The Simple Solutions and Social Reform that Humanity Is Avoiding or Suppressing (2024)


In the summer of 2023, I began to jot down several ideas for things that I feel need to be shared on paper or in writing. Some of these ideas came to me in the middle of the night while sleeping before I decided to even come back online as I took a hiatus from creating new content from 2020-2023 - essential 3.5 years. I believe in working to get many of my most important ideas into books that previously only existed in podcast form, videos, and some blogs.

Thanks for reading Mesquite / Sunnyvale Texas Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

For now, I will use my substack blog to share these ideas so that people have a better understanding of where I stand on things and that I'm not a typical in-the-box thinker nor a mainstream conspiracy theorist but a unique contrarian who comes up with his concepts even if they aren't yet popular or widely understood. I'm 111 % # non-partisan for a reason and that will likely never change nor do I feel that partisan politics and mainstream voters have a deep appreciation for the content although some of it they certainly came benefit from if they open up their minds & hearts and begin to listen to someone outside of their box.

In this blog, I will make several points, share certain ideas, and make certain observations from my life experiences. Some people will unsubscribe to me while later others will come to thank me for my honesty and for getting specific about some of the problems in our world today. The information will not be shared in order and will be shared online in an imperfect manner grammar-wise in the hopes that eventually an editor will come along who will take the very best of my writing and help me covert some of it into a paperback that will be around after the collapse of modern technology. I also have a great deal of unposted content that I want to share in future books along with the transcripts of many older videos as I don't expect modern streaming content to be around in the future as it exists today.

This is not all that must, should, or needs to be said however there are many things few are saying and some of these topics will be expanded on in detail later. These words are being shared as we approach the peak of sunspot cycle 25 which I consciously draw my inspiration for. I consider these Sun inspired rants as solar energy brings out new ideas and insights that might not reach the masses until years later during a solar minimum or many solar cycles later. In many ways, my words and books will written for future generations specifically the women of 2075. Despite the imperfections that you might notice here and there, I see great value in acting as a creative artist by throwing my written content and spoken word content against the wall so to speak like a work of art and later working to make sense of of it. It's by functioning literally outside the box that I can reach my deeper thoughts on ideas.

You will notice the content ranges from solutions to observations, to revelations and personal experiences. They are all meant to awaken even if shared out of order. This blog is not ready for mass distribution but the time and energy has arrived to share the ideas with the open-minded men and women that may soon arrive on this page and are willing to hear me out or help me reach the people I'm trying to reach. There are so many ways I can be helped now and later on down the line. Let's begin with what needs to be said. I will use my intuition with what points I start writing about that are on these multiple pages of computer page. I'm sharing these points now to alienate people intolerant to me sharing my unique insights and to attract those that have been waiting for a man like me to emerge out of the darkness as we are in the new dark ages.

People with Higher Levels of Intelligence and Intuition might Struggle in Life.

It may not be easy to be awake and end up in a good home, relationship, job to or get along or feel OK in certain regions or environments. Traveling can also be challenging including staying in unusual places or working alongside zombie-like people especially when one is becoming more psychic. At present, I can predict easily when new substack members are going to unsubscribe or telepathically when I offend the audience even if they don't comment or say anything. I also sense strange energies in people when they react to my energy or life.

I would not describe myself as a conspiracy theorist first in today's world.

I admit that I am one but more of a conspiracy realist - more so I am a philosopher, a lover of humanity, and the good in various faiths and religions. The term conspiracy theory is used to dehumanize a person and discredit every single thing that they say or claim. Also, most mainstream conspiracy content consumers pass on my content because it goes against the grain on a level they haven't yet witnessed from others and is commonly confused for their opposing political team as many are political now even if they deny it.

I don't believe in promoting hatred or discrimination nor am I into flat earth content or anything political although I'll talk about my reasoning and why I don't personally drink the Kool-Aid that others may choose to. I believe in freedom of thought and religion as long as you are not hurting yourself or others and many are not hurting others with their religion even if they are accused of being in a conspiracy to do just that. Sound familiar? Also, Some who think they are innocent, are not so innocent and have done some serious damage to those with unorthodox yet spiritual views. While I don't condemn all religions, their followers at times fall into the pattern of doing that to others.

What is a Real Friend Versus a Fake or Bad Friend?

A real friend is someone you can write to and talk to outside of social media. If you talk to them on social media be it Facebook, YouTube another website, they accept you for you when you speak from the heart. A bad friend however would expect a person to act a certain way, to not share about their life or pain. Most conspiracy content consumers cannot be friends with the person they are watching due to differences of opinion on anything from society, to the shape of the earth, to what one's opinion is of the Bruce Lee or Michael Jordan or various trending or suggested conspiracy influencers or stars.

Other areas of activity ranging from sports to reading clubs to sewing clubs to AA are more likely to produce friends. I have 20 years of experience as a public figure to know more than a few things about fake friends who come and go with the tide and changing solar cycles. Some friends are not meant to stick around after their time with us is done and I suspect astrological influences there.

Conscious Dead Zones - Urban & Rural - What are they and What to do Inside of them?

A consciousness dead zone is a term I use to describe a place where there is no consciousness, no love, to intelligence and the people are totally allergic to those with intelligence and/or compassion even if you walk into their coffee shop and don't even say a word. They will still become upset by the vibes sent out from the human magnetically affecting their environment (or computer speakers).

