Herald Express from Torquay, Devon, England (2024)

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Herald Expressi

Torquay, Devon, England

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HERALD EXPRESS WEDNESDAY AND ARY 24 1973 driving Ti rnoN i Tbicte Urgently BUSINESSES PREMISES WILKINS ft KAKTNeNS 'rf PJlCT-inn Iw ill Typya 1 JHig" Hotrti (HM1t ruofl I CmnnwrcMI ITWWtw WLL SITUATED "Ng tv LICENSED (AME(( WW HOUSES LAND SALE MODERN DETACHED BUNGALOW Highwpk arc Newton Abbot 3 bedrooms lounge kitchenbreak- fast room bathroom and wc Iarge gardens full Electrical re central healing and integral garage Tel Newton Abbot 34 49 wf23p NEWTON ABEOT 2 bed House HOUSES LAND SALE RE AOS Estate Agent A Valuers 77 Torquay Road PaigntOR Tel 5t598S 24 hours (12J50 including fitted carpets Just received Spacious modem DETACHED BUNGALOW in the MISCELLANEOUS WANTS SURPLUS FURNITURE AND mTSXTVH now accepted for inchi- i on in regular ft by Auction Auction Room Pa lien ton Prymot settlement Comrourvtc ion to Austin 5 MEDICAL I RH REQUIRED for ruto medic! and surgical clinic Full parVUme day duty Apply Matron Torbay CHWC St Luke Road Bwm Torquay 23797 2 MISCEIIANEOtS SALES SHOWN SOOS Quiitr ftsu from OlmaUSa Poultry Farm Gallon Gate Torquay-Paignton Hint Rood Trod enquiries welcome rbvtt Klngakaeawall 222 SCHOLASTIC AND TUITION GUITAR LESSONS 0 Of Approx 3 acres Prrmaiwnt Pernm- garage lounge diner kitchen bath-aton May to October 3 BEDROOM to include extras price £8750 accommodation Loan diqthg room phone Newton Abbot Vim kbenbreakfaxt room Ww- EEO DETACHED HOUSE with toilet Self coMawed FI-ATIFrr I garage night stores stair carpet I Alio BKCBPTIOMCATr MOet tnjoo Frrtold-Chrirflon 23am REMOVALS AND STORAGE I hmrT biks siorw 1 houw Krae rtc DDce SdO electric or acoustic: experienced tcactvr with own fraosport phone Torquay 221 wf23g CDORERS STORAGE ItEMOVAIJI i HOUSES LAND WANTED WANTED EY LOCAL COUPLE a bedroom TERRACE HOUSE Kingsteignton nr Newton Abbot area about James A Co (below) ACHCLOR requires BUNGALOW possibly Flat for weekends Tor- TTTTPTrTm a lL quay or Kingskerswell 2 bedrooms RSU ANT to the TrUStffO ample garace Minima! gar- A Act 1925 pwson tanvtnff den About Janies a claim or an interest tn Co( Below) Estate of Mrs Doris NuttaW lats WANTED 3 bedroom BUNGALOW of 9 Lyndhurxt Close Kingskeru-with large garden Kingsteignton well the County of Devon ideal but anywhere around Newton Retired Cafihier who died on the Abbot considered About £12060 14-th day of January 1973 is ames Co JMcv I required to send partioulars there- FAMILY FROM KENT requires 34 of in writing to Barclays Bank bedroom Property with good gar- Trust Company Trustee Office 6 den within about 67 miles Newton Palace Avenue Paignton Devon of Abbot up to £20066 James Co to the undersignea on or before Estate Agents 7 Market Street i the 1st day of April 1973 after Nwton Abbot Tel 4407 am which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the nH' AUCTIONS LEGAL NOTICE aving regard onJy to claim and Otirledge ffcree? Pa pltoro and 57US Rte OLD CHINA AND CLASS wanted j'leav ring Parkin kniiyv mi Paignton 43165 Torquay 23dr7ti after 7 pm wlc ANTIQUE FURNITURE Pur phased Bureaux ObAKia Tables I Clock Chair Bocc3m Dealt eu Also Oteaa Olaa Cower I Bras Pewter Ford House An- Uquca Led Torquay Road Jtewton Abbot Phone 600 idy) 51 AO i 1 even tog dc COLOUR TELEVISION HL Ulu-a Pmruaon O-IC Hitachi Sony Utiah Murptoy 12 months ires servte m-eiudng part A rear tub guarantee term avail able Aral quote Peter Clayton Oroaawaya Paum-ton Tel 4006 Obetovoo Torquay Tel 6565S mwvbsto "th DETACHED EgMI BWCALOW n2' 'r ADJACENT Pdar 'Twkary Front 8 PFDROOMEp GLPST HODSK Nicely furnished Good equipment Private xttting room and shower room store- room rear yard am £20 500 sl going concern URGENTLY REQUIRED SevNl wnd fniglNFSSpq with good 1 Ivina accwitnodattofl lor genuine accmnmwwy rhlr cNaaeru to have already sW Owtr Gift General Storey The mirchaMT Concerned OftfACHBO" flOTEl tn of Bel rravia Atiracttve lounge soactws AnjTHM TO Kulr STI to Noruh ln SWppfn hrumhvs Huron Danbury Tn-wonh Caa illr M2 Tnnuutb KW OVAL wJfrritAlTUiw numr dam or ate Penwaal wpemfiep arranged- Transport -i- MALCOLM MOSS REMOVALS Fttllyrt lod tak Alw housetKild goods purchased Torquay 2451 day or PiRNOT evemog TORBAY REMOVAL SERVICE a LsUR A RSnkai 15 InneCorock Road Chelstor Tor- nytf Morgge SB 129 evenings H08 or tJ'fjt SELECT THE SBLF-DKIVB VAS rg your from Itw of Vra I'xk tioi Trw For rtrliD TrOohotw porrma HtrMnz TofOtMV 24 IK 'f3a BISHOPS TOR REMOVALfi Lor 1 or iont (KEc pn-So4 lr S' 2- ToraoAY Ho a Cl Tor (T4reoti 425421 wst LONDON 'SOUTH COAST 3iwJn 3Cth room part load single tears cither dirrction Mm Patgnton ssFQ 23am MIOLANOSLANCASHIRE ebruary i room part load nie Mthrr direction Malcmm Mfsa TO LET FURNISHED SINGLE FLATLETS available until Slay Berkeley LMburoe Crcsceet Torquay 21 AVAILAELE until Mar fully-equipped BED SITTING BOOM 2Sam dining rww '2 rover well nmpe A kitchen 2 Prrae rooms 1 bathroom 1 wiower 4 Wrs fitted carnet apwN- Gar park fMiW fully ftimished and equipped Hiffhh recommended bv Vole Agent l-ear rod lwr FlfttM Agent 18 Tor Hill Road Torquay Tel 2-m? i VACANT LOCK-UP SMOF PaytTl-ton Wrll known eondary traz i pox Small modernised premises Mfurle fronted with mock ara wr Freehold ffJN firt finor fiat can 10 be purchaxM apoty for further detal?) Lear and Lose Corrancr-cial Ptoocrtv Agent A abree am FOR SALE 3 bedroom OFVFRAL CTORF: rewired od decorated PHOTOGRAPHIC SALE Kutnlg 710!) Sound Pruclof Hat £145 r1o price uaa plus free sound film worth fie: Thin i ht one tlw many fantastic bar gain our January Bale Si an Hickcv studio Crwiaways Paignton Tel i I LOOSE COVERS As UUor made perU- Baobsoombe Road Touay- iraui Tophcbo mwfttht TAPE RECORDER Ferguson 3228 twin irack 2 tape exccHcbt eoodi -turn £20 Phone limt NEW WHITE NYLON full length cap Un-Mi red neivr worn (It- Phone Torquay 2271 BEAVER LAMB COAT full length WMS aize very good COOdiUbfl 19 5 8S7bO NEW HOT POINT Vacuum Cleaner Krhiwr TV Hat 3 Barton Rnad Tnrquay GAS MISER ax new ued a few weeks only about half price I £2 Wttherley Yorkshire Textile 24S Torquay Road 'near Corner Preston Paignton Tel 421 £7 wf23am TERYLENE tk COTTON SHEETS from laacarfure Bargain prtres from Yorkvhire Textile smith 78 mi CW each and doable uo 104 9S each Pink blue aod lemon 1 245 Torquay Road 'near Manor Cometi Paigntun Tel i tttn wfTiam 1 43187 wGBam PEDIGREE PRAM mattrea caftfjpr rkcellent condition £12 Ontrstrm T745 TTam BELLING ELECTRIC COOKER 3 hot plate good condition SO £4970 Newton Abbot SMALL MODERN medium oak Wardrobe and Drewing Table cheap for quick Cburxton 3S14 Tlx FRIGIOAIRE CtOAc ft 41ft tall no Phillips Stand Hair Dryer £5 Telephone Torquay 34244 rw- at The Autecffitrt JVjmt Tw Tl 2V Kn- MV mHr fT MONC CALL AWAY ran abuiiuu Lip price (nr your vnhirtr rH Nwtt Abbol 444 iw cash ofln rttw f39t TOW WAY MOTORING SCHOOL RpraaSU MMbkPlwO km RAC rrt a approved Aufofria'tc and 9r4 ears Cdr Road Paign TVetboti 4V2V tc CAE A VANS caravans tan aett good condition from t7e aluminium: so Nias Tetepbon Xingifterswell whyg4p I YACHTS AND DO ATS 1WL 2 SKATER RUNABOUT new cover aod taiter Kod extttMn Bargain a Tnamnogtlt 5227 21 MISCELLANEOUS SALES AHRtT CARPETS CAKF'KTB Whole a a ijou open to Our big NBt Birrtiru Carpet House down Lands- Uac Top South reel Tor fneu Pol co ittao) leptons Torquay S4V94 JOINT! POAM CUSHIONS Pin ln MIA iiMp each- HrAn hacked tyndtfiiay at saie pric a yard A4in si rcducti'in in 11 fond Burge? Foam Seaway Road Wallace Arnold 173 brorhure available Western Fuels order dice Telephone ton tl 22p I SILVER POX COAT SW model mink trlmnsT-d winter Wright We 12 TdtpMM Pauroton 5051 after IN pm 2tx i POREST CARPET CO Discount Waretuousr EatabUahed over IS vran tl loo Axmirwtcr from £2 KS wiuare yard Tufted Cord Vinyl Floor-coverings Uoderlay etc i discount At Axmiastcrt qure yard Ptr-aooal wtlce Fre esumate delivery Expert fitting 11 Swan ROwt Torquay 7i7 mtwthf2p FREEZER cu ft compete with 2 basket locks fut freete witch mtertor light castor and surface Only 4J7V V5 Phone or call 8Wf Torquay SA200 CAMERAS BOUGHT HOLD AND BUrHANCIED Clfttoaway aad orrl a 5 reet Btreet Torquay Tel 25802 tD COOO QUAUTY Victorian CHEST OF-DRAWERS SgUnwood Gent Wardrobe Record Player 8mm Tmli Projector quality Kit of Flh-Mg Tabic and Rod 3ft am! 4f thnm: Wardrofews: Cbeu-of- Drawrr 2ft to 4ft rn Bed and Mittmirt Klldvfl CsMnct: Electric Cooker Table and Chairs a wih Of fir Brf AH win pncci Carlton Hmw 23 CarWoo Rod EUctvbe Torquay EEO ROOM SUITE medium oak toUmtt and 2 Ftrtsdd Chaim 2 Tdepf-'n' DawlUh 340 evening TIP RAY BURN walid fuel FIRE Winter iw oois Contact Phillip after pm 21 Hazelwood Lower Warbern Road Torquay 22P CAS PI RE White enamel xerv effe-wnt Wt 2V Sft 1 Rook Cook edition Arabian Nighu 1 bdokgi very ok! Oirie IHrkens M3 book Davtd Coppeffiold fRlger Twtt etc Brm Anikjur Rorklng Chair rwwwOy rr-erwemd £25 no TV ffta Di ITV BBC 1 on leg irwtvet 2 seakrr 118 pgUnMoa VENETIAN ELINOS made-Pv mriturr tuarantecd Chwtca coloum wwmng Ysrrmi Lodge Exeter Road Telenet! with twfTfx CAS CANNON COOKER with eye- Wl grill electric pls cof I ocr fto quick ak 05 1 co*cktaH Rar coal fit new £30 Alio Writing tth giasa aide door can HUP aim UM us HOMY I on married couple Torqtuiy rWtlocui for Sf dcj or LOANS (100 TO xr-th to 24 boar men: Settle outstanding have cash I ON VIEW TOMORROW AUSTIMS FURNITURE AUCTION ROOMS 5 Curledsre Street Paignton Next Sale by Public Auction FRIDAY JANUARY 26th commencing at 10 am Quantity excellent quality Modern and1 Antique FURNISHINGS ft SFFECTS Including Various divans sizes) pair bunk beds studio couches modern OAK ft SAPELE BEDROOM SUITES sep oak walnut ft teak wardrobes ft chests ANTIQUE MAHOGANY LINEN PRESS gilt ft white kldhey shaped dressing chest pillows sundry bed linen CONVERT RLE SETTEE 2 TEAK ROOM DIVIDERS modern settee suite fireside ft easy chairs gateieg ft other tables MODERN TEAK DINING SUITES occ tables ft chairs Vic-i tori an mahogany washstand mahog- music cabinets mahog Pembroke table 2ft 9ln ANTIQUE MAHOGANY BUREAU 'grad drawers- set golf clubs tn bag 3ft 11 in antique oak coffer ctrc oak pedestal tables ft oak dresser 2ft lln REPRO MAHOG BUREAU BOOKCASE modem teak sewing table 5ft: NATURAL PTNE DRESSER various carnets ft rugs antique MAHOGANY PEDESTAL TEA TABLE wanning pan quantity china ft glass ware Victorian nest modern coffee table kitchen cabinets kitchen tables ft chairs overmantel mirrors tea trollies ELECTRIC FRIDGES ft cookers garden seat ALSO 1945 MORRIS MINI MOTOR CAR (green) and many other lots On view Wednesday Thursday from 9 36 am to 3 pm ''excluding Wednesday lunch time1! and morning of sale hrom 6 am Catalogues available Car park Offices 5 Cmiedge qrot P-lerrvtoo Tel 57246571 to arr LEGAL NOTICES Re: MRS MINNIE BEARNE Deceased Notice Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 ANY person having any claim unarm or an interest xhe estate of Mrs Minnie Bearne late of Exe Vale Hospvai Eximaster Devon who died on the 9th October 1972 is required to send pas-oculars thereof to the andermenvoned Solici- tors on or before the 31st March 1973 after which date the estate wil be distributed baring revarrf only to claims and interests of which they have had notice Dated tins 22nd day of January 1973 HAMLYN TAYLOR ft NECK 34 Hyde Road Pattmtoo Solicitors am Re: HERBERT CECIL LADDS Deceased Notice Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 4 NY person haring any dam -T against or an interest the estate of Herbert Cecil Ladds Sate of 40 Totnes Road Paignton Devon who died on the 2nd December 1972 ai required to send