by mt-ans of wjdges, crowbars, we are glad to say thry signally failed, the only damage done being to the lock, which has since been repaired by one of your woranen. I am, Gentlemen, yours very truly per pro-the Mitchell Main Colliery Company; "JOSEPH MITCHELL, Manager.
'November 7th, 1879." MILNERS' SAFE COMPANY. Limited, LIVERPOOL. LONDON (onposite Moorgatc-twtt Station', City, E.C. MANCHESTER i28. Market-street.
lS CHEAPEST DEED-BOX in 3lJ ENGLAND. aize 16 by 12 by 10. Patent lok arid duplicate keys. AIR-TIGHT, TRAVELLING, DESPATCH, and other BOXES, at proportionately low prices. Price list tree.
GKll'ITlHS and SONS, 43 aud 48, Cannon-street, E.C RIFFITHS ami SONS, for SECOND-HAND SAFES. At no other houso in the world caa there bo found such a seler-Tion by Milner aud other eminent maaers Iron doors for strong rooms, party walla at one-third the price or new. List free. 43 and 48, Oannon-stieet, B.C. EV.
Ii. J. SILVERTON, NottiiiKham, is sendini? Ilia HEALTeH ADVOCATE free to sufferers from Deafness. Noarcs, and oiietisive discharire in the Ears, Indigestion, Epileptic tit*, and persons of broken-flown health. Thousands benefited.
NSTANT iiliLlEt' aud a Rapid Cure of Colds, JL Asthma, Bronchitis, and Coughs is given by Dr. LOco*ck'S PULMONIC WAFERS'. Irrom Mr. Dale, ChemLrt, Guoen-street, Poitsee, I consider them unvaluab'o for Coughs, Colds, Asthina, 1'hey taste p'eastuitly. Pnce la.
1 1 d. per bo-i. SIR JAMES MURRAY'S ORIGINAL FLOTD MAGNESIA, the Purest, Has been prescribed for Sixty yoara as the best remedy for Acidity, Indigestion, Heartburn, GiaveLs Gout and mixed with his Lemon Syrup, forms a pleamnt ettec veacing Aperient, especially for ladies aud olilLdren. rJold by allChemiata, in bottles, double the usual size, laSt. and 3a.
6d, each. Askfor Murray's-Barclay ajons. London Chemical Works, Dublin CKLORALUM.NON-l'OISONOOSDISINFECTANT. Destroys Sewage Gas and unplaasant smells, and prevents infection and diseaie. Liquid in and 6d.
bottles, or 5s. tid. per gallon and powder in Is. and 6d. tins.
To be had oi all chemists the Chloratum Company Limited'-, 09. Londnn-vall, E.C. rfURAXAOUM and voftetaWe JL fluid combination for the cure of liver complaint, biliousness, and indigestion. HV Stiniahlini? aM.V... of flip Huor nnH U- inj the bowels, the heavy, drowsy sensations of headache, pain beneath the shoulders, tuuincss.
and syuit toms disappear. TARAXACUM and PODOPHYLLIN. Tho true Remedy of Dyspepsia, iongestioi) of tlie Liver, aDd Stomach Derangement is safer than calomel or blue pill. Made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, Bnylev-sti' et, Tottenliam-court-road whose name is on the label.
Bottles," 2s. 3d. Sold by all Chemitts. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC contains an unvarying amount of quinine and iron. It possesses all the OOWera Of these Valuahle tonics in hanishinir diseases and svmntoms traceable to weaknesa.
It rouses and developed tho nervous energies. enncaes rue oiooa, promotes appetite, disucis languor una aeprussion. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON ONIC st.renKthena the nerves and mnscular svstem. imDroves digestion, animates the apirita, recroita the health. The remedy in wasting diseases.
Bottles (38 doses), 4s. byallChemiets: and J. PEPPER, TottenlramKrourt-road, whor* name is on the label. COBDEN'S QUININE aud PHOSPHORUS PILLS. Tire NEW TONIC Phosphorus is the lilo and food of brain, biood, and nervo.
If your brain is overworked, your nerves unstrung, i you surfor from neous or general debility, or feel a want of vigour and vitality, try a coui-st; or Cobden's vimnino and Phosphorus Puis. COBDEN'S QUININE and PHOSPHORUS PILLS increase tiie capacity lor menial and physical exertion, and restore the system to a nroner condition, no matter from what cause itn paired. 2a. Sd. and 4a.
post free. Sussex Drug Company, 13J, Queea's-road, Brighton. LIVER COMPLAINTS, Bile, Wind, and Indigestion, headache, sickness, torr-id liver, costivenoss, giddiness, spasms, nervonsneas, heartburn, entirely cirred, without mercury, by Dr. KING'S DANDELION and QUININE LIVER by all chemist ai Is. I 2s.
In boxes at is. is. 4s, and 111. INDIGESTION. co*ckLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS.
In uc by all dacs YEARS. 18, NEW OltuUMJ-sTKEET, IXNDON. COMPLAINTS. 1 0Ciiht. llhllilvuS FILLS.
PATENT MLDICINE. In boxes at 1 s. 1 sd. w. 4.
and II HOLLOWAVS OINTMEN1' and PILLS. these me li. menu ti rt uns nrpassnl in all diseases ot the ra.piratr.ry oi an. In common colds and r-oniha, bronchitis, and dirmtncna. and even cases ot asthma, i tha Ointment be well mbbeal into tho chest, end throat, and the Pilla be takon in appropriate doses, to purify the b'ood, a cure will soon fallow.
In neuralgia, glandular swellings, rheumatism, and gout, these remarkable remedies give immediate relief THE DAUGHTER of a SUEGEON (20) DESIEES KK-EXGA'IKUEN'T as HOUSK KEEPER to a Gentleman with onerliifi! without riiltlivn. lor a reJinl home, ia'ory tli-Ad- ores. -15. JI Idrnoy-Rvove, Hirbbuiy, N. a total abstainer, hoWiug a 1 llieaoftrin; slreisa'-ontto misn, SEEKS a aa OtiCiEkfrEl'EU taan eidtr.v Keritli-itian.
Good H-'r- as, and G'ore. Eallns, TlFAXTEl). a SITUATION as HOUSEKEEPER wii-re a s-rvant is kev'-- bva thorouglilyeompetent and ertp'. ricn e.l A tIM-' Iron bu: no salary Miss Uarrista, I'ost-ufliCi, Jlainaee, New-part, Monmouth. WANTED, as HOUSEKEEPEK I 'Sj t.r t'omiauiaii.
'jlioi-omtWy drmvaticatiJ. Wade's Xaorary, ia, Ken-ington Ilich stret 1 TT OJtSRKFEPRK or Coinnauion to a lady. A young II iauv fan vearsor agej iraratsucu tita oil and asiiV-ablc is a good reader, andinusical good references; m'crat AI. Carniigton'a Statxnery Storm, N'oltuiadiill HOUSEKEF.PER.-VAXTED, bv an educated, -Merle rron (domesticated and tiheorful), a. SITUATION res above, where a aereant ia Either in prrTab' istnily or arria 1 tout of Good i-ef.
Ckatlotte-streot, il JiUT'lHED, by a h'iehly respectable young person, an i OT7SK KE fE or any i.tace of trust. A good ofanist. Vive yrsrs' exrerence. I a-mhouse lady i-a-1 years of age! SEF.K.-s a SCTF-VriOXnaobc pivfeired. ,1.
Avery's tarni, -ovvrma, tXr IM'ED. immediately, br a respectable widow, a JY S1TTTATION us WOKKINfi HOUSElEEPi. to sins.o irentleman. widower, or couple; oi as LseralGem.
to a Lady, or Lo il. 13. Grove-road, Ho.lo- wiry, Lvution. A LADV HELP or Useful Companion, aged A Is donw ticated, goad reader, io of childran, au lilislu-d 'iarrist; or would a tem.w:ry eiigonien to tsue ebar-te of cliddr. iboin; the holidays.
Utemsue 1 alter LnristniK. t't-vla particulars la 11., 1, TrefilKcr-slrset, lh.fatun. TlljO SALABY. -Young Lady, 23, SEEKS ENGAGE. 1 MKNT tleruic Christinas Vacation na MOTIttR HELP, C-dr'sCoinpauicn.
or r.nv lisht ilrpacity Jhoronglily donicsticste good ret'ertneet; hom*o in exchanse tor Uriut duties. -B. 7 Farrinad Loudon. HIGHLY reauisctable, active Vidow, mature age, 1 ill iUness. SEEKS S1TCAT10X to Attend eldorly lunvov liivolid.
it be uaeful. country preferred; com-fortabtnliemo sought; saicrv quite secondry consiueratn abla 51., H5, Cliippenham-ioad, St. Peters-paik, J. -dd'tigton. A I.
ADY wishes To FvECOMMEND a person of 50 as VID to one or two lmlies. Goad less maker and kind attendant. trustworthy. AddrciS 31r. G.
rare ot Miss Ajatc, LKir-U' 7 ANTED, a useful Young Person, to WAIT upon VI TilltEE YOb.Nci LSUltb. warn oruer unit u.u,. onV-'opo. Sir Godfrey, 119, Mirk-stract. Grosveuor-squaa-.