These environments can be toxic to conscious loving beings who have not yet been destroyed inside by the system. Some of us periodically have to live in these environments and I am living in one of them now. I have lived in both urban and off-grid versions of this. I believe in prayer to the creator God and do not deny the teachings of Christ during these trying times however I embrace other spiritual truths also. My current environment does not fully support my spiritual growth or sharing my light with others in person so this website is the only place at present where these ideas are being shared. In these dark times, I do encourage a conscious use of the internet to reach those with the eyes to see ears to hear, and heart to feel. I advocate using medication and shielding to protect against the negativity of other beings in both human and non-human forms. I believe we should consciously bring divine light (often via the Sun) into our beings wherever we are on the planet and influence the environment around us with positive intentions and without violating the free will of others.

I do not believe that the mainstream woke movement genuinely cares about all other cultures and people outside of the demographics that are approved to stand up for. Why is that? What is the agenda here? While technically I do believe black lives matter, so do white lives but so do other lives other than white and black, and frankly, both the LEFT and RIGHT come across as self-interested and in some ways hateful to certain folks blamed or associated with the 911 events even if its just their race or heritage. It's shocking how many 911 truthers have zero knowledge of the government of Afghanistan before Russia invaded but one day I might have that special report right here on this site. The modern woke movement in some ways contributes to more people adopting racist viewpoints.

I do not agree at all with the mainstream conspiracy movement / conservative talking points that the LEFT cares about "those" people and is fighting "racism" and "white supremacy". At times, they do put on appearances and make strong statements to suggest they have certain positions and some followers might also share those views on the surface. However, the majority and the politicians do NOT care about others outside their party, circle, and tribe.

The hidden reality in plain sight is that the left and right often come together over the humans they are conditioned to hate and 9/11/01 is not the only example of this. I also mean blacks and whites come together over the humans the media chooses to target and service in the military is still the main way people of various heritages in our society bond. They come together over the other humans they have been ordered to destroy. This is the real new way of modern man AND woman and I'm here to blow the whistle on humanity for it is doing anything but healing race relations. It's making everything so much worse energetically and more.

You should Practice Psychic Self-defense in the Day and Age of the Internet.

It's amazing how many human beings around running around naked on the internet without protection. Many people have homes, large trucks, and guns. However, many are being naive with their energy and information on the internet. In some ways, the internet can function as a spell caster as well as cord humans together. There can be some positive uses of the collective mind which will be suggested later. However, if one does not properly shut down after connecting with others, negative energies of all kinds including entities can come through. I was discussing this in my YouTube series on the archons / demons long before the current streaming video platforms made modern grade B-level movies about the topic.

I suggest being careful who you talk to especially if you create content and have a history of interference. As a listener, I would caution from reaching out to people who have been targeted or suffered and would suggest learning what you can from me and then refraining from passing judgment even in your mind when listening to someone tell their life story and what they learned from that.

What I have learned in my life is many people can and have benefited from my story being shared but some will attack it or me or those listening or promoting me so be advised. A very long essay was written between 2018 and 2019 on the most important advice I would give to an aspiring truth speaker in the day and age in which the modern spiritual being can face serious bad luck and that will be published later. My long history of interference after sharing such content has influenced me to save some deeper insights for a later time.

Young People Need to be Taught how to Make Things, not Selfies. Reform the Public Educational School System.

When I went to school I did not learn the things I needed to prevent certain hardships and mistakes nor did my parents warn me about certain things or people that might mislead me. Modern education has more of a means of creating a conformist who is unable to critically think for themselves which creates a problem in reality as more is being expected of a dumbed-down workforce. The dumbing down begins at home and at school.

Modern schools should include classes on how to make certain things and understand certain concepts of the adult world ahead of time such as credit and how not to make common mistakes. The common ways people end up in prison or on drugs should be discussed in the open at school. The modern method of teaching kids about sex isn't the healthiest either. While bullying is being discussed more often, is the root cause being addressed? Society itself is creating monsters so don't expect the government's institutions to do much to heal the situation they helped create.

But just in case anyone in power does come along and read this, the system at its core is cranking out mentally disturbed human beings because that is what they are being taught. Most teenagers are blindly walking into a world unprepared for dealing with stalkers, bullies, rapists, thieves, abusive bosses, cheating spouses, and dishonest friends that might lead you to drugs or crime - the list goes on and on. It can all be prevented but modern school systems aren't run by human beings interested in helping the children. In some cases, a human being is better off getting their education in the real world or building their own business early on in life to get a head start. I would have benefited personally from doing something else with my life other than high school and being entered into a real form of apprenticeship once the first signs of intelligence were shown. Modern society has too many things backward.

Higher Education comes from the Spirit World or God.

I consider my time spent in so-called higher education to be a total waste and only led to debt. Many human beings including my father, have bragged about their so-called higher education and/or their master's degrees. However, I have known more than a few master's degree recipients who have followed partisan politics more than their common sense, and at times many have fallen into either fake news or misleading hopes of one candidate saving them from another. I respect humans who have received higher education and have used it to help other people or pull themselves out of extreme poverty but life is more than using degrees for higher salaries to pay higher rents and utilities. I feel that true higher education comes from God or the higher spiritual realms.

The Vast Majority of the Online World is being led by Manipulated & Racist Algorithms thus their Thoughts are Not Their Own.

