Den Utrolige Historie Om Den Kæmpestore Pære (2017) Film Review

1. The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear (2017) - Letterboxd

  • Life in Solby is nice and peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from the missing mayor of Solby ...

  • Life in Solby is nice and peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from the missing mayor of Solby with a message that he is on a mysterious island and has made a great discovery. Now they must embark on a perilous journey to help save the mayor and bring him home, and in the process they uncover something that will bring great pleasure to the city of Solby – a giant pear.

2. Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære Blu-ray (Denmark)

  • Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære Blu-ray Release Date February 15, 2018. Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots.

  • Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære Blu-ray Release Date February 15, 2018. Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots. Cheap Blu-ray movies and deals.

3. The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear - Cineuropa

4. Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære (2017) | Criticker

  • Favorable family movie. The story goes in all directions with plenty of shortcuts, but it's rather sweet and lovable regardless. Perhaps not the cream of the ...

  • Should you watch Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære? Find out at Criticker! Read reviews, rate titles and get the most accurate film recommendations.

5. The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear | Danish Film Institute

  • Life in Solby is nice and peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from the missing mayor of ...

  • Life in Solby is nice and peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from the missing mayor of Solby with a message that he is on a mysterious island and has made a great discovery. Now they must embark on a perilous journey to help save the

6. Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære

7. Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære | Medierådet

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  • Philip Einstein Lipski, Jørgen Lerdam, Amalie Næsby Fick, Danmark, 2017

8. Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære 2017

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  • Gallery of 14 movie poster and cover images for Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære (2017). Synopsis: Life in Solby is nice and peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from the missing mayor of Solby with a message that he is on a mysterious island and has made a great discovery. Now they must embark on a perilous journey to help save the mayor and bring him home, and in the process they uncover something that will bring great pleasure to the city of Solby – a giant pear.

9. Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære | Se filmen her

  • Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære ... Elefanten Sebastian, og katten Mitcho, bor i Solby, hvor alt er lykkeligt, indtil byens elskede borgmester, JB, ...

  • Se de bedste film fra alle TV 2s kanaler | Nyt indhold hver dag | enten live eller når det passer dig. | Prøv TV 2 Play nu.

10. Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære - Blockbuster

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  • Filmen bygger på Jakob Martin Strids populære børnebog af samme navn. Elefanten Sebastian og katten Mitcho bor i Solby, hvor borgmesteren pludselig forsvinder. De to venner finder en flaskepost, hvori borgmesteren skriver, at han nu bor på Den Mystiske Ø. Rejsen dertil vil være for farlig, men i flasken var der et magisk frø, som giver dem en kæmpestor pære. Med den kan de sagtens sejle ud på havet.

11. Den utrolige historie om den Kæmpestore Pære - Microsoft

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  • Elefanten Sebastian, og hans bedste ven, katten Mitcho, bor i den hyggelige havneby, Solby. Her er alt lykkeligt, indtil byens elskede borgmester, JB, en dag forsvinder. På en fisketur fanger Mitcho en flaskepost fra JB, som skriver, at han er strandet på en øde ø. I flasken ligger også et lille frø, som de planter, og i løbet af natten vokser en kæmpe stor pære frem! Pæren ombygges til et skib, og i det sejler Sebastian og Mitcho ud på et farligt eventyr med pirater, sødrager og sære spøgelser.

Den Utrolige Historie Om Den Kæmpestore Pære (2017) Film Review
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Views: 6096

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.