IVTEEDLEWOMAN, or Useful Maid in Gentleman's family krowtetlso of dressnmbina character; aged SO. It. i'cwktrsbury-i-oad. Stamfo-ddiill, N. "rVTURaE, or Mother's Help thoroughly experienced.
llj t.oo-i ror'cr- noes. Ace .8. Wages il to. t.13. Not good iteedlc woman.
Town cu- c.untry.-F. 4 jNCiiSii. an elderly, irastworuiy peiauu, i. A baby from the month. Address A.
Mrs.Diew, bnowccn-terrrrce, Cartton-road, Ei'drurii. A COOK (Good-. --Soups, entrees, fish, game, jellies, A plain a id ianev sieetj. Two and a halt years' ciiamctt lowu or V3, tiieat l-ortland-street, Uxterlotrcot, lOOKorHOUSKKEllPER, in ot DusmesBor i tr.aasi t.nwt. Widow.
SO. -), all found. -T. Pi. Ilendon s-i-ert.
W. 0 (thorough') on a' job for month or two. Address it. Little MaTrnaiie-sriect, -aiimc" ib Pi' Af'Xi and "HOUSEMAiD. thorough, is Town or country.
Good K', Uiuan-ilreet, Etirivare-road, W. -OOK (eocd) PLAIN. Careful; aood cliaracter middle ar town. Address A. M.
N'cw-strcot, IVrl'and- town. t. Johu's-trood, AB. WISHES foi-aPLAUN COUts. rb-oir.
aSc 15 month's food character. Wases A. East Tilbnry, liomford, JSKex. TOOD PL AIN COOK, on job, day. or week no objec-T tion to housework.
Gooi 7, Rutland-street, Piinlico. ITUATIONS WANTED, immediately, by Thrse thorough Smants-COiiK, HorsEMAlD. and NL CE can take babv ftoip the month ages SO and at gtoa iMl-J. l-'ortt's, If Holioway-roa HOUSE PARLOURMAID or Housemaid; A wad wed tall 'good needlewoman, town or UsTl'aik street, Grcsvenor-squnrp, H'. UtasccaUorenrlose envtLp HOUSE and PARLOUR "MAID in a small private family.
Two years' 1 Tautiton.road. AortJillect, YlSfANTED, a SITUATION as HOUSEMAID ago 20 Wagvs 1 all found. Three jcors' good Miss liarton, irTfVfrsii'Af AT'n nr 'Xitrh'enmaiil." under acook or housa- SlL youn1; woman. from iho West of England -Address E. N'ail, it, Lanoing-stve-t, Enttc.
naiuir-. the abovo. s.piaie. AS JiNDEK- in a gcutier.iau laiaur, aged 15. Fifteen months' grol character from present sitinliun.
55, ilanip-tcad, N.W. superior "GENERAL SERVANT, or Working Hou-clreepjr. Ase 15. Two pcr.onal cbaiacter. Can cooi!y B.
.18., Strand. A GENERAL SERVANT or Plain Cook; 29 tell we' conducted vcung well rtyommtnded by lust ni.stres.-. Jaae, lis, Park-street, oMV. GB-N'EEAL SEHVAXTS, or t5ook and House and Parlour Sisters. Two years' cla-acter.
Heeom-mended by the In-titution for Proto.t-jut Servants, Museum-street, Oxt'ord-stieec, net door to Jotudte's Library. EDUCATIONAL LOXBON OP.GAN SCHOOL and COLLEGE of MUSIC, pat. lSSji, 11', Vipstrect, UcKout-sireet, W. Piano, tiuguis', violia, flut-e. rsaii ami liractiv, per coiuso.
Leioasday andovyoiivr. Projwjstufor onebtump. SCOTSON nnc-pal. will on January 1. Ttarnii.
TiLitioii iroui 10 to 15 etiiricws, Board iiiz a year. Appl? to tho Ucv. SV. Ucll, M.A., the Head Master, or Y. Knocker, Tflt! iiOIl, CHRIST'S COLLEGE, Finchlev-, Master, Iiev.
Ii. W. GALLOP, M.A. Eyvs can uow bo entered for the January tL'rm, i-'or protcii- appjyjo tho Jiead vLi.ter. 0 The Ti'ixt TERM bfsins Jninutry 22.
Apnly to the etarj; Ttoht College, near KSE TT COLLEGE, "EsceV, acres of park-like eiuutb dairy tarm: lt diet. Tiie rinciiiul hua had .16 year' schola-tiee-xperinu-r. Fes, tu include a thorough Education,'h, 21) yiiicas. VJ COLLEGE.
h. FYNRS-CL1NTON, M. A. a double First CiassAIan), assist ed by Iiipht Hcs-Ulont t-rarluats Ala-itew. Two Resilent Jtreign Masteis rur I'rpnuli aud (iennnn.
Boys irnrtfi toioughlv for tlic I'nivtviiti, Army, Nary, Indian. Civil, andMw-csuiile Junior jJ.LiHUnifnt jo? lkiys from to IiTRnrsoiiwc. Fion, tiymriaiuiii, icc, Kc. Tmms, KEY, I EDUCATION. At ONGAli GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 2J 20 mile.
fwm London, pupils receive a thorough niorcantiio oducation. A Pryparatofv lur Little Boys. Twenty acres of ground. Purt; miti: froTU dairy iurm, Ihbt unlimitL'ti. Fros-peclus ahould bo swr.
for dttuil. very uitxiei-utt; and uiclai.e. CLAl-K. "GRA'MMAR SCHOOL, Moi lcuhfad, 8 from London. Thirty no no cliarro for lai.nlre or well arlniited and heaitUily situato 'JO acrjs oi ect-ry fa.iiity t't-r out' rcercaaon.
cri'-iei, riisik ami s'rom pchool t'avni. Preiwrnt ory dopftrtmerit. Principal tutor mauv years. No corp-jnd puniphmt.i)t. No a'Uii'tt'r'a r.oiiee.
Bert diet. "iMerenw the SCHOOL for YOUNG IiADlSS, 5, TJkj Orange, 3i.oplierd'?-bu--h, W.A liraitod uuiiiber oi ladie received between Tbo ages oi fisaud fom-tc-en, who arc instructed in the uscai I-ranche-i oi Macauon, Everjlhinf; is dmui promuto the Lanjune-S andcomt'ortof the r.upils combined with riiTn and rehtnous The boose htnillj-situited, fainthe trreon, oTerf*ckiu largo croquet bact. A vvellrfittoi bath room. Ercdlant rpftrence to clorgymen otliTf). Term1 modcra.e.
on atplication to prui'-i COLLEGIATE -SCHOOL, Deal, rrincipul, J. K. LL'SH. This MlabhtfUinftnt otfew on truis 1st, a sound commercial education, siuTial attention bo in? paid tomocien- ant-hinetb. bootkepinjr, ind, tJiorough urcparationiorthc University looal.theiuetlicc.tandhsalpV-'iiminary, the Londnn niaUicufation, and kindred tisjiiinatioii-i.
Locality one of the healthiest ia and. Rcistrai-Uene-Ul's Heport.) Pre- pirat ry dctartmeut lui'ttiu boy-, (Browne's) for BOYS. New Sohemc, ls73. 5kmid Rndlittera'. education ethibitii-c.
Hpaiatc Tur.T.s inclusive, and JiitS-a vear. A.iply to C-rk. PIANOFORTE. A Iziiv (Silver Medallist R.A.M.) DEf-dliFS an ADDITIONAL PUPIL. Testimonials from, wjjl known proieJO-'S.
Address C. ABhdon and Parry, HauoYerciiiare, LADY EEQUTllES a RE-EN-Jjj as fiOYERNEVS. Lnghh. including advanrod Anthim-'tic and Emtlisli Lit.ra-.ire. ftineh, Latin, and Muwc.
Eisht exihine. E. Tho Norwiih. EDUCATION. A Younjr Ladv" DESIRES" a RE-EN'liAGEilENT as RESIDENT CJOVEUNE Enxlih, fcood inv'c and irenu and Ki-aninjEteailv: yoars' exi-urit ncu tulhry fM' to Addrea caro of Dr.
JoUvtr, JXjningion, Spaliiiii, Ladv highly RECOMMENDS her DAILY GOVERNESS, hiviiit; rfmhed the edacat-ion of her tlivixhten. hete.hea, Music, and Beta, Mr. Burde tia'H, 7 Irfingivn. fBUCATION'-HOLIBAY' 'ENGAGEMENT RE-JjJ QUIRED by ayoung (iermin LADY. Freu.h Unontly; is Kood museum.
No talair. Addru-a Mrs. B-, Bea-onslield, Anerlcy, "AT A I N. SITUATION REQUIRED as GOVERNESS now or after Chritrra Thorongh English, l'Yeiifh, Drawuij, and Salary JiSO.Aiw, as Nl :K3EP.Y En.lUh, Freuch, Music. Salary 20.
Town wantrj', Miss PaIac-road. EDUCATION--A ciergvinan's daughter "REQUIRES 6 HOLIDAY ENGAGEMENT. Engii-di, French, German, Lit in. and --ili'ii1 TtieCrewcut. Bord.