When I speak out against racism, I'm speaking out against all forms of racism, not just anti-white racism. I see a variety of forms of racism promoted by algorithms or behaviors in videos that could lead some to racist, tribalistic mentalities. In my observation, the YouTube algorithm promotes white, black, and East Indian (Hindu) content creators more than other heritages and I don't believe that is an accident either. Even the videos about "racist algorithms" on YouTube itself are only from some demographics. See for yourself. In other words, I don't perceive these groups as the most censored or oppressed by big tech companies. I know that is what people perceive however my experience as a content creator since 2004 has opened my eyes up to who gets the push and who also doesn't and how what you say or what you report on also plays a role in your shadow-banning or promotion. I know for a fact that I am someone who has told much more truth than things of a fictional nature unlike others with millions of viewers in some cases.

I have Predicted the Rise of AntiThemIsm and It is Here Now. This is Light Years Beyond “Islamaphobia and “anti-immigrant” sediment.

I have defined AntiThemIsm as the hate of those humans either from certain regions of the earth commonly called 'Muslim dominate countries.' This tone or attitude is even directed at American-born Christians or non-Muslims if they appear Arabic or have a name that sounds like it stems from the Arabic regions or people. In the post 9/11/01 world, even conspiracy theorists easily pass judgment on people perceived to be foreign or related to foreigners or Muslims even if they are involved in anti-new world order activism and media and praise the teachings of Jesus Christ. I know because this is going to be the subject of my 3rd book which describes my life story and the abuse I had to overcome from both sides of my family before the 9/11/01 event brought me unique challenges other researchers or speakers in the WEST haven't personally faced. My story is so unique and upsetting, that many unsubscribe or tune out when they hear it. I will share it anyway so be warned ahead of time.

There are many cases in which I have suspected something was going to happen and when I spoke up about my predictions and warnings, the world didn't believe me and said that I was wrong or on the 'other side' politically. The LEFT in my hometown of Portland often confused me for a ring winger for refusing to believe Obama was the savior of America and today I refuse still to see others as our savior and for good reason. What I see happening now in India with the move to ban Muslims seems coordinated with the true global agenda involving China's crackdowns on their Muslim population as well as other countries.

10 days prior, I had mentioned that we need to talk about India's role in the New World Order and the rise in Twitter videos out of India showing violent attacks on both Muslims and women, even other Hindus. Countries seemingly at odds with each other that are preparing for World War 3 seem to have a very similar policy towards Muslims with the big tech websites enabling a variety of bad actors to abuse the system that was possibly designed to be abused. The spin-off versions of Chat Gpt will likely be used to target such groups and people and little is being done to stop it My efforts to warn refugees and immigrants about my concerns and predictions about false flags to be blamed on Muslims have fallen on deaf ears.

I have been saying for years that the world powers are purposefully destroying the Middle East and surrounding regions even outside of it. Many world leaders are involved in this plot to possibly depopulate the Middle East by 2100. I made this prediction over a decade ago along with others that will be shared here and there but not all of them..yet. Through what has been called 'weaponized immigration' and the unfortunate crimes committed by some refugees, there is far less sympathy for those innocent humans who have been attacked and bombed after the 9/11/01 events or those who have faced racial profiling. Many have told me in the YouTube comment section over the years that my suffering and homelessness were justified due to attacks on women they read about online taking place in Europe. Somehow those reports in Europe were used to justify almost a decade of chronic homelessness that was closely synchronized with the rise in Islamophobia during Obama's reign of terror and again in the following political cycle. The most troublesome thing was my years of warning about China before certain former Presidents fell on deaf ears and I know I did a lot in the alternative media for the 'Patriots' as well as the people of Portland so I know I didn't serve what happened to me and why it happened to me even if society is still in sharp violent denial today. I have very specific predictions that won't be shared here but I do suspect events will be staged to promote either the interment of immigrants and/or others including calls for deportation after a possible wave of events back to back.

The bombing of foreign lands may also be a summoning of fallen angel spirits who once roamed that region home a very long time ago. Former friend and associate Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero Radio would speak of the bombings in Iraq in 2003 during the "Shock and Awe" campaign being used to call forward Shekhinah, a Mesopotamian deity. I have considered the possibility also of Jinn/demon spirits from the Middle East entering North America on the backs of some of the people coming and going from there to here including some servicemen or women - not only refugees. I see a great deal of refugees as innocent and not consciously involved in a conspiracy to harm anyone and don't believe that black-or-white thinking leads to Americans becoming safer down the line when we are in trouble and maybe in a state of emergency or even evacuation. If we demonize every human being fleeing war as a terrorist, where does that leave us when the new world order declares war on America and the people within it?

Who else is warning you of this potential and others? It can happen and people should be getting prepared for the unexpected because the Sun could spit out a flare strong enough to wipe out out grid long enough that mass starvation could ensue. My 3-hour interview in 2014 with the late Matthew Stein is a must. There are countless amount of issues I discussed long before the controlled LEFT or the controlled RIGHT including Tucker Carlson. There is a list of guests I had on or respected before Alex Jones did as well.

Exorcisms can and should be Performed Online and through the Cell Phone.

There was a noticeable rise in possessions in 2019 a full year before the COVID lock-downs began. I saw signs of this on the internet and it motivated me to quit the internet until the audience felt stable enough to talk to again. No sh*t. I had to clear myself of a great deal of online energies, personalities, and information. My first appearance on Coast to Coast AM on 6-25-19 marked the tail end of a 15-year cycle of speaking my truth. I don't regret taking the time off seeing how society continued to devolve during the lock-down period without taking accountability for their own emotions and anger. I hold the 'powers that be' accountable for a great deal and see them as promoting a "Purge" style of society which oddly enough is a word that recently was trending on Twitter.