particulars thereof to the aadermenuoced Solicitors mi or before the 3 la March 1973 after which date the estate will be dis- tributed haring regard only to clams and interests of wtech they have had notice Dated thw 22nd day of January 1973 HAMLYN TAYLOR ft NECK 34 Hyde Paignton Solicitors am MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HAMMOND PIPER AUTOCHORD feature variable rhythm section re-vertwraiUm etc As new and unmarked Com over accept ILMl PaiKnlOO 54847 i'-px 5T0HB Nfti--CNftTft -h I'dlHMi Wg BLftZBNS Hu jg? Dree Eullovers tre J2tn YAROLEYS for ttammop From is Cbumion 282 after 33 Lewrey Yamaha and Ph: ord' pCiOU fai equipped DouW- LADIES sale black Persian Lamb ORGANS LeaUe Speaker central parking avail COAT mink collar Average fitilng 1 gj tbfU Ki! Ptomw pood contlsuon: bargain it Tele- YAROLEYS for a eorsoinr range ptione evemmg Torquay 24101 of G0TTAR8 acocstlc aod eJeetnc Burnished 2 room FLATLET RECENTLY RETIRED gentleman See below wLTU May 58 wHIw amove wreral nejJi YAROLEYS fer PIANOS 1 JorthS Torquay SUIT chew 44in Reasonable prtrt' each ores wefromed 2 Union Street Torquay ACCOMMODATION 2 dean pleaa- gnf timiUr peopM pieAM cetstaa! MURPHY 1ln TELE PERMANENT FLATLETS central sot wtttaWe children or pu: people preferred -Bo A933A If mwf23p SBLF-CONTAINEO PLAT 1 or 2 adtdta available untti M5' Rgfffj eiKe Brigham 23W DOUBLE FLAT uctii May Saitabje SPACIOUS fully D'u" strict For oil Tile or phon Firwr Fimtct Union St reef Torquay Tel day 5447 evening rowthf27am LOANS for BooMomen and Teotcli the lowest -a to Many xr hemes to choc from quick corJSdeofai seTce nc obligation Phoae Bn xhans 51623 51252 442 or wnte se cocfl-5 dence to Myron OefYlce Kest-wood Boose Catem Road ham TOA 9RR wflc ADVANCES to (25 000 without security Edrware Trust Ltd 4 Mqont Street London 1 Tel 8751 or 81-493 452 altwtc SINGLE FURNISHED FLATLET own toilet permanent 17 Pgr week Ctoefanon Torquay 47731 23 PERMANENT Wellvwood very email room mmvrtor re-dene level eleeme cooker £2 37 Torquay VfwsTA N'ewton Abbot 503 for appoint men Priet with stock tl9kf Trr Hold wfXm Sc FINANCIAL £5000 now lowest rettt? vour HP and other payment cow and at 111 use as you wus No Mortgage Arars Pre-Emo: -on Cl uae If roa own Tour home or have a Mortgage let os quote yoa wttboai any obligation For a really fast eonJJdestial erree leeohone Berbank Equity Finance Torquay 63440 or 36518 at any tlm 1 oJvJifie FAIRWAY FINANCE offer the beat terms to houseowner even with mortgage arret £4 00-12000 available from per week per £108 borrowed even lea with tax relief The money can be used for any purpose c-rw car home improvements etc Fast BOUSES LAND SALE IPWa and in excellent order throughout jmt on the market and comprising Entrance hall lounge diner pruung tntrance nan wanr owrr ufx i4(l wah separate kitchen area 2 double beds bathroom £8 259 1tw Telepfwme 28341 Ham TORQUAY An older DTK Ter- race PROPERTY situated ctwnpletrty 00 ve! ln central position asd arranged as 7 spacious bed sitting plus 2 rtvwns at basem*nt level suitable for wcrrmmi to extra aroorans required Ideal letting position for 1 small euest house Jurt arailable and highly recommended to taelude a majority of the furniture furnish- 1 tag at £8758 fh Telephone SEMI Ham WELLSWOOO A very well maintained Gmond Floor FLAT of par- 1 ticularty mckK proportions to an tmpodUag Victorian Resideoce to tin i much favoured msidr-ntiai area 03 I fired central heating is Installed and the acccmm comprises Entrance hall kitchen diner 2ft lft- otn 1 own re bedroom 4 3 double bed bathroom conservatory RnUty room Car port Well laid wit gardens Just on the market at £15 ti Telephone 2S34! 21am SHIPHAY cetnLDef ached 3 bed- Lance L-shaped SHiriWI fp0mtA HOUSE xcom dtorr fitted kitchen Trmitoi-d walls roerf centra! beating Garage harden 9 month old £1 lT pfvw Torquay 42372 any time ST KINCSTEICNTON ExceUeat 137 hull! Semi-Detached Hcc in mod rertdmtial 3 bedrooms wperalr lounge and dining nxn usual office garden and garage Freehold Peter CnHtwtL state Agent Central Station Ejt Telephone 241 24a NiCOLLll iUJctlocttrs and Bit ate Agents 62 Faet Street i Torquay TeL 24554 3 lines and 10 BtreeL Pa ten ton iTeL 5994) 2 Kaos te KINCSTEICNTON Reduced to £9 930 for track sale 2 bedroomM 1 FT UNFURNISHED Semi-Del BUNGALOW in very good iv imwVwwiomWd hi- decorative order Fitted carpel ctxr- TO ftHwSJSSarea Sea Uins and Venetian blind Agent we4- iajuue room JlrRetlri roroe at £18280 Newton Abbot PaieatoA 3C7S after 23 2T8I9 wfMp Golden Retriever ocfccrx Poodle vPw groad Large hoqe www 349 21p i ynsKiCl SUITE ood mnditwvo ELECTROLUX FRIDGE con black wtm Cgtm Wrvties Scot- people only Rent ISJfPJjanjrunr yp T0 jjp MORTGAGES avajl-rt-ir Frefc3e Oiair tturdr wed verd order 19 ues Skye Terrier Sheltic Corel Rate approx U9 Tefepno bip Free TelejahOde tw SWTS p-wrhh Tmn Prfcms YwU IW gT3 ajvr PrtlM Jmt Lmllwt I xtDE BOARD modern Oft trak American co*cker Chihuahuas 1 Newton Abbot 2Sl finish Avalon excellent cnadtPnn ra valter Fo Tcrriert all Dacha-Ifrj cowrrrtcd 2 Acot ihrce drawer two end cuoboard hund and anr nt appealing convened Marble Firepi Cort 140 I3 Telephone Torquay take" Mmilt Ah Dartmouth fc fw POD rhtt in 'il'l'i mu in towmioo- ssr IOMAL CM SOMSK ITU ewnrerted 2 Awrnt rater convettd Martrfe Fireplace Fireside Chair each Sink Unit £3 Carpet beige? 