1'DtATrON. --SITUATION as "DAILY GOVER-MZi NLSS WANTED by a IMr -i to the caro of little Good English, aud Hisheet i-efcrencte. Address M. 4 ottiu.i-hiU) w.
t7 A 10" N. GO JjJ DESIPEI. English. J-'ren-h, and Alusii. Entire charyo.
Address X. "i awiia-cottage, Furest-hdl, "OEQUiliD. after Christmns, hv an experienced JX, lady, RE-ENGAGEMENT as GOVERNESS, Co.nia-iion, oi- posiuonoi omed to cluluren vr-i-y EnKiish. anl Jluiic Addreu A. 10, Great Hn-mita uret.
y.i:'phig, Londoi. HEAD (English)" GOVERNESS. A Lady who "has iho lical cxaminatiot: LESlKlriS a KE-EN-GA-Ml-NT. rlie will be in Loudon thi? wte': lor tuti views, The Laiie? Agent, York; and .0., itestMit-stvevt, Lou.tba, Y. PEEMDIGALS.
THE LADIES' "V'ORLD. 1(3 Pa.lieautifnlly THus-tmtfd. Ev.rv Out- Pcnnr Monthly, tid, Each number tonbins A COMPLEiE svTORY, half the oniir-si'e ox joLrrml, besides many other novel at! The tone-, ivritteuiu a uiiUins atyk; by the best wriiors ut the dav, will Le im wisely inteitstaig. -ncon-fiiui-jiceol the enormous deini.nd for the tii-st monthly i the beautiful pluto of H.K.It.tbe of V)loiJnd the. iit Koj-al Clukireu, also The Fashiou Book, over 1,000 ijattems tlio iviude oi tin.
baf; numbeiii have been ar.d the -ond now p-ady. Pnco Six-leute. World'- Oilier, Lowlon. TW0 PARl'-NTS. Pure nml Healthy Literature for the jL Boys, Vn-t nt sun with a copy of next TTESDAYVS issae rii THE Vi3lIJJ eontainiin; the openin; TWO NEW GRAND Eill Eutf.ed ALFRED of ENGLAND and TlMOlHY SIMl'LE.
the LEAK T.OY of NOI HALL. Coiiductod by the Editor of the '-(. Gi-. L.KUe)'orld, One Penny, tcryriday. mKE "VvORLli POCKET LIBRARY is new JL issued euT.v TUESDAY.
Eich uucuber corituina a compkto and i iteresting scory, beattifuliy illustrated and bound in LO.O'.ued wr.ipie". Penny. The ilrst seruu numbers, eoni'iitiii o. JnlLary, PJiool. aud o'rher Stems of
be tu i.ost-m 7d. "Boy's Otiico, 1:, London. nniiE CHEISTMAS XUSfBER of C'HAPPEL'iJS JL MA AZCXB costtini the 1-AMOK Ml'SIC ty 1J' Albert, Lm.oihe, J-. Metim, and Lnula Ciirnarrla i arree.r- Ohantic.e 1'Au 'e Val 't'rre Polkri ire yea a ill. ties ,.1 aitv roiuiA-ra ttwet o.o.--, nor harlrs D'aMbert.
Lamsthe. Kaiilt- Waidieaiel. finite- iiOdfiw. f.Vjvier Jtetnr. A.W.
Niaholncua ir. i os-arre irtt-. 1 n.i. ai Cr. liorrtl-stiert.
W.Tt.-, Icl. Pa. Van riorr rer.rir. BO F.
I. il A if A I E. Illustrate-. AUISUIOM'S VOTAK'ES. By Author oi Golden A LNMlTV.
-lEANui; AS TTtUl'H. Three Laigest and eat the Worl-J. Locdsa John 31., Strand all MirrtaasetinCbina frames at 2ffM and Mechanii 24s. Jet and Silver Ornaments. A large Stock ofvinSJ for the New Year.
riKw A SHALL atrd Wt ELGRoTlt The Jersey, Rambler and Ronr Costumei, the principal nove'ti. nj introduced ia London, Scai-boroufih. ad lV JTarshall a-id fff-rfc ggmana-. Aiw the u. knitted Woollen and Spun jgrT: BosmOttAaal.Kav.BBmu.ndBta.
A prettyiricM ovening wear, IndianMushn Orsssaa. lv, ir r)i fromctccSS. teSf'T t0 from 7s. Sdfw: WiSsiUa to. 4s.
thedtws. TailatBja2L S. 1S, body piece andSSPr3 and iPink trt-i' VMnli rich Cashmere Cojtumea in citam lfd Smri 404 Materials, at A A and SnTLTJWVlj; A 8MB 0 E. In theje pepartmento wia be found aw'Sii, SclTO? MABSHA el-gsoYe-- price dnn Brusseli extra quaUty.s. 3d.
and 2s. M. Eojal deeo a pnee but slightly excess of Brussels, sises.wiUbosoldvori-rheap. A largl. stock of IndraiL nEiSev anrf Persian carpels.
Indian rugs at 8s. tt.i. and i 's. od iary. ano MARSHALL and SNLLSSOVE, Wholesale and Retail Warehousem*n and Irarjo-tera vere-street, Oxford-street, and Henrietta-street, W.
CJWAN and EDGAR beg to that (J prepared with ANNtTAL DISPLAY of FANCY Gtwn suitable, for CHRISTltAS PRESENTS. cjstinV pttaciS? Potatr- a saa; RESENTS Artistic. XJaeful, and Durable. N0 diffit cnity now in selecting! really u(nl and seasonable PEESPV1 from the imrrtatioiB, coDiprising beautiful Japanese FoldSi. Screens, Lm'oroidenos, Paintmga, and a it awmblageof DeirrSif Oriental Objects, from 6d.
to 100 Gnineae. 01 Jewrattt. FARMER and ROGERS, 117, 119, RESESTrSTEMer. ORIENTAL HEARTH RUGS, from 19s. 6L INDIAN DTJRKIES, from Ss.
6a. each. MANUFACTURER' STOCKof LADIES' WINtES DRESSES SELLING OFF at off the cost c. anting of Fiench loule wool arrges, iu the, rich, faaliionariil warm, dark colours. Price per yard.
Patterns freflrnHaS HOOPER, 52, Oxfordtroet, W. ree-J0HK EVENING largenI1nri De Lamea, Cachemiros. Pompadour Grenadines, Gold and Silte. ri.inidinrs. liuraasac and all the raot biiiiant gas-light colours.
Liaette a.remidincs ltd. ner v.l?l JOHN HOOPiltt, 02, Oxford-street, W. Patterns free. nt ON AN AVERAGE, about every seven days, OPPO. SITION VELVETEENS to the "LODIS" ate ittrted.
tuid endeavoured to be introduced to public notice, under onn niml KriT onlv is tlte i.t-ln.'. DEOEIVL, but they are actually asserte 1 to be eaual or sunerin. THE PROPRIETOR of the LOUIS" VEL TOTEfiN7wMst SL" ting that "imitation is tho sineerost form of flattery," cannot hnt CAUTION tho PUBLIC that the genuine article ii sSKnE VERY YARD, AT THE RACK, THE LOUIS VELVETEE? in plain letters. AVOID ALL IMITATIONS, UNDER lr NAMiS THEY ARE OFFERBD. A CHRISTMAS GIF T.
CARTER'S PATEKT RSADtNG EASEL for holding a bookorlampmanypositioa over an easy choir, and ecreening the face from the fire. A deSeioush? luxurious arrangement. Drawings and prices post free. J. CARrEt 6k, New Cavenoirrh'Street,, W.
BREAKFAST iu D. CARTER'S PATENT REVOLVING BED TABLE, adjustable to ay height or inch, nation, for reading and writing. Price from 2 5s. Drawings J. CARTEL, 0a, New Cavendish-street, Great Portland-street, W.
VENETIAN BLINDS. -CARR'S PATENT WOVEK LADDER WEB, for neatness and durability, ia far superior to the old-fashioned otiched tapes. The cross straps on which the lathi rest will not break away, being woven into the outer web. It ii ready for use, made in all sizes to suit ecery width of lath. To bi had of aUBhnd Makers and Home Furnishers.
rpHE MANDEVTLLE BEDROOM SUITES (Earl, i English Designl.of solid ash, plain or handsomely decorated price 16 guineas, suitable for first-class houses, manufactured exclu. aively by Lewin Crawcour and are incomparably the most elogaai and cheapest goods offered to the public, superior to those usuallysold at 35 guineas. By the application of machinery to the manufacture ot this i-uniimre we have succeeded in producing a suite of high (juality of artistic design, and at leas than half the ordinary cost. Each Suno comprises a handsome Wardrobe, with large plate-glass door lira aired Chest of Drawers, elegant duch*esse Toilet Table, ntiei with jewel boxes and glass, double Waehstand with marble top and Mintoh tile back, pedestal Cupboard, Towel-horse, and three Chair, made of the above solid hard wood price 16 gniriert complete. Every ona furnishing should see those, aa notning hitherto produced canpoasiliit compare with them.