People are connected through social media and that can be a positive thing if it's done mindfully it can also result in some people becoming sick and corded to others watching them or those they watch or talk to. In some cases, people become possessed by spirits that live inside the machine or those attached to certain websites or figures. The internet can also provide guidance and a means of helping others to clear their energy. I believe one should be taught how to do it themselves but some humans may have the ability to heal others or clear others of attachments. It's staying clear or free from possession or foreign influence that is the issue. I don't plan on opening up my practice but I do plan on continuing a general shotgun approach to providing guidance and counseling on this issue and others while invoking a spiritual perspective not limited to one religion. YouTubers, online mystics or seers, therapists, and spiritual healers can and do come under spiritual attack from the demons their clients or viewers release and more examples will be revealed in a later book.

The Need to Reform the Mental Health System and Hire Paranormal Therapists and Psychiatrists.

The current mental health system is unprepared to cope with the rise in possessions and I have come to believe that the current medications that are most prescribed may, in some cases, make the voices in the head problem worse which many perceive is part of a man-made control gang stalking program and that humans are alone in this reality. I feel this issue is caused by a rise in spiritual attacks on humanity and that perception alone is viewed by some as mentally ill but perhaps not the listeners of Coast to Coast AM and this message is for them as well as my regular audience or followers. The current mental health system is broken to such an extent that Youtubers like Daniel Mackler left the profession entirely and now he exclusively speaks on YouTube doing what I call the shotgun approach which is to use social media to help anyone and everyone for free who might be clicking on a video or blog and consuming the content. My work is very complimentary to anyone suffering from mental health issues who has come to the maturity and understanding that what we are dealing with is spiritual attack and entities. Be advised that some attacks that come at us are from human consciousnesses, not aliens. Additional psychic self-defense tips will be shared again in the member's area in both video, podcast, and blog format.

The current mental system is so broken that countless human beings are voluntarily turning themselves into emotional intellectual zombies by taking harmful drugs that damage their brain, heart, life span, and so much more. However, if the grid goes out and people don't get their drugs, the next level of the zombie apocalypse might reveal itself as these drugs are not drugs humans are designed to stop taking cold turkey. The current mental system not only is unable to provide quality therapy for today's problems, but it also isn't even trying to prepare for the day when dependent humans can't get their medication. What will happen to them then and what will some of them do to others if they have no impulse control or sense of spirituality? What will prevent some of them from offing themselves and taking others down with them?

It must be noted here that the 9/11/01 attacks have caused severe mental health problems for more people than you might know. While there is a great deal of discussion about the trauma caused by the official story to everyday Americans, the trauma caused by racial profiling for some Americans as well as other human beings is often overlooked. The violence of the post 9/11/01 world directed at people from certain lands that did nothing to use on that day is clearly connected to a larger mental health crisis that the system helped create. Therefore it is no surprise that no real therapy exists for human beings blamed for 9/11/01 or someone associated with the attacks be it their race or a foreign-sounding last name.

The entire profiling matrix that has been built into the modern psyche, which exists globally, is a man-made mental health crisis. It isn't an accident and neither the woke movement nor the freedom/truth movement fully tackled it because their lives weren't directly affected by it. I thought the conspiracy movement was going to tackle it with the 911 Truth movement as the Infowars documentaries woke me up in 2002 and influenced me to start #OTBTV by 2004. At one point it became clear that the movement was no more and the so-called loving LEFT failed to see the significance of the deception of that day.

When people know about a deception that was used to kill millions of people and still is being used to oppress people, they are dancing with the devil when they associate themselves with others who have joined themselves to a global machine-like system of hatred. It isn't manly or masculine to blindly follow along with a narrative when you know in your heart that you are being lied to. I'm on a mission to wake people up again who at one time did wake up but were put into a spell by others to go back to sleep.

It doesn't matter if people claim they know the truth about that day and that they were lied to. That does nothing to stop the genocides in the Middle East and the hatred doesn't just go away. That's the thing about AntiThemIsm which did exist before 9/11/01. There are cycles to when they flip the switch and the hate is back on. They don't always attack the Muslims full-on 24/7 without taking a break. They do take breaks for years and then they flip the switch as they did around the summer of 2023 leading into the events of October 7th, 2023 that many observers claim is an event staged by the Israeli government to justify the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

The sense of urgency to get to writing about my concerns began to kick off after I witnessed David Icke lump all the refugees fleeing war into one box - being a threat to the West instead of showing some understanding of the problem - reaction - solution formula at work that he once talked a great deal about. Suddenly my former hero has lost the plot and with that, my vote and listenership. I noticed how his emotional reaction to the riots in France was matched by Nick Fuentes calling for deportation and others featured on https:/ claiming this was the agenda for America in 2024. I noted to myself that most all the news on that site appeared fake. Going along with the dehumanization of other human beings that are not planning to force sharia law on anyone or do anything immoral is anything but spiritual, and awake and not something I would expect from any society on the verge of a collective shift on consciousness. It is for this reason and others that I don't at all see the WEST as having evolved beyond its dark karma however the freedoms we do have in this country should be appreciated and utilized to save what we have. Standing up against tyranny and injustice is a service to the creator and his creation. Advocating for the destruction of God's children or foreign lands is absolute evil and if it's not turned around it will absorb us all like the 'nothing' from the 'Neverending Story' movie.

I see myself as a Whistleblower of how the Unseen Realms are Injecting Humanity with Negative Mind Control Thoughtforms similar to a Virus.