10- 4ft walnut Wardrobe CS 1ft walnut Wrdr4y £3 Walnut Dressing Table IS CorKUSl Cabinet 1 klen Wall Cabinet door S3 Walnoi OrcafHMia! Table £3 Gss Ftre £8 TWm FUIMCHAIK Slh-rr OM III IS Her '1 i tmnr HEDGE CRASS CUTTING up rooting lawn coortruiction rotovatm general clearance tree felling A Griffith l'-ro U5--' w- Shrrpn LOCK-UP SHOP to let in Tony i Torquay 25098 22 WANTED LARGE STORE OR GAR AGE to ren? by local firm Psr dry stores Ring Brixham MRTNS- accommodation TO LET AND WANTED Newton Abbot EKI twth2a CENTRAL TORQUAY A fully modernised MAISONETTE rttuated in a pva central position re-built the Tommy Ttzm BTRCTCH HT10H CTLA1R iwivBU) Ont Us wood Turner ran cffvr argeat of bt- tam in Torbay ail make feta fc4B £4 80 to A 36 50 eater tor vyery tsita I Trt hand KURNITlKK all HwnfhtW QSSm to Vnrihlna In mI aral rlear Iviitv at cutlofnrf dltkna -r I --T -y eonveflknee with minimum r-rarss tr WRITING DESK wtlh drawers" 1 null able for typist Hae Ncwlnn SEWING MACHINES Ftrr Fridge Freezer Toys Tool Tran- fftstors AntKiar Furuiiu China Recorders- Mttmcal Instmim-ni Swn Rqptpment Record Flayer any items of inH'f-uH Butler Market Newton Abbot 2Stf Kings- leer well 3441 WANTED BEDROOM FURNITURE Hull- girl' room' white or mabie to pTim ITwoe Newton Abbot 24 73p RADIO AND TE1EVLSION L0Y TYi BLOT TVI Ko tr jou nr fv bTY RENTAL! TV RESTM-I tn 3-chari oc'T LSoYMlitr Phoot Soyr! K( DAY MIGHT TBLBVH10H mLe' Sl HMriai co*kwr i Mejaiiia Repair xuaranterd J( rgffmates Harleys 378 Tprquay p4 jnton 42SSS or 42647 tnlfht u9om -4t TELCYiSION FAULTY? Do want a flrf-c Job at a f-f DfMy EGmste erven You car an the aendee of Te rf ior Trfrpbpe Hew tor Abbot 5772 r5 4y2 1 mTfy SAME DAY TELFVIBiq OXRr YICZ in lb ftomt carried iklHed engineer Consult ua- burnt Electee Tcmiit 2555L rtf PREE EEC-2 AERIAL wh Xo Deport Slot RcntaJ 23m In 45p Paignton S4Yt9 mwftc GARDENING TREE FELLING Topping RrumtiK Hedge Cut Oeartn Fencing Paving Waiting Turfing Landscaping sikdisIL Fstgwton 534 mtwthstc TREE FELLING hedge cut rough garden culovated rubbish d5poed of light removals Paignton MW moram rvouv mm-y ai chlr-n Apph A Grenville Avenue Torquay Rlackawton 319 wft ALSATIAN PEDICREE BITCH RMMtOrt heuv trained with COR 1 3RD HEATING LTD Plumb-ing and Heating Contractor Frrw cram ate without cbttga- 0 on Phone Torquay 3713 anytime 27ax No waadtorBr a Srtntaet of a ruaraatwrd bttnen trvat-bwL Save pounds V) Tor clrorcb Read Tcrouav 4246 Frve ssumat and sarrey HEATWAVE Plumhmg Heating Knxiarers 24-hour cerrice Free ectima 21 Church Street Paignton 53325 mwfJSp KELLYS HOUSE CLEARANCE SERVICE Old furxtfture rub- bvh d5pped rf Atoo hi removal PHm Torquay 24fi Pjigr-c! S56I5 ereamx or call IS East Street Torquay te RUBBISH REMOVALS Hour Clear aoce Ugbt Devnobtin Qtork cheap service Cab paid some item 297e it RUBBISH CLEARED FLwhold and Garden Ruhhsb of all kind cleared quickly and cheaply Tor- quay to MAM WITH VAN will mnect deliver and dies? anytime Churytoo TEN to PAINTING Decoratm General Repair Alteration Estimate free 3717 HOUSE CLEARANCE promptly ear ned oat Cash for tarnfior aittiqaex riftfb ptctvrc etc pawl on spot -Torquay 259W mnwp mfwtlwtc TAPE RBCONOEN REPAIRS Cn mrM Wrts-l Drilvrry Harlcva Torquay Road Paignton 4NKHL 2o CONTRACT CLEANERS ftfflrrs Ivotelf ksichehs etc Dirt w-'-v osderiaken am time day or nifiht Torquay 34415 day eve nmss 36 OECORATINC Interior Ettmor Cheap rat First class work Fhonc Torquay 24542 wfp CARPENTER and Decorator Per persona' and reliable aerrice icle- Shone Lets Caller Torquay MlM ChwwwwwSiO PLUMBING crNTSAr HEATTNO qu 9d radesmsn Also houie- ho reoste Prompt ittenttoo Towrvhil! Kingskersqei: ASOt mwftc CURTAIN! MAOE FREE un ned Uned Curtato at nominal eharse Ur: mlfd widths Sides turned art drop all fabrics fttljv cua rani rod Tbe fsxatw ffwt I Ku filMv guara Curtatn Hhpp Fetcber) 9 Abbev ftoad Tc-crux BLECTRICAL WSYAUATlriNS Power points light Ins bratmg R-asonablr chartte fbnvmpt attm-ttnn Free rstunalc Rru Torquay VIM mwfTto THREE PIECE SUITES AND CHAIRS RF-CrtYtiUBO our own craftsmen HitrvirMs pat tern- modern and traditional Froe fumpkli estimate Day or evening appointments at vur home Remember we do not auV contract but com-aid nur order ourwlro Free estimate advkw and delivery Rtopon Shipbar Park Road Tnrwiav DONE NOW Free estimate Tj VOUK KLUNKIHC MnV VrT4 rtimtrs arid prompt FI fnrMwn "VtambtM 5744 wamfvmllP PETf TH1 PAINT1R will solve I 2' Mekvt Awkward hte our DANSETTE Aulechaage Recsr-ilTjy frw rreirng Nrdrt If player no 3S Rowl Poad si on cao bav atrticb rover Mrt'CxjYti Torquav cd Preston area enjoying fine sea views Large lounge kitchen half tiled bathroom wc well breakfast room 2 bedrooms and laid out gardens and garage 06756 Pleasantly situated at Preston on bus route and within easy reach of main shops and sea Well maintained Semi-Detached HOUSE with 2 recep-I tion 3 bedrooms kitchen and half tiled bathroom wc Attrac- tlve gardens and garage 04856 Within easy reach of Tor-( quay town centre Substantial DETACHED HOUSE recently decorated and equipped with central heating 2 reception spacious kitchen 4 bedrooms 2 c) bathroom and 2 wc a £6366 Modem 3 bedroom HOUSE with garage situated in popular Torquay suburb close local shops bus route and schools £12500 3 bedroomed DETACHED BUNGALOW with central heating and garage occupying quiet position adjacent to open countryside at Marldon £8506 Close good local shopping facilities and several bus routes as well a being within easy reach of Torquay town centre Spacious modem 2 bedroomed HOUSE with easily maintained garden and garage Keys with Sole Agents Reads as above am BRIXHAM Just received A GUEST HOUSE Near to Breakwater Beach having panoramic views over bay and harbour Being a few minute level walk to town shops Comprising: Lounge 2 reception room kitchen 5 bedrooms Storage heating Room for extension Some farm string Garden and car space 6 cars Freehold £21866 MARLDON A DETACHED HOUSE pst off Ring Road Comprising lounge lift 15ft local fireplace 3 bedrooms kitchen bathroom side garage or studio Good sired front and rear garden Underneath storage Freehold £13956 BRIXHAM Wan Park Close A modern Detached BUNGALOW situated a quiet cul-de-sac this popular residential are romprtvng' Lounge diner 21ft Fin 20ft gas fire Ideal kitchen 2 bedrooms main bedroom spacious fitted wardrobe