To Hotel Proprietors they will be invaluable ro: their solidity of construction. LE WIN CRAW COUli and Houss and Hotel Ftiiriishers, 73 to 75, BromptOD-road, London. BROWN and GREEN'S KITCHEN RANGES, These celebrated PRIZE MEDAL RANGES continue pro eminent for saving fuel, generaiconvenieace, aud heating baths. BROWN and GREEN'S GEM COOKING STOVES are portable, requiro no brickwork, are easily managed, heat quickly, cure smoky chimneys. A customer writes "Ono scuttle of coals lasts three days." Another! "Cooks for tea persons with 81b.
ooal per day." Illustrated list free. Br inn and Green (limited), 72, Bishopssate-street, London, and Luton, Beds. "rTWRNISH occur SYSTEM of iUKUHASlNG. NEW and SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, CARPETS, by easy instalmaiits. superseding all others; no extra tlii.ty showrooms to select from.
Prospectus, catalogue, and cie'ailed Pta post free MIDI AaSiJ TUNISl-ilNG Jill AS' iS, and 22. Judd-street. Luston-road, two rainuteo' vrali of liLig's- erosa Railw Station. Maran'r. GlvO.MlCtiAtX.
TjiUXtiNlSii THKObtiHOLT Oa THOMAS and SONS' EASY HIRE SYSTEM. The cheapest and mcst accommodating. From worth to any amount All goods urarkod in plain figures. No extra charges, 'ilurtj Shew Rooms to select iroin. Estd.
nice list wiihtenas post irea 30 and 41. Onarlottc-'Otreet. Ralhbone-place, Oxford-street, W. oZ thS NEW HIRE SYSTElC JC Over 40 Wholesale Houses to select goods from. iReff.
THE GENERAL FURNISHING COMPANY, Cilices, 9, Southampton-strott, Strand, The New Hire System is iiuite distinct from anything ynt at. tempted. Konsrs, ajartmaits, Jrc, can be furnished shrougtioul w.thuut increased yeariy expenditure. The Pubhc Prrss directs th attention of merchants, tracers, and those with itxad inclines to uiese adrantagps. Prospectus, with nnmerona Press opinions, post free.
I BURNISH your HOUSES or APARTMENTS 1 THROUGHOUT on MOEDEB'S HIRE SYraTEM. Theoi-isina', best, and most liberal. Cash prices. No extra charge for time given. IUastrate.1 priced catalogue, with lull paiticulars of terms, post free.
F. 24K, 250, t.enbam-conrt-rc&'l, and 19, 20, an! 2L, Morwell-street, W. EstabUahed ii2. FURNITURE' STORE WAREHOUSES Baker-street Bazaar, W. Dry and clean separate lock-up morals effected in large lumiture vans, by read or rail.
JOHN Manager. VTEVV "SLOW COMBUSTION STOVtiS, comprising the first-class cheap stoves the Albion and Dwati," Loth lined with fire also Brown and orteu's Ventilating Stovo, which, with tho improvements 6UiTgotd by thirty years ei-pcrirnre, is acknowledged by the trade to be oucof the best stoves ever invented. Ii. and Double-action Stove is exceedingly powerful and when connected with the external air. supplies a contnmous volume oi ire-all.
warm air, thereby purifying the atmosphere of the room. Tiiera Stoves arc all entirely free from unpleassnt smell and tho hiiurious gases evolved-from overheated cast-iron stoves. Ptospectus post free. BROWN and GREEN (Limited. li.O.
DUPLEX LAMPS. The light of 21 sperm caudles at a cost of Joss than one farthing per hoar; a steady, pure, and healthy flame, not injuring the choicest works of ait. liEANL'and New Season Stook now on Sale. Engrarinss post, free. Glass.
I China. 22s. 40s. 03S. 78s.
17s. ISs. 6i 31s. 63s. Bronze.
Ormolu. 30s. 28s. 40s. 588.
26s. 31s. 54s. 75s. Retined Rock Oil supplied by Deane and at Is.
per gallon. DEANE and 40, King William-street, London Bridge. A.D. 17C COALS. HERBERT CLARKE, Great Northern Railway, King's-cross, Kensington, Wanviek-road.
HoUoway, I-'mabury Park, Clapham Junction, Elephant and Castle. Loueh-borough Junction, Clapham-road, Brixton, Camberwell, and Nunhead Stations (Peckham), High-street, Wandsworth, and Hackney Wie-ic aud Victoria Park Depot Silsstone, 23s. Best Inland. 239. Best Wallsend.
25a. H. C. Selected, 24s. Cooncr and Silkstone, 23s.
Best Wigaa, 23s. SiiJsstone, 22s. Black Shale, Double Diamond, 22a. Derby, Barnsley, 21s. KiKben, Bakers', 16s.
Cobbles, 18s. Hard Steam, Nuts, Best co*ke, 10s, per chaldron. COAJURICKETT, SMITH. 25s. Selected, R.
S. and Silkstone. 23s. New Silk-stone, 22s. Derby, 21s.
Kitchen, lfls. Bakers, ISs. Cobbles, li-a. Stoam.198. Nuts.
co*ke, Welsh, Arc. Cash. G. N. King's cross; L.
and N.W. Ry Worship-street, E.C. Victoria Whurr, Gro6venor-reAd, Piraiico L. C. and D.
Elephant and Castle and Clapham and at many other depots, at iac-ii prices. CAUTION: RICKETT, SMITH, and Co. roa'pectfully renuest the Public to AUDRESStliemimdcr theirFULL NAMK at one or other of their recognised othces. They arc re, -tiring con-staat complaints of mistakes which have arisen througn the publn ineorrectl- addressing their orders. LEA and Best 'WaUscnii, Hetton, or Lambton, 25s.
tier ton best Wigan, best Silkstone. 23s. best Stailord, 22s. New Silkstone, 22a. Derby Bl ights.
2ia Bariulcy, 21s. Kitchen, 19s. Hartlcy.lSs. Cobbles, ins. Nuta.
18s. Steam, co*ke, 12. per 12 sacks. Cash. Bpots: Highbury, N.
Kings, land E. Old Ford. E. Grant Northern Hallway, King's-cro-j Nos. 4 and 5 Wharves, Regont's-paik Basin, N.W.; 1 Wharf, War.
wick-road, Kensington. and elsewhere. COAL, GEORGE J. co*ckERELL and Coal Merchants to tho Uueen and to the Uoyal Family. Best Walls-end.
Wallsend. Class B.iSs.r Best Inland. lnliuid. lass Best Derby Brights, Nuts, Best Gas ixike.lis. Caihori delivery.
Special rites mioted to country buyers for coa.s in (riihill; Eaton Vharf, Pilrjico; l-urllcft Whan, Larl-slreet Blackfriars, and elsewhere. Also at Brighton and Croydon at local prices. COAL. THORNICROFT and Co. deliver best do-scriptions only, viz.
-Best Wallsend. 26s. Best Silkttone. Lundhill, much liked. 23.
Best Derby, 21s. Best Kitchen. 19s. Nuts. 17s.
co*ke, Lepots, lung's-crosa, bt. Pancres, WJiitschaoel, and Elephant and Castle. C. CLARK ta'S Best OLD SILKSTONE, 22s. CiKh.
Colhcry Offices, King's-cross Station. Agent, JAMES J. MILLER, C0AL3. D. EADFORl) and Best Wallsend, 26s.
Hartlepool, 24s. Newcastle, 23s. Talk-o'-the-Hill, 23. Cooper best Silkstone, 23s. Silkstone, 22s.
i.hesterlielos. 21s. Deri.y Brigkts, 21s. Kitchen, 19s. Steam, ISs.
Nuts, lbs. co*ke, 12s. welsh smoio-lesa and Anthracite. Orders to Paddiagton Station. or to New Wharf.
Grosveoor-road, Pimlico, S.W. 10ALS. RUABON COAL COMPANY, Greot Western Railwav, Paddington, toil Merchants to her Majestv. Best, 24s. New, 22s.
Silkstone, 23s. Kitchen, 20b. and Nuts. Gas co*ke, 12e. Cash.
6 S. and C. PARRY. -North Londoa Railway. Calodonian-road, Wallsend, i.
Wwan Wallaeod. 23a best Silkstone. Parry's SUkstone, best Derby Brights, 21. Kitchen, 19s. Cobbles, 153.1 Nuts, 18.
IJelivered the-roughly screened. Gas Coeo. i2s. for 12 sacks. Netoash prices.
Depots at tho London and North Western, Midmnd, Great Nortaerc. Gr'sit Esetom, and Great Western Railway Ooalyards in London and sutnua s. COVLS," CO-OPERATiVE COLLiEitY C0MPAKT deliver their Waasenfls Hand Pickcdat a conds, 18s. per ton A. MERTON, Mancgcr, Pan ias-road, N.W.
and J. CHARLESWORTH deliver dircet from their Collieries to the consumer r-Kobm Hood Wallsend. Best Silkstone, 2ris. Kotbwell Haigh Best 22s. Klockton, 21s.
Victoria Silkstone, 21s. Beit Bnghts. 21s. 19s. -Nuts.
1-s. per ton. Brown, sole agent, li, Coal Dept. G.N.R., Kiug's-cross 12 Arch, Paccras-road, N.W. and Amelia-street Coal Depot, Walwortlaroad, S.b.