It's quite a bit like that scene where actor Jack Nicholson screams "You Can't Handle the Truth!". Many that dabble in conspiracy affairs today cannot handle the truth as well as the mainstream left and right including their more extremist variants. Many cannot handle the truth that their thoughts, actions, deeds, behaviors, statements, sharing of dis/misinformation, and other partisan propaganda all play a direct role in why we are enslaved and why our enslavement will get worse collectively not better until the root cause issues are faced and healed. Discussing viewpoints not typically heard by other paranormal researchers are often attacked. There are other reasons that I specifically have faced some hardships which the next book will reveal.

I suspect the obsession with the false narrative that humanity is collectively ascending or shifting into 5D is a product of the ongoing alien agenda that doesn't want humanity aware of what it is doing. I do believe strongly in the individual shift in consciousness and detail on my show the things I expect to see from society if it's evolving forward rather than backward. I strongly feel most of humanity is making mistakes looking a physical crafts and ships in the sky that are possible shadow government projects. In some cases, the news media will report that what the people saw was a satellite or something from Space X. It is also possible that the Space X activities could be used as a cover for a very real alien invasion if that plot is waiting in the wings. I have made past speculations about Elon Musk years ago that I took off the internet as I felt I was too close to the truth and nowadays I do suspect Musk playing a specific role in the agenda now unfolding.

Many Predictions that I have made over the years have come True or have a strong potential of Manifesting Later.

I have predicted wars in the mid-2020s as far back as 2013 and made other speculations about events in or around 2025 but also not ruling out events in the following solar cycle peak of the mid-2030s. I predicted in 2010, such an imbalance between men and women in Portland that cuddle houses would arrive and they did in 2015 which I bull-horned after CNN promoted their grand opening. I began warning of human trafficking during the invasion or Red Dawn scenario as far back as 2007 and since that time the situation has gotten much worse domestically with the underground sex industry and we are moving close to war with China over Taiwan and Russia invaded Ukraine to which the US is arming and funding.

I have foreseen 2100 as a time in which a great deal of the Middle East may be destroyed along with its people despite false narratives in the truth movement about these specific humans having some sort of preferred treatment. That's not how I view the long-term picture regarding immigrants and the lives of the children of immigrants down the line in America's future. I predicted long ago that the possible concentration camps in America that some humans may be put in will be used against America by America's enemies even if those enemies have treated their Muslim populations with disdain. China acts like a peacemaker in the Middle East and stands with Palestine yet it persecutes its Muslim population so like the USA, does not have the real moral high ground even if elements of society are duped. Musk's Twitter bot army is busy defending the TikTok ban in droves by the way with countless accounts saying the same phrases or slogans.

For years I have discussed the darker agenda behind today's most trusted and popular political movements, figures, and some politicians and in my world and understanding, the controllers of these folks always trace back to the unseen realms and I believe it's in my ancestry to be exposing these forces of darkness.

Colorado is likely to be a place of American refugees fleeing the coasts and other states in the future as well as a possible place of conflict. I believe my scouting of the regions of Costilla County and Archuleta County, even La Plata County was purposeful and for a reason and to this day I make attempts to reach out to folks there because I see the coming world events affecting that region strongly and there already is a growing mass migration to that state since the lock-downs driving up the price of land and in some cases, pricing out old timers that are living on a limited income. The psychic that I interviewed in 2007 about the Red Dawn situation, said China would bring the microchip and that the attacks on the USA would be strategic and would be used on military bases, not the people but he did acknowledge my concern or sense that kidnapping of women will be coming. The current brutality being shown by the world at this time confirms my concerns for women their partners, and their children. In many ways, I'm glad to not be a father or husband or boyfriend at this time and those who are needed to wake up to the possible threats that might come to their doorstep. I see a world that is going in that direction and I sense no change in sight. Modern p*rnography includes content that should not be permitted that glorifies such a collapsed type of reality in which members of the authoritarian class have their ways with segments of the female population.

In 1996, I was in the 10th grade near the D.C. area in the two-year period in which I had to live with my father and his family. It was shocking to be there as I was not happy being forced to move away from Portland, Oregon. I wrote a short story in English class about a time machine I got in just the original book set the date to 2035 and got out at the corner of SE 12th and Hawthorne in Portland. Upon arrival, I was faced with a full-on robot apocalypse. Robots making food for humans and right away I was being detained by a robot for not having the proper identification. I was arrested by this robot and taken somewhere. Again 2035. Very odd date. Here we are now with so many people predicting a great reset in 2030. What will be our real reality by 2035 and will aspects of society have Musk's or China's implantable microchip by then? I feel we are being programmed for the chip reality in several ways including the dependency on mobile phone apps, QR codes, and debit cards that don't swipe but are paced against a card reader using wireless technology. The chip is the coming next step unless the Sun intervenes leading us to my childhood visions in the late 1980s in Aurora, Oregon....

I used to think quite a bit about the future as a child as my mother was quite involved in the new age movement in the 1980s. We took regular round-trip car trips from Aurora, Oregon to Seattle, Washington during the peak period of the Harmonic Convergence. While there are aspects of my childhood that weren't easy living with a single white mother in rural Oregon who had a very tan ethnic child with an absent immigrant father, it's possible those trips exposed me to interesting energies or frequencies that may or may not have played a role in my expanding consciousness. Our trip to Mount Shasta for example seems to be one of these consciousness-activating trips and there were others.