bathroom green suit To m-riude curtains fitted carpet double glaring: sun "1 Level lawned gardens with fish pond summer house PJd patio paved drive to detached garage Freehold £14658 onn IIIXMAM A nuriaa mitmg drtartvKl CHALET BUN'CALOW Convenient to town and harbour Ideal ft or family home 45 bedrooms bastn Ok lounge dining room kitchen bathroom 2 sep toilets utility room Level garden: car rtja ce 3-4 car Freehold £15566 Offers brvtted- BRIXHAM Several TOWN HOUSES 3 bedroom from Ojm 10 A tew room Bimgaiows from £6366 to £19686 BRIXHAM Windmill HiH A Semi-Detached BUNGALOW easy walk to town and harbour Ideal retirement arge towe with fitted gas fire kitchen bathroom 2 bedrooms To m-chade Quality fitted carpets Detached tear Small garden Freehold £16-366 BRIXHAM A modern Terraced TOWN BOUSE easy access to shops school beaches and bos service Ideal famRv or rettre- nsent Comprises ffift toone Miner gas ftre soanous fitted kitchen and bathroom 3 bedrooms main bedroom fitted wardrobes Attached garage Small level gardens Leasehold 058 near offer ron-rtdered fog quick sale Sole Agents- BRIXHAM Just off the Ktogswear bus rotate standing in a near level corner site and recently constructed with rockery rdens A Detached BUNGALOW compriSHW 3 bed rooms large loenge good sried kitchen bathroom sep totlet Attcfted garage £34066 Free- hold JAMES PEARSALL ft SON'S Estate Aimks Cfmtrftm Comt Bolton Devon Teleohooe Brixham 51183 evenings 3828 ira WITH vm cat A-rrD Vaughan Parade 'Opp Panhoo Tor- PAIGNTON "lrt 2 bed LOW pleasant locality short 9 local shoos bos route 7 FT news MU ceil beating Kxc ueot decora tire order' attractive gcia Garage £12500 to inclooe JAMES ft CO- Estate and Business WELLSWOOO Attretnrt 2 OTlrtMKl FLAT ocrupyiM FWt Ftocr at piam Victorian KWW lk shops bus tuuu modsrmssd ihnmuhom gjjgK hcsHRt first condition Car parkins: £12296 LT3M CHELSTON A 3 HOUSE fairly Wve! pwitloc dose local shoos Loans dtaer bathroom wc harden possible park Sri HM FHRL aTailaWe-Smiths as above Agents TORQUAY flliWi DETACHED SEMIBUXCALOW ctu-trml N'tm p-rmineot WM urn- loot toad tZZSo i uS- room kuchcn Ur btthroom 3 o-rooms rtw sril-cootttned EUtlrt NrlTcnckctfirtd mJK A 300 mis SEMIDETACHED MODEH HOUSE vioffl MOct yood news mt Bor rmdmors- Htll a louiwce larxe living room knenen 3 dmbte bedrooms bathroom large detached garage NEWTON ABBOT OL8S6 Swerior i SEMI-DFTACHED BUNGALOW at Milber -Davies eentjal heat- riews to moors Hall lounge Targe dining kitchen 3 rooms bathroom sep wc shop cellar detached garage I NGSK RSWELL OfB Modern SEMI-DETACHED HOLSE central mg good bed- rc work-dose with wood block floor well fitted breakfast kitchen 2 bedrooms bathroom garage space ASHBURTON OA666 A COTTAGE STATE new HOUSE With attrac-the stone facings semi-rural position near town centre Hall lounge with dining recess breakfast kitchen Hygena units) 3 bedrooms bathroom separate shower room downstairs Full central heating Secluded garden with garage space JAMES ft CO- Estate Agents 7 Market Street Newton Abbot Phone 4467 BOUSES LAND WANTED BUNGALOWS AND MOUSES urgently required for applicants actively seek-nw property ra Torbay area We wiu be pleased to take instruction on a i no-airino-fee basis and wiB initially give a free valuation without obhaa-ron For prompt and personal service Telephone Torquay TS David Knight ft Co Ud Tor HiU Road Castle Circus Torquay tc WANTED St Maryehurch area BUNGALOW OR FLAT in level position to £20 000 Details please to rer ft Mott Torquay 27231 21am WANTED Windsor Rod area ssactuts 4 5 bedrmd HOUSE to ft 1 900 Details olease to Haarer ft Mott 27231 21am WANTEO Torquay area Terrace PROPERTY to £8000 Details please to Haarer ft Motts Torquay rrrt! 21am WANTEO HOTEL Torquay area to £100 000 Details olease to Haarer ft Mott Torquv 27231 2lam WANTEO FLATLET PROPERTIES to £60000 Detail olease to H-aarer ft Motts Torquay 27231 7lam WANTED 3 4 bedroom HOUSE Paignton Preston on level' Garage car space Cash sale No mortgage required Up to £11 000 Private Phone 42763 or Box A6466 21p LARGE WAREHOUSE OLD BUILDING suitable for conversion required in Torbay or Newton Abbot arek freehold or Leasehold Box HE 23x WANTEO Semi or Detached HOUSE OR BUNGALOW: Chetston liver- mead Torre: private buyer No mortgage difficulties Box A9384 or I i 1 1 i I i i 1 i PUBLIC NOTICE BOROUGH OF TORBAY COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT ORDER OP THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FISHERIES AND FOOD MADE 19th JANUARY 1973 COMING INTO OPERATION 20th JANUARY 1973 1 TS SWINE VESICULAR DISEASE CONTROLLED AREAS) SPECIAL ORDEp NO 1 1973 Minister of Agriculture Fisheries a fid Food in pursuance A- Article 1 of the Foot and Mouth Disease Oontroiled Areas Restrictions General Order of 1933 as amended hereinafter referred to as the 1933 Order and as applied to swine vesicular disease by the Swine Vesicular Disease Order of 1972 (the latter Order having effect under the powers cocfersed upon him by sections 1 10 II IV 12) 20 and 34(3) () of the Diseases of Animals Act 1950) and of aH other powers enabling him in that behalf hereby makes the following order: CITATION AND COMMENCEMENT 1- This order may be cited as the Swine Vesicular Disease Controlled Areas) Special Order No 1 1973 and snail come into operation on 30 January 1973 interests of which they hT6 notic DATED t'nis 22nd day of Jammrt 1973 KTTSON DYMOND fie EASTXBfiBtOOK 2 Vaughan Parade TORQUAY Devon TQ2 SEP Solicitors for the satd Excutors St PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971 PROPOSED Development at Oidway Civic Social and Recreational Centre Torquay Road Paignton Notice is hereby gnven that appii-cation is being made to the Torbay County Borough Councti by Torbay Area Indoor Bow ting Association for planning permission in respect of a proposed single storey