COALS. Best, 2.5s.; Lowest Cash Prices. E. and W. STtJKGE.BridgsWnarf.
City-road, E.C. Ilest Wallsend. iA; aeconds, 24b. Silkstone. Wigan.
Derby kitchen, 16. co*ke (12 sacks), hard steam, reconds, ,18... sott aMm. Hartleys. nuts, Welsh smokeless team
E. and W. St urge. Bridge Wharf, City-road, E.U, St. Panciaa and Paddington Depots.
BRYAN and Nine Elms Whan, Vauxhall, S. Hefons Wall-end. 20s per ton best tw. castle. Silkstone.
22a. Derby. 20s. Walnut CobWoi totciienerj, ISs. Oike, lis.
DeUvcred at Clapnam, Brixton, Drdwich, TnU-mll. Bclgravia. kensington, or any oi London at a short notice. Casn pricea. Telegrams ana orders by ist i-rotaptly attenu.odto.
COAL" Df ITS INTEGRITY direct from the 1 to the C. CLARKE'S Jest Old 22a. anidirto bet Silksione, 21s. Athersley Silkstone, 22s. ewwn, habers, and silkstone, 23s.
Brails, 22s. ThomcUffc Main. Wombwell, Main, Earl Fitz William Main Palkgate House, Nuts, 18s. SILKSTONE and LXSECAR COALOWNERS' COMPAN King'rc, Hohoway. Pinabury.park.
Elephant ond Castle, and Goorgetiect, Poitmaa suuarSnaser A nils J. MILLER. Kme'-woesStation nOALS. Special Notice. 1,000 tonn of RICKETTS and Co best Wallsend and Silkstone must be removed the Great Northern on account of new Best Wallsend.
Silkstone, 13s. Sold by other merchants at 2i. and tt- HTl s.H.-.l.Jaa.n-.i'jrav. a.j tl'i'AViLlal (JOAL ana mux (JUli'A- I Best Coals. Ks.
rrcconds. 21a. Bnghts, Large Nutu-cash Ordnl to J. TCRNBULL, Sole Agent, 2, St. pancms.roa'l.
N.W Camden Srar.on. Mileage Wharf. Paddincton Konsfcgtoa rulbnm-bridge- Amelin-stre-et, Walworth; Wandsworth-road Station. A I P. (V.
T' Tp I This cei.braie-1 remedy for GOUT and RHErMATISM has beta un'versa'iv ia-ed for of fifty v.ars with rhe sreate.t So.d by all Chemists, at Is. lid. and 2s. 9 1. Printed and pubiishrd by Ktsn HAJ.ns No.
20. Boaverie-street. in the City oi London, Printer, at tne office ia WhitefriitJ. TcnSM. DtXMBSa j.
179. pair: Austrian Striped ditto. eiSJ Qx ff.r Blankets from 5s. rdtper rr Warm' eh Wiitt; Haanela. 58 inches Xi(CSvJi Tffi, r.
ilW THE BEBEL of the FAIIILY." By'SIrs. Lysn totoy. The Xen- Serial Storr in tlw JAXUABS XL-JIBEK of ne aimunrr. A', tlw tiatl wiU arpoar Xo. 1 oi theTh-rd Serieaof mHR OOVKNT-G AEDEN MAGAZINE.
JL Cuuduch- bv W. II. And wuieri li eoiitain s- feral new featrirai: eat. Snail d. W.C.1 mHK CMlSTMAS NUMBER of' JL FBI-IE QUEEN, tint LADY'S NEWSPAPER, and JL COURT (UROXICLE.
is now raadv. JEICE ONE SHILLING. It contains an RIGINAL PICTURE in COLOUBS Y1' LE-TIDE in CANADA, specially designed for the Queen isuitablo for framin.1. WO FULL-PAGE SOBJECTS, reprsaentiiog THE LEGENDAKY SAINTS EIuNGING PEESENTSto CHILDEENouCrPJ.SrjIAS PORTRAITS of ENGLISH CHILDREN in the OOSTTT.Mli cf VARIOUS I'ERIOIiS, after Paintiniby Sir Reyiiolda, Thoma-i Gainsborough, and other lamotis Aitista, ENGK'AYISgS of the NEWEST DESIGNS for l-CEEEXS aurl OVERMANTELS, sliowiae how to display Art and how to -rrnnge China and Pottery ia artistic stylo. I'LLUSTRATIO-NS of MORNING, PROMENADE, CARRIAGE.
DIXXER, and BALL DRESSES, after the latest Models. LLUSTRATIONS from thfi" PRINCIPAL CHRIST-HAS PIPERS on "the NEW rATS'CYWOiliK of SEASOX, Chnreri Eo-rationr-. CrewtlEinbio'dery, Chiitmas 0 if Trees, Chribtmaa Gaines ami Chrisnniw Treasure, re. ACROSTICS, NEW MUSIC, e. a UEEN OFFICE, 346, STRAND, W.C.
mHE LADIES' TREASURY for JANUARY will con- JL tain tho openinK chapter? of a New Serial Novel of imftaffirg intnest, entitled DJ HIS POWER, to be completed in the yearly volume, riHE LADIE 3 rTRE ASU forJANUAR? wiU con- tuin a Coirmloto Tale by C. Ha.wilto?., Author of Chrittiaa Hazell'3 Married IiEc," entitledONCETOO OFTEN. rg HE LADIES' TREASURY for JANUARY will con-i tain OUR T1UP TO ALGIERS, by Lady Leta The Silkwona Suiry of ius Litu Uliustiat-N-li him Severn's ConTcrazioe, No. 1, By rglHE LADIES1 TKEASURY for JANUARY will JL ILLUSTH ATI0N8 of tho MOST FASHIONABLE COSTUMES, darls- described A Coloured tasbion Plato Neadle-Tt-ork, with engrravins.i and dcsoriptioEs Paris Letters No'cs on DressmakinR Cookery Poetrr Pastimes Games On Dits yuestiuna Aaktc and An-fworcd, Engnhies, arc IN the LADIES' TREASURY 'for JANUARY will anpoar a NEW and ATTRACTIVE; DESIGN, easy to work rv con.fQ,Tri-v,'iPn finihnfb nf a fWAIR fir SOVA TTDV. HE'LADIES" TREASURY is first olass.
Mrs. War- JL ren's School oupht to be attended by every maid and matron Ytlio aosircs make liome attractive auu 10 mm oveij tviiicitj uaeu the titchert tothc bescc'ount SheftiPld Post. HE LADIES' TREASURY" fashion plates ore a aie a hi'-'hlv crsditbl(. But although the editreai he 'is hr rriends well potod in matters of drew, Bho to take an lymal deliffht in hDiiint: them in thoso nnmcrJii- household duties u-i i -h h1! tn rhfir In: av bv dav. KviTv number boars ttiztiT.onv fo this none more so tha'u the one now "lyirisj before us.
Wakeiie.d Exnrcfis. iMirrLADiES' TREASURY. TMa 'is. iiicloed, a4raa-JS turv of thing and is seasonable in respect, In-deyd, unetlier a luby itislios to know how to or Cjok iitly, or be made aware what poes on in rhe world of lashion, -hfha- only to turn to it to be satinlled. ftnilE LADIES' TREASURY i in reality a household JL nv Kazine, 3n these vrs, whon wuention in dome-tie matter.
ia so much mristc-3 upon, vp- know of no niagAina bettsr calculated to help forward the work. Preston Herald. Sixpence Monthly; by postT-Id. London Eenn-oee and Sous, 10, PatemosfeMraildms. FOUNTAIN is a high-class family newspaper THE FOUNTAIN lias a large and rapidly increasing circulation.
THEF6UNTAlN is published evyry Thursday Price One Penny. FOUNTAIN'S offices arc "at'4( Ludgate-circus, Loudon, E.C, rnHE "FOUNTAIN ia filled with a great variety of JL intcrcs-hjg matter. THElB'OtJTAIN contahisau Oriainal Sermon by Dr. Parker. THEFOUNTAINgoe3 to every part of the civilized world.
EE FOUNTAIN is a valuable medium for advertisers. nnHE BUILDING WORLD for DECEMBER (illus tratcMl), puce by post coatains Tho Ilistory ot English Phurch Architecture. By G. (Gilbert Scott, M.A., F.S.A. Xlf.
St-. Mark's, Venice. Building Sorvc-yors oncl the Building Aftt. The Council House, Shrewsbury. Pirtj- Structures.
Eiizabethan l-'uruituro. I. Curiosities of building; and Archi- teai-iro. SoTnotliing New from Africa, Leeds Architectural As9ociatiori. btato ot Traac.
auinmary. 31, So'uthauipton-strect, Stmnd, and all Booksellers and Newsagents. PUBLICATIONS. BOOKS FOR CHIUST3US PRESHNTS. work in 1 price 6s.t e.ejfftntlv printed and bound, and illustrated bv Sir -T.
Oilbcrt, Milkis, H. Himt, Poyntert Leech, Foster, Tenniel, Sondya, E. Hughes, fire HURST and BLACKETTS STANDARD LIBRARY of CHEAP EDITION'S of POPaLAli WORKS, now comprising Slick's Nature and Human Nature. John Halifax, Gentleman. The Crescent and the Cross.