I also came to be highly suspicious of some of these groups and that only increased as I became an adult. I experienced various spiritual attacks as a child and from family including my mother brother Phil and my father who I had nightmares about. I had visions during that period of a red sky in myself on a hill looking down at the world below in which violence and chaos were erupting and that image in my mind was one that motivated me from a young age to train myself in the martial arts/boxing/self-defense without having a dedicated coach or teacher beyond one former boyfriend of my mother who I have called the "Aman." I also had visions of machines reading human brains or the transhumanistic reality. I see both of these childhood visions or concerns coming into view in our world now and the ever-increasing stretch of the aurora borealis is now regularly breaking records and wowing humans across the planet.

My True Effect on this Reality and Other People is Not Fully Known to me nor the Society at Present but there are Clues.

Despite the suffering I have experienced and will detail later, I have seen examples of how my content has changed lives or convinced some people to make the most mindful decision when it comes to relocation to certain off-grid areas. I have sought to hear from human beings that have healed from their racism or programming but I have yet to hear those reports and am skeptical about extremists getting better if I am unable to source real case studies with my own eyes or through my emails. I have been at this a long time and have not heard yet from women who appreciate my insights into the threats they may face in the future and some already are. To not care is to ignore the solution and protecting and warning women and their partners is part of the solution.

However, there are times in which older couples that have watched me for years end up at a restaurant I might end up at such as what happened at Pagosa Brewing in 2016 when I rolled up to an off-grid acre and took a job food running to finance a shed to live in. A former LAPD officer followed my advice in the 2000s after watching my interview with Joel Skousen and moved his family out of California to Idaho later he invited me to visit once I escaped my short-term homeless experience in Portland. While some cops have benefited from my content, the feedback from recent military veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan has been far less appreciative and positive. Living around almost all veterans full-time off the grid in Pagosa Springs and Costilla county was traumatizing and I have insight into what some of these men need to heal from PTSD.

One time in the late 2000s, I drove from Portland, Oregon in my beat-down car to some river in Sandy, Oregon. There were some guys there by the river who recognized me. One guy said he saw me on TV and I was yelling for the people to "wake up" and he happened to be awakened by that as he was sleeping on the TV. At that time, a friend and former fling at Access TV in Portland would air my show as filler during late night hours and through synchronicity and channel surfing, unlike today's YouTube algorithm, many people used to find my show that normally would not. Other podcasters would later tell me I was one of the first shows they listened to in the 2000s that woke them up or gave them an alternative perspective to that of Alex Jones, David Icke, and many others. Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero Radio was one of my first guests and friends in the alternative media until our egos and differences of opinion ended that association. That falling out will be told in a book and has been told in the member's area on substack.

I feel to this day that nefarious unseen forces vampired on my energy while in Portland and led me astray through their agents on the ground and that led to me leaving the city of my birth and facing a level of hardship wherever I have gone. I feel the effect I had on Portland's waking up in the early 2000s played a role in the blow-back energy I had coming back at me later at times felt resented by Mr. Lewis and others for my presence and outspoken opinions including quite a few folks in Portland leftist circles. Willamette Week aired my criticism of the violent tactics of the LEFT in 2016 and former mayoral candidate Jessie Sponberg used my conspiracy perspectives to discredit my warnings and concerns. I was the only observer to note he falsely claimed to have delivered a knockout blow to a conservative and in fact, it was another Antifa activist. Using my understanding of the paranormal against me is very typical thinking of much of today's LEFT and Portland used to seem to be such a nice place. Sadly today's RIGHT has a similar disposition towards judging my content at times as inferior as it upsets their programming in a way like no other. In this sense, humans who want real help and spiritual insight and who are also ready to make the necessary internal changes can benefit from listening to me and reading my future books.

We are Living in a Real World Zombie Apocalypse that Most Don't See yet the Mainstream Dystopian Zombie Predictive Programming is Dangerous!

Many people pointing their fingers at the "normies" and the "sheeple" are often unaware of their prototype personality and inclination to follow the herd. I have strongly suspected that the reason we are seeing such a sharp rise in zombie apocalypse material esp since 2009, is that we are being conditioned to see each other as less than human so when we are dehumanized as zombies, people will feel justified in doing whatever they want, including to women. The fact that most people don't already see this is equally startling. I have long been bothered by these 'zombie apocalypse response team' logos that people have been putting up on their cars since Bush left office.

I see these people are naive and joking about dystopian realities that could happen. If a massive solar flare disrupts the grid and the power plants go down and go into meltdown as Mr. Stein wrote in his article “400 Chernobyl" people are going to starve and experience all kinds of nuclear radiation. That right there would equate to a real-world zombie apocalypse. Instead of making jokes about it or becoming addicted to the latest low-quality streaming video, I would get prepared in mind, body, and spirit. Preparing for the future is more than physical preparedness and/or relocation. It's spiritual and emotional preparedness so that one does not off themselves or others when the system collapses and the lights don't come back on.

Conscious Prepping involves knowing what You will Need and not Worshiping Political Saviors or Internet Personalities.

My perception of the future is a lot of people becoming very disappointed with certain media figures and politicians that they assumed had their back and would never sell them down the river to foreign governments like China and Russia. I'm not talking only about one political party or side. Think about what I'm suggesting here and how native the general population is to what might be going on. Prepping for the future must include psychological because if one isn't already thinking for themselves, the modern world can infect them in such a way that they self-destruct before the emergency I have known people who have committed suicide that were preppers and mentally disturbed also. It's not a slam against society but a fact that these folks at times can be drawn to my work because the truth is healing even if it stings at first when initially heard.