toooor four-iane Bowling Centre A copy of the application and of the plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected at all reasonable hours at the Public Works Department Torbay County Borough Councfi Tor HiM House Union Street Castle Circus Torquay during the 21 days beginning with the date of publication of this Any person who wiies to mats representatioRS to the above mentioned Council about the application should do writing Wnthm that period to the Town Clerk at thfi Town HaJL Castle Circus Torquay (Signed) CHARLES BLAKE F-RI-BA Chartered Architect On behalf of To-rbay Are Indoor Bowling Association Date: 23rd January 1973 ax Wilson Co incorporated Valuers Surveyors ft Estate Agents 53 TORQUAY ROAD PAIGNTON Tel 36500 PAIGNTON An maintained and appointed Freehold SO BUNGALOW in level road Duchy Drive district Sea and woodland views close to buses and iocaj shops Lounge with dining section loartginaay third bedroom fitted kitchen 2 double bedrooms tiled bathroom Level garden Oarage Fail central heating Possession March £11500 PAIGNTON A compact Pre-war SO BUNGALOW near buses easy access to town centre Livmg-room kitchen 2 bedrooms bathroom Small garden Moderate price for quick sale Freehold £8750 PAIGNTON A spacious Self-contained MAISONETTE Just off Sands Road near harbour and town centre Lounge fitted kitchen 2 double bedrooms fone on upper Soar) bathroom Garage Freehold £8975 JUST RECEIVED An immaculate 2 -bedroom SD BUNGALOW at BRIXHAM Smardoo Avenue) lounge well-fitted kitchen 20ft det garage Price jnciudes many £10950 I SONS U-tnouR answering servict RKNDKLLI I -I Marxet Kewton Abbot iPhone Newton Ahbol am WITt-'N EASY REACH OF DART-MOOR NATIONAL PARK Derelict Detached Property 'pair of old cottagei in need of complete renovation but offering interesting possibilities and offered at only £4750 Freehold LIVE ETON NEWTON ABBOT Pleaxarrthr situated Terraced COTTAGE enjoying open views but requiring extensive mnder-nuation The a-f ommodatiotl cwnpriaes iwmxe diner kitchen 3 bedrooms inside tmlet gar-deftt 14808 Sole Agents R5 HICHWEEK SIDE OF NEWTON ABBOT Choice of three recently built TOWN HOUSES each with loongediner 2 bedrooms kitchen bathroom garden car port 95 per cent mortgages available to approved purchaser IX 36 R7S 144 and 43 NEWTON AEEOT OtrTSKIRTS Attractive property built approximately 8 month ago and conveniently Na4ed to all a mentis-- and wired for night store beating The acrommoda-fwm comprising lounge dining room kite hen 3 bedroom bathroom ml cored suite! car port garden Offered with early pMgrsgtna £5 308 Soie Agents R74 IN A QUIET CUL DF SAC ON THE HIGHWFEK SIDE OF NEWTON ABBOT Pleasing well appointed 2 years old Semi-Detached HOUSE Comprising kuteg kitchen dimer 3 bedroom bathroom garage secluded rear garden Central hearing To include some fitted carpets f3 954 RSI WITHIN CLOSE PROXIMITY OF DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK A choice 0 two delightful modern Bungalow Detached each with lounge dtcer 2 good bedrooms kitchen bathroom garage At tractive gardens each occupy mg a quiet near level position with superb open cmmtrv new Early viewing advised at £19756 P162 and 183 ABOUT ONE MILE FROM NEWTON ABBOT AND NOT AN ESTATE coxy Detached Bungalow htrih scene to yean ago completely on the level and with night store heating and dual glaring The accommodation comprising twinge -dining room 2 double bedrooms kitchen bathroom sep toilet garage workshop good tired garden in splendid order throughout Complete with fitted carpet at turfy tU 950 R145 TOWARDS THE RURAL FRINGE OP ASHBURTON Delightful Detached gpHHtwl Bungalow buiR appmxirrateiy I year aeo The acroimnodatioo comprises lounge 'diner kitchen bathroom with fivr 3 bedroom garage garden Gas fired central beating £12256- R216- OE ICMTFULLY situated adjoining MPRER WOODS NEWTON ABBOT DHightfu! modern Detached Bungalow inot estate situated complete lr on the level and having the benefit of fall gas fired central beating Offered for sale only due to the owner emt-srratjn The ac comm odatioa comprises lounge separate dining area kitchen 2 double bedrooms bathroom garage most attractive gardens to tn-clnde fitted carpets citrtams and luxe electnc cooker an extremely good buy at only £12258 Sain Agents BETWEEN TOROUAY AND NEW- TON ABBOT Most ronvnicntly Mlualed completely on the level and Hose to picturesque prterved wnodland and appealing modem Detached Bungalow built approximately 7 year ago with lounge diner kitchen 3 bedrooms bathroom detach'd garage central heating Good level gardens £13568 R22 ALMney nimsc PimTlES-QUE PRESERVED WOODLAND ON THE TOROUAY SIDE OP NEWTON ABBOT One only new arcttoect design Detached B-mralow with the benefit of off peak ntthr store heating die acrommodaitoQ compnsang legrage -diner kitchen 'breakfast room 3 bedrooms bathrtwm with hdwer separate toilet garage garden Offered with immediate possession and well ream mended at only £13580 IFFLEFEN Attractrre Detached rt-w slated House to garden The arrnmmnda-ticn enn-prismg Fwnee dining mom kitchen 3 bedrooms blb-hwm 2 toilets garage £14906 R273 TOFOijar SIOE OF NEWTON ABBOT Close to preserved pfertitresnue woodland delightful Semi-Detached Chatoi Bmgalw with the benefit of dual glaring and rocht store heating Accnmeodatnn comprvyrng lounge dmer kitchen Ifull fitted 4 bedroom bathroom gardens garage additional stcravc soce la ercellect order £34656 R2W ENJOYING VIEWS OF THK Rri'FR TFJGV AND SisKrtfy apjxtnted Detached Biauraiow Rcstdence of fiuerocty roars rra propor-temss ftBdttfdb situated Uw frmee of the riJiajce Accont-roodatin romprisin loenge dimns room kcen 3 double Mrwtri bathroom separate tmfet double garage 8ri workshop much adkfittooal aarare space ssra patio rorhkded rs-xtens Fariy riewin £19606 13 ibbo4 3881) Market Street Phone Newtewi am ft LEAR Estate