By Eliot Warburton. Nathalie. By Kaponagh. A Woman's Thoughts about Women. By tho Author of 11 John Halifax." Adam Graeme.
By "Mrs. Ohl-bant, Sam Slick'? Wise Snws. i-ardiual Wiseman's Popes. A Life for a Life. By the Author of John Halifax." Leigh Hunt's Old Court Suburb.
Margaret i'-nd her Bri desmaida. Sam Slick's Old Judx'e. Darien. By Eliot Warburton, Sii- B. Thft Jiiird of Norlaw.
By M. Oliphant. The Iingliauwoman iu Italy. Nnthins New. By the Author of "John Life of Jeanne d'Albret Tho Volley of ft Hundred Fires.
Burke's Romance of the Forma. AdeJe. By Miss Karanegh. Grandmother's Money. No Church.
Studia- from Life. By th.e Author John Jeaffreson's Book ubout Mistress aud Maid. By the Author of "John Halifax." Lost and Sated. By tho Hon. Mrs.
Norton. Tim Rv Vintor Hiuro. St. Barbara's History. By Amelia B.
Bdwards. Lifp of Edward Irving. By Mrs. Otiphant. Sam Slick's American Humour.
Chiis-tiaq's Mistake. By the Author of 11 John Halifax." Alec. Forbes. By'Georgo Mac-Donald, LL.D. Agjies.
By Mrs, Oliphant. ANobloLife. By the Author of "John Halifax." Eixon'd New America. Hubert Falconer. By George Mac-Donald, LL.D.
Tho Women's Kingdom. By the Author of "John Halifax," Annals uf an Eventful Life. By G. W. Uasent, D.C.L.
David Eltiinhwd. By Gwree MacDonald, LL.D. A Brave Lady, By the Author of "John Halifax." HunnEli. By the Author of "John HEihfai," Sam Slicfc'i Americana et Tl.e Unkind Word. By the Author ox John A Roik! in June.
By Mrs. Oh- phant. Mv Little Lady. By E. Frances tovnter.
Junior. By Mrs. Oh- Life of Marie Antoinette. By C. n.
Yon ire. Hurst and Blackett, iiubliahers 13. Gtitarlbowih'street. 3 IR JOHN. Bv the Author of "Anne Dysart," Three at all Libraries "'Sir John has abundFiat merest, without any straying anerthe sensational," A good novo', ot unuottn eiccllence tm-ousuout.
Acaemr. Hurst aud Biackett, great Marlboroub'U-street. THROUGH tho STORM. By Cuables Quentin, at a'l Libraries. "There more tflp.n tiie average in mis uenaemy tale." Athena'um.
Hnret and Blackett, publishers, ILi, Great Marlborough-street. BYTHE AUTHOR OF tXIE'S ju Three crown tjvo, at all Libraries, HE RIOT'S CHOICE. Bv the Author of Nellie's RichaidBentlry and Son, Now Bnrlingron street. BY THE AUTHOR OF In 3 crort-n Svo. iALLED to the RESCUE.
By Anna Deuet, Author oi Fui'nisbcd Apartinenti, jucaa.nj ixjatiey unu 001., 1. A BEAUTIFUL CHROMO-LITHOGRAPH, ause J. 51 by 17, from an Oil Painting fry Horace H. Canty p-iuted in the Highest style of art. is Presented Gratis with the MJMBERoi HOME Just ready, rinee la.
HIUII ART and SOCIAL Besides the usual Stories, Fashions, and Valuable Supplements, including I. CUT-OUT PATTERN of LADY'S PRTNCSSS DRESS. '2. A LARGE SHEtll' of FASHION ENJIt WINGS. S.
TllADESilEN. 1. mHE CITY of BUKLESQUE. By Mas Adeles, J. Author of "Outer tlioHurly-Barly," Illustrated by Autiiue 15.
i liosi-. See Boeton's Ohrisrmiis Aanaal." price Is. BEETON' 3" CHRISTMAS TRADESMEN. 2. mHE FISHMONGER'S STORY.
By Heitet A Fkith, Illustrated by L. Blood. See Beaton's Christ. mar, Annaal," price Is. BEETON'S-CHBISTMAS ANNUAL.
SEVEN POOR TRADESMEN. 3. mHE TRADESMEN and the PUBLIC. Sea the J. "Tailor's in "Beeton's Christmas Airoual," price U.
EVERYBODY SHOULD RibiAD 5. TEETON'S CHRISTMAS ANNUAL for 1679, the Jj title whWi is SEVEN POOR TRADESMEN. Beeton's Christmas Annual haa now reached its iCth Season, ana-still keeps far in advance of all competitors. London Ward, Loot, and Cof a.i?bury.squnre, E.C. ARCUS WARD and CALENDAR for 1880.
Fifth year ofpiiblication. SKAKSPEREAN CALENDAR for 1SP0. A changeable date blo-k for the wall, in large type, with a quotation Iron; Shakspere for qsery day in the year, with useful infcrination. Printed in colours. I'rics Is.
f-'ecenri vearcf publication. SCRIPTURAL DATE BLUUK, "DAY UNTO DAY," on the name vrincinle as tho above, with a suitable Teitfrora Serii ture for every day. Trice Is. Fiist year of publication. TCVEHY DAY.
A Calendar for men of businMS and i.j hav fl-n snare arineiale as the above. YiHiU terse quotation Irom a stenctarl author for every business day. Price is. To no oi.tamea or an hmuuh. is anu Marcu.
Vard and CT and Cliandofl-street, London, V.C. I'curlh lear of pnldi.ation. MARCUS WARD'S CONCISE DIARIES for the POCKET, for lrrSC The lishtest, handiest, and best serios BfJ i.n.aer in Thr-ee Each Diary can had in' four parts, oaly one oi wlrieh itlnet. manths; need be carried in tie pocket at once. In vatious styles ot bindins, trom a auuiini: Miireus Ward and 67 and CS, Chand4trt, Lyt-ian, W.C.
ARCUS WARD and CHRISTMAS C.iRDS. The new designs Oe nan or all rsooKscuers anu rauey Icilers. lire traao only suppiie.i ny mi. iTiuiuitaetiirer-. MARCUS WARD and CUKIol'MAS CAtiiJS.
The design, for the corninrr season are unrivalled in excellence and aituticfeeiiag. Surpass jniytnins jrevioiislv is'iied. TTCABOUS WARD and CnRISTMAS CARDS. JtI Choice arid setect Poetry and Wi ht. by Fiances Ridley Mavergal, Fiedericlr lansbridge, Henrietta A Luff, Sarah Doudney, and other well-tnown writers.
if ARCUS WARD and CHRISTMAS CARDS. Ji Mi 5 Veraeson Numbers -08, IMi, ami in a speaiai set of Music Cutis, from tho Meaauli," ai-ranseu MissH. A. UurFa onAumttis tOlp. -Oe, M.
ARCUra WARD and 67 and (is, lAindan, W.C. THE CATTLE SHOW. Visitors to London arc-oUciiei to real and fsamirt and FIELD'S laxje -OCK o' papular MODERN BOOKS, in on. Threeiiente in The sa'I'iO" uis'rauuT iinowrai rnoi .1 piir, ot all new bo atis and i.ea.-Gi.i.. rr and l.ra,t La.ri La'.
iHIilSl'MAS PRESENTS and i irllT, A stwi: nr aiu rern.vs.m neTV llew.irr aau rara. -ae err and Graceehuicu stieet. ixiadoa. K.C. lau, discount ill Tho Is.
for HRIS'Ta-AS iiiid "NEW YEAR'S CARDS A large ASSOKIMENT at hvwe. prices to bo sem at GIL3ERT nd FIELD'S, 18, B.C. James and Co. I Pf-roM ll'l'U bill nri one-r 1., 1 lAfinia-i'iovi', I1 Hit W.l, s. r- Iwm.
is. Aa-ia r- h-'a: 'ill. Tir Premisrs kturvru nsr the NV H.lilSh ai V. am- 1 il'LIM. H-1' a.Vuml.' 'I'lio a 1 a r.l Karaiam llie a -jy 'o aactaw.
Abchsrch-ta. ana" A i i 1 'c ir -rl -a? fn mji'i 1 tlaae ''1 l. t. i latrrSar.r arei I1r.r,-.l: '-'r-r, U-, Ab h'l Urr, ty. LAND, HenJou, is IM) rr.iuriK-s' walk Mrl-lall --airi 'a.
i'ria 0 Ai i-iy ta lilliali jmil liar- nr. in. Aaiaia- a VILLA ltl'SIWKNi jr r. a' f-0 vviir Ihonihi i'n t0 u.tri apu nu- il LEASEHOLD IX- Vtsa-AIKST. au uoTir'TS.
ri'y, LF.ASKiin,l) RFSlBEXvT, hf nr 1 i rl At piy vj i.trt: V. 'f KASt.Hyi.llN'VKSTKS fin weokiT prop-Tiy .8 i nttv :4 ui'." tut t1 a i vi''k, VA r.i't' tu i 'rk tu: ami vri. ia rent M'1'. s-i-lv to' lniwt tiM.inviju. mv.ti.iccr, Ab.iuux'h n.f.
nVti.i:.! VSW I ASEI 1 OLD SHOP, in Lonadalo- 15 toil oa lovo a-, layivr. Ic tl I'toUTid rr.i" ti fi. 1'ly to hlUiita Crhai'i) aau liarrjis- a nrt'r, JOisM-room'ed' HOUSK an 1 SHOP, ia'oy-o:'l. v.i'h lassowion. BroMU jato' jL t.