If one has not properly settled down in the right place, they can end up overstepping in advance and may have to move away from their 300 pounds of food, or 1-acre plot of land with a shed and RV. I know because I have had to walk away from my preps due to either poverty or targeting more than once and now I am not as prepared for an EMP / solar event as I should be. My chapter in my 2nd eBook about evolving beyond the fear of the solar flares taking out the grid is important but it was also written while still on that land before haters put out my location. They were motivated by slander they came across on the internet and believed the false information and took it at face value. I believe in preparing first and foremost spiritually at this point and letting God and my higher self fill in the rest when I am ready for a new off-grid adventure if it is meant for me.

Not everyone needs to buy as much stuff as they are told and not everyone needs to pay what most survival stores online might charge for either food buckets, water barrels, or other items. Having started a retail survival store in Portland with some followers of Ramtha / JZ Knight in late 2010 as solar maximum ramped up, I know how questionable channeled information from new-age gurus can lead some opportunists to take advantage of a situation in the 2012 time period & attempt to take potential customers for a ride by charging top dollar for goods for a crisis they claim will happen because Ramtha told them, although they left Ramtha out of their newsletters. I have coined the term "catastrophia" to define the physiological response people get when the solar cycle ramps up which influences them to prepare. Even Tucker Carlson tends to do this as he did during the October 2023 eclipse. I do support preparedness but mindfully which includes not reacting and understanding why we feel the feelings of anxiety or dread or emotional upsets that we do. Often people don't know they are reacting to the changes in the solar cycle and the END is not guaranteed.

Return to Your City of Birth Housing Program- Simple Solutions for American Refugees.

The welfare state is out of control and I feel that in many ways people who receive funds should give back to society in some way with their time or energy. I don't necessarily know exactly how to mandate this and other ideas however I do know that there is a gross waste right now in all aspects of our financial system and it's obvious the system makes a great deal of money off the US taxpayer to fund what is called "permanent housing." One of the reasons society is in such bad shape also, in that in many places like where I am from, quality people or thinkers have no place in society and Portland is not honest with the rest of the world as to how easily it can excommunicate 'outside the box' thinkers that don't fit into their mainstream 'progressive' agenda if the person is by definition progressive in their thinking, insights, and spirituality. The cost of rent is very high in Portland including the homes yet the value of a born Portland thinker who wrote an eBook about the solar influence over human affairs is considered worthless to many of the inhabitants of that region, many of them not from there to begin with. So much for 'the Great Replacement Theory' as I know in my life it was I that was replaced.

If the city of Portland was truly progressive, there would be a return to Portland program. If your city was truly conscious and you were displaced, you would have a chance to have housing where you are from rather than be forced to live somewhere else if you were not able to stick it out there and wait for housing to appear. No one suggested to me in 2014 when I moved back to Portland and ended up stuck living in my truck, to go to Join and attempt to get housing. No one sent an email. 10 years later entire movements exist in Portland to give housing to total strangers, some of which are still in their addiction. I consider it cruel and unusual to move random addicts with serious issues to the front of the line when other harder-working folks are more deserving. Many critics of immigration today have a similar message about feeling left out by their government and not just US veterans.

Many Souls in Human Form are Demon Souls on Parole from the Hell Realms and they are Allergic to Light Beings.

I am convinced a great deal of humans alive today were given the chance to evolve to the higher realms beyond hell as we have opportunities here on Earth to evolve beyond the limitations of this realm. The necessary tests must be passed to gain entry to more heavenly or evolved realms in my best guess. Therefore some humans alive today won't be progressing forward but will be falling backwards. I also suspect the humans alive today who spent a lifetime demonizing other humans not like them might be coming back in some high-tech future in the form of life that they supported being oppressed, profiled, cast aside, or put into the zone beyond the walls of society if the ethnostate agenda is in fact, the New World Order's true agenda in the end after years of weaponized migration.

Therefore we must survive this realm in mind, body, and spirit where we have to share space with souls that are more than willing to pull us and our spirit back down into the pit where they remain as today's society has spite consciously and unconsciously for those trying to save their soul from a system that wants to eat it alive. The powers that be want us to look forward to our deaths so that we don't fully live our lives. I know that in reality, I want to fully live before I die and refuse to let the entities of this realm destroy my dreams of finding peace inside my flesh on this earth plane before I draw my last breath and my teachings come to a rest. I will continue to predict that will read my words in 100 years due to the increasing relevancy of the content and message.

My suggestion to others especially veterans who are suffering from PTSD is to make amends to the people who are still suffering from these conflicts and to actively counter the violent mind control that went along with the promotion of these wars, invasions, and occupations. The damage has been done energetically, karmically, psychically and this is not being discussed by today's churches nor new agers. Many modern Gnostics appear disinterested in discussing the Satanic agenda behind these wars and the hate that is now alive - a Frankenstein activated by dark lightning or power.

If I were to be a member of a society that was starting to feel remorseful, I wouldn't drink myself to sleep or beat my wife or kids. I would reactive a new 911 truth movement and promote a deeper understanding of the kinder gentler side of people that can not be proven to have carried out the 9/11/01 attacks nor other events or plots. Stating this obvious fact is not an argument for full-on open borders with zero checks and balances. The mainstream 9/11/01 truth movement ended up caring more about debates about Judy Wood or how the towers came down or how the plane hit the Pentagon rather than showing compassion for millions of humans evaporated off the face of the earth forever. In other words at present, I declare there is no true 911 truth movement anymore, and may never be again. When you find a 9/11 truther showing compassion for the Afghan people who suffered under Taliban rule, who cares about their history, email me their name and website or channel and I'll check them out.