Axeats Hill Road Castle Crcus 743S3 Also at A Union Newton Abbot Te! 3614 FLAT WARBERRTES favounte modern block TOROUAY CFVTI ATTACHED HOI SBC ocxupying comer position convenient position nr wired 3 beds 2 roc kitchen spacious bathroom 2 wes large garden fS950 PAIGNTON Sntb-jris 2 bedroomed DETACHED HOUSE residential area buses shops school available Excellent decor Nieto store heating mmse dining room kitchen breakfast room Gardens garvee £14 KINGSKERSWELL Immaculate Nyt HOUSE in much sought after aroa 74ft loumre diner fitted kit bathroom toll centra! garden garage £11506 inc fitted carpets throughout and curtain BABBACOMBE An immaculate TERRACE HOUSE tost a few minute walk to the Downs close all amenities 4 beds 2 roc kitchen bathroom 2 wo gardens pos garage spare 661 am DENBURY Beautifully recon-i struct ed Eeriod COTTAGE I ante I I'wnte dtrnng rom kitchen Rav-j burn' 3 bed bathroom col suite' 2 wes sunny court ard Many charming features £16-000 TEIGNMOUTH F-i)mins open rural view recentl' erected most I attractive Split Level Serai-Detached 'BUNG MOW perfect tor retirement ounge dmig room breakfast room Vitchen 2 dble beds bathroom Garaar Large ft 6 658 NEWTON ABBOT Alter Park' Fnjo' tng mtwrb siurtheriy view nd the benefit of one-third acre garden DETACHED BUNG WOK- improved i to the highest possible standard Insulated walls nd roof hw double glaring make tht one of the warmest most economical lmmge rttn'ng room kitehen 2 dble bed bathroom wc 1 arse garage I ovely aanVn Cannot faulted at £12-650 NEWTON ABBOT In quiet sought after area close town centre Splendid mature Semi-Detached HOUSE '( character 1 miner dining room breakfast rmm kitchen 4 bed bathroom 7 2 roomed servi-basem Flat plus double gsngecoach house smtoble conversion to cottage Full oil fired central heating property thorougnre I recommended Sole Agents at i £17500 Am i 1 1 Teleohnoe TnrmpT 2SCj TO LET AND WANTED WANTED jK-rraaneni FajjwfjW area to burty nmhiiwTit tamed FLAT OR unfumwhrdi Paignton nr- PERMANENT FLAT wanted to Tor quay tnr 2 yoons enjntovmcm ggg" SnoMS to OSTEOPATH rrqmre IS ZtuT- nSm 5W TjTSt m- Torqtiay n37 WANTEO ladv rrquirM rev month let COTTAGE' FLAT Tmism Krwum r-ffr ncr Box Newton Abbot JST5S WilhflB to work Phon Torquay rH0 MIL I fact and evenfng meal I moderate charge diiki ti Newton Abw HABKIED COUBLB rlrtKrf anlurtWJfeKl ttr rf BfBrtd-A AAA-1 WANTED TO RENT nxlt-lim FURNISHED OB UH FURNISHED HOUSE 3 bnttosows fMWh rrouired for family of 5 Wimin easy reach of Ternuav 12 m0 pertoa commenclns April-May T- iov quay XM? REOUIRCO for I ttintmOT Ptom of 1 vear furnished cr HOUSE OH El AT 3 hrooen rmr c-ncc available Telepoece Apply Box board besidknc akosek court fw t-rmBTvm! or tragwArr rwl-BWs isf! wWj zzy is Headland Part Rnao Pri-aon 1-AisslM liHg- ic HOME BOB BBTIBftD CWU: Pot I nr or twuyneoara ROOM evel shops part ton 3478 nTS TO LET A WANTED 1 '1 u-nnmr YOUNG MARRIED WOKRiio COUPLE reotoro iKrrnaneni self um-d furnish- ditidfin Inc bor obj- WANTED JTLET 1 lh nlshed FI AT OR FI AT good reference Box AWI 4k LYNDON JAMES ft COM! -h HiB Road Torquay -4 rv able (rDn! confidence espccxtUy obtorvtd la Assortated office te WANTED TO NENT or ron tB-nuKmmr PREMISES 136 tc 366 bSV not automotive 54514 'T 1 TORQUAY beds iaP ft qyml Attached GUEST HOUSE set joroT i aero mends nert rari Circus Soaclonts lounge dmtw room 59 cover' well eood cnstorratMT baihroopr 3 Chatet Garage Garden Car owrk 11 Uv fvm and eqod Hiehtr Jcnmmmted to Sole rontv I K-t1 IB Ve elect Joe of rlasw HOTEI-S fimwrt Hrt Arom -O T-r offer ceenprefteo- DECLARATION OF A SWINE VESICULAR DISEASE CONTROLLED AREA 2 41) The area described in the Schedule to this Order is hereby declared to be a Controlled Area for the purpose of preventing the spread of swaae vesicular disease and the provisions relating to Controlled Areas contained or referred to in the Swine Vesicular Disease Order 1972 shall to the variations and exceptions to the 1938 Oder menuomed xn para 2) below be applicable to and have effect within the Controlled Area 4 2) The variations and exceptions referred to in para (1) above are the following: ia Articles 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 shall apply to pegs only lb) Article 10 shall apply only to a slaughterhouse which is or at any time after 1 January 1973 has been used for the slaughter of pigs (C) Article 14 shall not apply SAVING FOR OTHER ORDERS NOTICES AND LICENCES 3 Nothing In this Order shall in any way affect the operation of she Foot-end-Mouth Disease Infected Areas Restrictions) Order of 1938(0 in regard to any area which is for the time being declared to be an Infected Area for the purpose of preventing the spread of 3 wine vesicular disease or the operation of the restrictions imposed by any Notice served or of the conditions of any Licence granted under any Order of the Minister in respect of any premises or animals referred to in such Notice or Licence In Witness whereof the Official Seal of the Minister of Agriculture Fisheries and FOpd is hereunto affixed on 19 January 1973 SCHEDULE- The effect of this Order is to apply swioe vesicular disease Controlled Area restricUans to that part of England to the South of Lancashire and Yorkshire and in Wales to the counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth Copies of the Order may oe viewed at the main offices at the Council CENTRALLY SITUATED bed- roorrsed Terrace House I reception kitchen bathroom Ring Tom 2774 fer 6 pm CENTRAL TOROUAY A Mjatewd Semi-Detached GUFT HOUSE property roadv for 1FTS wasoe Well above iwraw booktor? i band The accmroodatioa com- prises Entrance towage dining room rowteped kRefteR store annexe bedrooTts bthrixn 2 separate Lance tardea Garare araiP wes iarse riraco i -r WHITE VISION chrome stand Immaculate little u'wd 09 1 cu ft Ind'-ait Frida tmmacaiat- 