11' t-'i v.a:.. tUuaml lout x.S a yoav. l'rco an in-f 1'. "ti a-srtfm- at 1. 'ivmrj.
icul i r.ti-'. lnuian shall) aataa AaoMiutli-iun t'lty, JUiOMSnntW Capital' iri 'BUSINESS JL I'KEMiSFS. lot at rrr. IMa'dacct it in tho of iMfori Uic r.iia'., at- iJ.
Itwe Ai'iiiy 'o Jaaiiia aueMotm As- LEASFH0L1) M. I.KNVKS. Sitei-irad. prodwoo sxW ncriinatua. at eaca hoarc.
1 eio -T vcurs. obeSo.a 7.0. to a oi to iuutan baara aad'ttaa. t- i'j. Ahcliat li'tan.
'in WBEKLY'PROPEUT tMiiaii ir.s ana k. Irtw.sverat Gi. Prire lmatv.t, au. Alwhtirch-laTO. Loatlon.
To bo SOU), a 1 oa mt r.s at il. oi 1 ilO. 1 l'ri-c tsp'. bo SOi-D. a cbarmutR' FTJ3EII0LD RF.SIDIIX-i T1AX.
L'STATK. atout. SO Usad'Uljr tiai-f oi 1. It is itntrin 'J1 mik't. of amotion luli rid" mm Lin-iy i i 4s ami cV sat dwisai, rartly "or.
u' dpirtlvMvr.o bti 1.. iaptir(chcdirn taoliishroatl by a rat- ri nttotttt1uiIi totrtetntK mid doxratt uitraiire Iia'l. Iroai Vf.nth isttiiw't connmi-m retotition rooras. latt.r cutrptw- ccantanc! ivircr. on.
dirins lO-la. library, n.ona.u; loom. Mr. A iuosn ktahcasa hate to tf b.lnaid roam tla- prar.iiwl iltW tht arc adoul 1-. swiit oi diva.d uijiit jmrHW.
'W bath p. tittM r.p:lr. all brtatt loiry.nva fll Tro ral HH'ia am i oaatit'ully aaa u.rttiiv bavo an: nu rra cbiaarey j-ic 'e-i and otam' doa o.tuf... catirfly oa turn the ot h- lonw. kttritt-n itr.
eytr-' lwuiate. l.otc"::it px-m. wiratit* hall, and otltfr lunave vnno rtde rt ai-age. At a -h rt d'-tanto oar tiro aadm-ll Hirafi! tlirnnion, ar.t and jrenu ts. aitii mri- caacbimn "indbtrdivotns Tie plea-urn troands sunoar.
1 the house, aim a. ti-R d-l tith ctorsci. clwi'c shrubs una trtjw, an) fotvt-r-bls, or. he a jlpa-ins irom 'vi, 'l'h" kitchen isatdeai pr Ir.ctix-. TM.
whole estate iino.tmipletfan.i unitiiw. Jjltis in The ariortl-the society ana EOodhaniins. Neaiiy tl.e tt roU and can bu takc.n by nslmtion it 1'ad raruotilars of iiviraa Sharp and Hu master, (-state ajeatf, aad Liuatioaeero, tti, Abebmch-lane. London. ny6 le LET.
a voit desirable KISIDEXCE. with good 8. f.awwurt andparncnat rctr, most roa't sitttat cote to omnift and traai and Ves--tn l. aa.MMtlun a ir.inatcs' va.kotE.'xt.m Marion, dnmr.
fitc-i and box room, dtws room, liav.rn iti ywa torv. l.i aiiVt roan, irtoi.on. ard soad offio s. rt i per rnnicaiarsard ordi-is t- ttic ot Intacr. MnrpaiM t-tat- asviits.
furwyors, trill auction er E.C. lio. .737.. BRIXTOXr'aear tho Eaitway Stdtion and 'bus and HOUSES for SAT.L. ell e.
'ri-f rrvHi n'i pirt'eular- oi Ivtnan (jhan-a'ai UanrntitO. If. Abih-Jlfh-laae. For SALE, a very desirable HESI-TT DENt-F oa a wo'l tiraltored cita-o war a station, ai.d now to a cood t-nant oa pair.n awe at aa uc atmtitB. iti-p.
t.lsu.-...ply to rrhaip harruuttoa, jtjr.t arid If, Abcaeitb t-itv. OFFICES and SHOi'S at ElsDtTOEO KEXTS, in btrldinr ia City oi London. One. two, or taiw. im- 0 rant corn t.
Partial life or comBoaoB offlso 1t3 Pmato box, Uht. and h.Wso. per attendant. it 1 iff ot M'W' 4 no miuotea irom Broad-jacet Jiiljat- live uom Cannon-stre. -t, se.en liom BUILDING' SOCIETIltS OFFICES.
Establisbod 117 f-'VW iwly t.boetlvan-el. Kvcry undol btuldin, ro iatv bna'ae tttawa td npou virylavoiirabio sa- aep1 1 a.isntncnt. taortsiMA Ae. si octal bo uravyed for saort at simple a.1 iuiormation cpa.y a above. riWO HUNDltED ACKES of highly productiye tva KJrtrontoa raru-a.
ttj frof. The arable ia oi the lniintfriate r-jasesiion oi the land. API to V. Searl-a furveyor, 1, TO ryf SOLD, capital onvro, e-rb lot to flrst-clats tenants 0:1 Ion leases at per annum, a. a Urotind Kent a' taimt annum, well Rctirei, to bp ijtliAppij to lir.
il. llaiuaond, builder, 103, Colvostcc-arcccnt, London, E. CARRIERS, end others. I To b- LKT. in the Strand, near ht.
Mary-lc-Sriaad Churc.i, capi; Wl-SASUiESf 1'KEMIrE oaipri-mg effleta storaso for aatld OTrMiaciousmults. Ivct.t per annum. ptoaiiDm Wed. ba' tSnrw and patent lit to be rahon a Tahtatioa. rosseJlon at to Me.tws.
F-mOrothci-. Lye. anil WUner, aue-r'tendaldaiienn It-rfrw. OLD-ESTABLISHED LODGING HOUsE at ta-oTra-tprmv In L-tod lettiua iKt-tirlon, near lier, Sea. f-ervaii! trios ot theentirj lurai-ineJnd5 full anppty of bed.
and )ab toon, o-dlerj. aud ato. 3k oi whiofc 3 may remain if deairwl. Apenie pio iiot rv-pl; I. The Library, oppeGcnJ.Oi,JBritoa.
iritrTinCrrXTSt and FANCY STATIOXERY BUSI- tvtntiloiis and tlirivinR main thViSbfare ir-Ttli oi Loniioa the'botwe on ieaso, -stock and tlxtures at East-wad. aad the Wharf at tnoderate rate' 31 ILK MILK, WANTED, at any station withm r. T.tborftl -onees for an iratnedialo tSSv "Cinspioridtdand no outlay to ITompt payments-. aiWrJiathn Snncer. (Jotinlry Milk Corjrany iLrmitcaj, tjseunittteet.
Lonaon. Also a QuairUy 01 natter juii. MAUXIFICEXT and'psifect COTTAGE PIANO, iron frame, sold ranel. Anjr r-astmable offer mtvst bo wld 7. Ar.flU-villai, liioakley-roai, bK Also 0T SflCH-tairo Bookcase, SVlOs.
raririi PTii'S'FTfl-tXISHINlir. A profssional mo tie- -H will -in rprenn. Vrt fht stamp, or ii-) Xij-li-viUai, Broskloj'-rosKi, B.J. AlbV UiVUi-iJTaJit. ir.
ttoat.praY.-p. STATIONERS. to be PIS- 1 VOKD oh an old-established COSCERNin a la-ge northevn tn. having wluablo ccnneciion and ia orkin? crierjspecmJv ir iitlemwi. Sutiictory reasons -r disposal.
Fn 1 sired. Aaares v-. ov. at Oriioeti, Oracvcanrrh-strect, Lonaon. MESSES U'EU aJid Public Accountant! and Auditors, 7, Grocers' Poultry, a GEN'TLPMAN is desirous of joiuinft another 4 sei i' emon ai VAHTSBB or part partner in some JSUSINES6.
Coin try oi noit-hboaood of a town Hos A'hurst, Moirir, Crisp, and OKJ oe-try. UKOEITAELE W1NTBU E.NJPLOYMENT. Messrs. HorieTdraw attention to the "GouC and Aladdin 'Ine. i io -iedadv ('esia-aed for hatohins early dueklmss.
tiftineS' iiixpencc-steam kortieiilraral Vors lovi-dirmt-m. 15V.s. rX iPITALonier MONEY "is SOW NEEDED by a 1J weU-kuoa-n Company to increase prohtablo working of taS rwin-c-1 for which ctnttacts are assured, treour.t SaT, 'are 2., Inveatcrf Ageaey, Chancery- lane, W.C. BIIDATIOMS VACAST. VS7ANTED immediately -Will any Lady or Gentlc- troativ i-vrirRTAKE Uo DUTIcs of sant.