I Recommend Working Towards Building a Society and Social Networks not Ruled by AI, Algorithms, or Big Tech.

Many people today are literally living on the internet including myself however I did make serious changes in my life after 2019 that led to me taking time away from uploading and it was a positive decision although very difficult to do and impossible to stay away for for good, as I was born to do this. However, the internet does a fair amount of damage ranging from the effects of fake news and propaganda but also the eye strain and mental health complications from too much blue light, Wi-Fi exposure, and psychic attacks from forces of influence that live within the internet realms which is comparable to a lower astral plane. I have noticed a sharp psychic connection with people on the internet increasing in recent years and it's long ago become too close for comfort. Picking up on thoughts that people are having including their judgment and lower vibrational state, including thoughts of hatred at times comes through far louder than anything loving or compassionate.

We should work to take breaks from screens of all kinds. A society obsessed with screens that allowed themselves to become hypnotized by a false light have been taken away from the light of the world..the Sun. In the obsession with phones, people are looking for connection to spirit and others but they are looking in the wrong place. I will be using the internet more in the coming years but in new and different ways to share my light with as many people rather than allowing strangers to enter into my digital social media spaces to feed on my light and distract me from speaking my deepest truths. The content I create is not just for today's reader or listener but for the coming generation that will possess the necessary soul voltage to understand my message.

The World's Human Societies Need to Build a New Movement Opposed to Murder, Genocide and Racism whoever it Happens to.

The biggest flaw in today's modern human societies is the appalling compassion for world leaders currently engaged in the murder of millions of people or working to distract the people from this occurrence and the problem goes way beyond "white supremacy." This hate of certain natural earth bloodlines runs so deep that even people from those regions hate their own people in many cases. Years and years of murder and oppression have traumatized many refugees, and immigrants, including their offspring now living supposedly in peace in the new world yet things are anything but peaceful and loving and America's melting pot golden age is now behind it by many years.

Both the modern woke movement and patriot movement - the LEFT and the RIGHT - are advised to admit what both parties have done to innocent civilians by the millions overseas and that it's karmaically way more important to create a real peace movement that has zero sympathy or tolerance for misleaders who in reality have no interest in healing the wounds created from years and years of war with a region of the earth that did nothing to America. I know for a fact all that has been done will be used against innocent American people later on. The are advised to listen to everything I'm saying and to silence the inner critic that becomes upset when I share my deeper insights and feelings. I contempt the popular Islamic belief that Allah is allowing all his children to die because they may not be praying enough. Many Muslims and immigrants in America have shown me personally they care nothing about my years of encouraging the conspiracy movement to not judge all Muslims or foreigners because of 9/11/01 and the subsequent weaponized immigration. In fact, there is a massive amount of racism and bigotry within Middle Eastern communities, therefore, speaking about certain controversial topics commonly found on my podcasts and shows like Coast to Coast Am often falls on deaf ears when certain immigrants have been brainwashed, affected by a certain level of Stockholm Syndrome, or simply fear speaking out due to fears of attacks or deportation. Not all are afraid to admit it and some are smart enough not to do anything to stand out if their soul wasn't really born to expose the archonic system. Lucky for me, mine was.

The Sun's increased Activity as we Approach this April 8th, 2024 Eclipse is Powerful and You Should Harness the Energy to Share Your Light and Truth with the World or Your Community.

As the saying goes, knowing is half the battle. It doesn't matter if I don't have the so-called higher education qualifications in biology, law enforcement, criminal justice, statistics, math, physics, psychology, drug and alcohol counseling, the court system, the prison system, the public educational school system, personal training, philosophy, or comparative religion. I know more about each of these topics and how they connect in a way that the so-called intelligence experts with high-paying jobs cannot and don't even want to. Therefore I will use this cosmic push of energy to do more than record podcasts, videos, shadow box, do push-ups or weight train. It's time to finally start positively purging out the many ideas I have on reforming society if given the chance. If you don't do something positive with your body, mind, and spirit during this period and especially the remainder of this solar maximum period, you risk becoming overloaded with energy and emotion and if you are ignorant of the solar effects, the controllers might be redirecting your life to new wars and conflicts you might not even know are staged by them to get a reaction from you including taking the life of others.

More Essays / Blogs are coming to this Substack. Email me to Volunteer to Help me put my ideas into a Book that will reach the Entire World one Day.

I have plans to publish several more written projects this week. I will be writing a new essay on the changes in the Sun, the threat of war by 2025, and how we can use the solar power within our own bodies, minds, and spirits for something other than conflicts and unmindful unrest that does nothing to fix the problem itself.

The second essay will be an overview of my life written over the course of 2-3 days so that new viewers and readers have an overview understanding of some of the things I have experienced before my eventual autobiography is released hopefully by July 2025 - the estimated peak of sunspot cycle 25.

Additional or follow-up parts to this particular blog may come later including edits..additional sections will be added in the coming days...

To volunteer to professionally edit my blogs for a future paperback or to transcribe certain YouTube videos, contact me via email. This will be an ongoing multi-year project with 2027-2030 as the end goal date period for everything. Serious inquiries only. I will be editing and publishing my own content AS IS in the meantime without holding back.

Thanks for reading Mesquite / Sunnyvale Texas Substack! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

The Simple Solutions and Social Reform that Humanity Is Avoiding or Suppressing (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.