Lisiard, Kirkertbead. WELL-KNOWN Continental firm wishes to EX -A GAGE CiSSxLKJlEN for toiling XJSliT BK i on eomm Xli Dir-tawatinneu. HelerettCei waute to b. t. i't-oi2co.
Ma; cnee, Oermany. A GENTLLHA.N is l-TKEr in a rrooperoas uiidertakini ro taio MANAvjfcMb.N 1 7 UK. ANX itt-iaS invest 0 asoaa tare or ilveSsin.t: Mco.VtteK?t,t,.I,.C.T nriliAVELLER. An" oldtabliAfji Und'it taw I hottlerv o. tint-class and stout, will KtUL 1Kb- rn Janucrj abiaty.
and aidres-. ter town Ie cirieM traveller laving eoancciirii- araoug 'V't'Ote teelvTS. a id rt-'r -sbmont contractors, trood tenns turl be t-nrlhtrtie riarrof pas: to nkXVELLEks in the 'CO't XTKT WANT ED'to sell nitr.teor sxla. Ml-, rpbospbate. other ma.wres.
andabo 1M L.ojeloj-sier ittsc. i'ciwe, Miri-ey. al-t WAX I rlD, a 1 KAt Hdjuran iv 11-JS iiniihaui and the Midia-vl Di-trit-t on coainussior -Apply, by lo-v- o-'ly ttTJohn Win ea and San. Ratdutdnghwa-. London, L.
perfectly QUALIFIED (iEXTLE-i 9 MANWAXTEO ftr to or threo days ptr a torms to A. I'erry, Dartierd, Kent. SEOUirvED, immediately, the serTicas of a i and weU-odnoated YOl'TK'to take a postttoo insh a tto nSl tratle, -nhcra he will bavo trood of Sd fiini dun Vti iltkl prt mi.atn. Saw to conatwace at once. MeraU, Messrs.
Deacon's. Loadruhall-strect. AW -To Parents, Sc. or one I A AETICLED I'LTIL the office of City solicitor, in good ieaii andtutautboi ofseveraUrorksor local practice, l'lenurm iutS't. iafdeiTO if de-ire d-Addtos, for card Lerr, Sresham- TlTPlL or IM-pROViKEQUIKE'Dhi the.
Cityoflioo 1 a la. don ensuorinit tlrm-Addtc. X. 1-. Botgfc.
w. 's'i ES FlT'AMi'E 0 TH 'WANEIO'Citv Witro: i I LoohJaW 10 Al-o or.o to the per- aoni.1.- ctS- tSl VeatSad i'adoriua Cotupany. 11, tasmshrvll. atiect.kO. OUTH ANTED for a mercliant's oinrt.
Salary to 1 eoainunav atili po: irte-et. Jr.ta a BESPECTABLK I'AD, lor tub aam-enttri A Waiobo-0 WANTED, alaat bo a pood vvritei- ana citnek at Sore, Toib.joat-Aivr ANTED, an Al'PUEXl lCE in B00KB1ND- mi DY.V.-.KZLilS'L oi iliuuc's Libniry, S.f, New Term. -Mi. tlCt-LT. WANTED, ris VAX I1, "an EtisK'hmnn, speakinr; (if.rar-.n.
man jti a MtabL.dua.-ist br.rJ.-Appl l-v tetter to K. May a Ad.eif.saii! tlftice Ibt, l'beiddiy. WANTED, a M-iti as FOOTMAN, in a man's aaeea -Apply, eirico er.vrlapa. llo.tfr. y.
1'-. WANTED, a t-tsiiccta'ble at-atdv Man as COACiiMAX inauer.t!rr:aa's mmi v. sitaati earelope. Mis f-ark- tr. t.
StfANTED. now oi after Christinas, a NUSSERY taOVKKSKSri. Hfip. Frs-n b. anil masic riuired.
Salary -10 aal laundry Zi, Btt-rVinshaa) Palace-road, OOITH' LKASEHOJ0 V.TAr.E a HO. It tut fni.biil r.t'Xl the! I.i' C.i.i'in-J ifattl. l-tk JMVO. Alx a "i 1 1 in Irwt-hu' i. I -Uf Apiut tulamaii AO.
iVKfh-'-nit'. t- "a EEKDEEX STEAM WHAItt Limchousc- bpacious, A dir. trell-liihtoa FLOORS, will' nwt and land side uso of hTdmutre an nan t.n.i, to .1. A. lanaetl, wareaomea, auu buip-w abk- oflcr orhi nearly new.
nOwtintial, and el'trrrms PI iiMTb Eb. Kep iS leather, and hMse-hali- suites, piano iron b'aek and (told cabinets, tables, and elock, and pier tes; icnro liolaa. sideboard. r.eel and many other A.
.1 -'4 i- T(. 1 i naor're- SAf.el rv v.s. v. ciVSALK hv Si-TS LL AVC- MT.i;iA- 1 i-iitoiis-il of Iju- f-iv STK.VKNS v-ll I'-l. i iMtif.
V. kaI i.vrr;:. awl Co. rEi.t. At on vv .11 v.
b'(l-y. 1 Mrt- of ilt. i'Zapo- 'i in-: (arvf'i a i'L-i-y. a e' fr': 1 i vi- tl.C An- '1 1 Kill l'; nc in y. a.v.
V'E- is itif'fudO'! ti SELL liy 1 -ir i. 1 1 utV- ts: hou-- i vt r. oil tho il t'r-'Ta-. :yr.TT.'. ystviit r.
tic i i iiae re. vivetl iii- in it Ci.tiot T' v': to ur h-. o. HON will SELL br it TV.l I'AY.
'A it tht- .1 it tit Ktti'jr? hi nr.d HARRINGTON a 'a -r. n'i is uf I.utijo-ryv, Caaaoa- Fvairitniv ana KX. iMi.l HADDOCK will SELL AY. if pi. tao i t.
ir or r.i arrd m- -b- a a-h. rt'arnat. ra and a-- lUrenr n's oaMoor N.cho'Aiar. larl if. Slil.L tr Ai C.llUA, t.
rt pr-- h- cAMKLLlAS, Tr-ei arid rShritbs. rluit cl.o. Ttliips, liak- r-troet, lindou. Eatan- of CAV.IilAGfSonoverv Tr- SAL17 THIS DA'x rat. 't oao-uritrd nl! de- en; iir.a t.nfn renacot, V.
lAVfcs Atrctl reer. -r t'lt hold 1'r rrniaw. Co. will 01FER Tro I r-ur t' tjra-Toi, on 1' sdd by ,1 j-'KK '1 I'Sl- l.h ita-tk. 1.
new ard for tVprrra Co invie- rxxk t.a!ly bnilt. and e.f a frontage afaiipt the a'w ollrc, a o' anti adrrted fPT araer- lor orbc: rnr- i. laribe- lorratrlaM to 1- binil" a-, -tre -t. Bristol, a a- Mr. 'i rnirvt Ito'Ki, sori- a- iiridffarat.l "CoMVAXiES.
Mck "Coii- i ar. inviteil tl.c pro-. l. r. tr.p'.r.y l.itn'i-'i:: 1:1 ai.d oi a' 1,0: bind tlietns, lr-'t to nY t.p at the rob ito- ir-.
iraib ar 5 I'ly. im a. dfTwn-i. at f. Sarkii." l.itrr tbaa w.iTro.v.
liqeidators. SACK LEXD1XG .1 a j-. 14. an onira-y are .1, at "1 a it 1 Tab, lt.rt. WIN v.
LET OK SOLD. Ze. Measis. a. ir dr.
a larse t.on FfR- It i.l.T J'jn-trorr. nore roo'jis than she i. t-. onor t.T woo tvr al t. Ai lv 7, Arabui- ir itns eorp.foifs; r.
ra a ir-xi boa'- eewral a HOTEL i' v.a rmo. a ri. tl ty, rTt rui lan- a in a ptlemairs horjs.t lla lias mvi-rrato and 'v: alrau. omtcr, 1130 of -all tira." nar.a'tti' walk ry 'derate. -l, Net iiie- ra an ear--rar jOrt.
tiv LET PART of ie or pi Hot an -a. rttr. M. A ia Kcn-tiast.
n. Car! s--. a' Me HorSlCS at a -1 l.a ra.W., 1 ntlthr or rniurnurhd, r- -T. i'ir- ri'i a saiv.b!'1 i-Vn'T. fr-.
11. o. Iliaif VXl A'l'i pr plot free ra a- i air Ti aflir. and U- arb i i.ralae rria. a-aab.
llant. UCN 1" tla aTimmii, ra rr -ti 11. V.Mr.,.,. of iT" per annum, 2:. i.r, -ray
nr fr-eo till -1 Aconts. a la alair.O-a'. AppljT narrTaaato a na! ci l-mil'S :1 d. 1-arr can south View,.