125 Vono Douhie Red rd headboard £18 Child' Bed £4 Child louvred door WardnAe 13 Cm £4 Folding Camp Bed and mat-tret £3 Approximately $0 yd Tredalr Underlay Torquay 23x 2 CLUE ARMCHAIRS £2 each 2 THREE SINGLE BEDS two btmk fapfit email handbawn with taps Hfcr dining table chair cv rhatr rti? 4rm Cstlcr JarretL Flat 5t Mnrttr fit Rftad ete sap PIFC0 Howe Salon Hair Drref Midi Skirt new blue Mint jve Mia Hrrtldge Torquay 2J9A3 SLICE RS iww nr reconditioned all rtrvft tyv -f-mnnsinitton at your prequ'- withctit obucauon CqjwbiR the SJ icing SperlllMtl CgrtM trrma Knight and Son Keen SVdftre 4us3s Room 32? solid fe central heating tm tn anv time after 4 pm TELEVISION Rftr 1 TKftC rrr- rrkmg an chatwK 33x rijnr ft? Tsftwt LADY'S CREEN COAT 13 Stork wool Dre tack fj Navy wol 1-Piece £7 Pe 14 Vatchto eYv fiM Oret ahd Coat site IJ £2 Tel Ippleoen 91711 i NEW WORLD 75 GA5 COOKER 1 converted natural gas Newimn Abh rsn GIVE AWAY need trt 117? Tel evtstoQ 2V41 fto Red Setter mM Rreftrd Plaver 5 IMS MCI er Car gift Mde! Retr Thn tmg to 2 Gateleg Table f5 each Rrand new Rath tap fit 5 new accept f3 i 08 Tormiay CA mo speaker and fitting kit brand guaranteed- Telephone Tor quay 6 ELECTRIC FIRE 1 infra red bar rl wyvvi hrapd new ft Tri JriS Vt AND Ha DIVANS: 4H wt AMO wt rr Rdft''-ad eh-an nr TM- r-tne Tr MITCMCH CAKIHIrT PI-oo IX Xiiue ninx Trt CALOH AX CALOR CAS COOKER 4 Tints eye-level xrfll New Home condittor Ti-Vphone Tefe-f-mp-tth 74 A FOR SALE DrVTNC 1 irwrle hme Demand Valve 1 Nemwd tpctnw II? Phone SM17 70 GALLON Aid Electric WATER HEATER with immersion ITS A5 OHOOM SUirr rnnarlrtnr Sfi mn wsrdwft dremc table tlt- VOQl Falenton fJ3p PIECE SUITE 3 water eood ron rfiUoa Droplraf Table as Both roaiRMiatHe price 2 I'rinccs Road West fEllACnttWte FOR SAf Formica top Oroplcaf Ktrv-n Table with 4 tostrhing balrit 176 Alto PWWtcoM Fridce 4n 74in 71 in cost 140 accept Mm Nw Wvrid 77 Gas footer i nvfftrtl ttn Win yjW fmi fffl accept fto Also Kobe Jim Tetevisjon aerials swxl on BBC ptor on TTY Also tttdrttfW Bln 4 a'eed Fteciric Stov1 Drill Also Htvhner iro Plano Accordion and case (75 Also Ate Omprossor teritle tank and spray run £35 FF WILLIAMS 30 arc mb ch-irch Road and SlH Tc gnmouih Hflid Wanted i MISCEI INEOt'S WANTS 616 nr ha ngs Trsnaia oa Reco rd Fiarcrs Records Camrraa Bsno-csaf fiewitig Macbine Oi Heaters F'ectnc Irirrs Modern Fumiiur and a Household item o- nhoce 570)0 3477 tc CASH PAID TONIGHT for arv th RK-EFUAGLV ttwtrr ra la anvabere afivtime Imasediaie TVjrquav 34 933 tc I -i-n FURNITURE BOUGHT ant i qaantit OMmbU Oroarneou or and anrcd ccmp eit Rummer Lae than Te 40to anxt WANTEO MODERN OIL (SKATERS Rd rectric Fires eciact Jeff I Churrh Road 318 Teirn- me th Rad Torousv K70SO i 0L0 FASHIONED EURN tTURK HMM Has parkin patsntob 431W Torquay arier 7 LADY BUTS vir wtl! and nvgft price for Jarties gen: jters' riotliitMt H-b Totauax Also cs 'be? bedding ar-d a to tam'd eftreia WM8 te COLD SHOP pav ten for WELLE RY Od Ood SLver I) rnn--rfl afnum File --24 Tonnd fftreet Tnrouav 27 8i3 Iirt'on Hi reel Brigham i3C SUV Hoftoa titreei Brixham iwftc Txrtn Ample room for erieo sion sobtect to pet-nis-sion CC566 Frocbold For tor: her details apte Niceties 42 Fleet Street Torcrttar Td J4L54 am DETACHED BUNGALOW Preston Few minutes shops burov Imroae diner 2 brdrooras Ian re kitchen bathroom Grcc level tawivd rar-ds 112 W6 Freehold Twxy £5195 wfTp PAIGNTON 4 3 bedrooms bath-2'3 Tvcexnhom kitchen extra Level pcejiton short wslktox MODERN distance Paimtoo Ccrtdrtnetno One of roem tnilrt adxited REMOELLS Newtoo Abbot LEAR 16 Tor Torquay Tel Street NORRISH Sno win rvfand Sft- fereftt Fr fr heme dmcn- i air or or phose rx- Ma 4 327 davfi ghL 'f MIOfLl PLACE IDghe Qa-n IHfVWt tor good pw-HY asgwnd-b and furEialungs and bs'd swods PRE12BRS 12 7 R-tw iio SjVft 1 abjjct to vaLabiiltv 2: ffqrttoea to raah ar-d lnsriw 014 stoaa IYf8B4f belling COOKERS 13 wfatc wRN-'WtthoMt stand nmhoard Ki7: Trt Twr BALE Tow Ha Tomu wSmlrr 7h Detail and entry Tl tw rWae-w-wSifS KS r-yfl aH unlcr Jthtcld Stamp and wrllaocr 114 Qtwca fanfare WaTipapert NewtoO AW4342fi Market Cut LKM tt old gjrttoned xprtng roller btind offer Street drapera mker Tp LARGE SELECTION of rental iM bankrupt tock Trorktos for aJ- All et order 4j fitsfi Now from £13 371 25Lt2IL (Vrmu IB rt w7a sT -P'11 1 01 ui om V-1 OKKUT CHOU its? "tfSK-'7w gw T-aarssws5 led 07 Vl- 17 f-t Ltrtwro Cectrlc TofCd yiPUl MS Xf "51 lkkvk TV and hankntoi sate All wts 10 order and tori IrZn IU nm ew rrm 1854 TV Ch rtirtn 7441 open rtf WftBHINO CMlMfr elect rf Ih aeae To Drro Vhrr b55 7fec'to an xnnarerX 3aplT ki wa H7h4 Ui- Whris'ssf sad pm se-t'j vw and r' rtfa "no" fanrtabir pw-mant "JZTwn Troe Read Far r'A ar a VOW ARM f) CTNTRAl mVR 5oWA5 lRAtrallfi (tom Nf OP mTt Tf 4lrL -WSO FRCI 7 CARPETS Ltd mV i Ui I Nw Road thaw 401 mwpe bunk moi was JSlib' te- re Alt fan an'on Ro-r R'en fate All pt" Hkw-M "rtkr i i 1 i 1 1 I beaches Town Corner HOUSE Com- with new over woods and sea Lift J- s-n 'reception rooms opeo Kri ririfn ntsw cir fiuprt tew ST USf Su fittrt onaktot' kitclanf OMy appri bed- hMhrocan bwtreoius T-rricl tv in Ethr-i pod wc rinitn Giriiri C-rt im rt prouixls with rwuw- umthiihWIU UPTW Modern mng poo! Normal mamtainaace cvvrr riFTtniED BUNGALOW cen-I ea v'bold £17 650 heating- haR large lounge TORQUAY Spacious SEMI- reakfist kitchen 2 double bedrooms TTACHFD HOCSF ynnrf driroratro gSKS secluded easily ftw mutt brits T- lurt-n bathroom wes tOTKES nfi-SO- Almost now Somt-D-tachwl BUNGALOW Hall lounge 7 Ft Rc'ad BASjkACOMBE Small HOUSE 3 beds reren kitchen Hvthroom and back irerden £8 oto Fro -Re AW34 vffk KINGSKERSWELL V-U main- 1 garden 9A6 iTurii Estate and Business A9ents JB2 TOROUAY ROAD PRESTON PAIGNTON TH: 42201 After hours 54075 PURPOSE-BUILT GROUND FLOOR FLAT in level position Paignton AdRcent bus route 1 mile town centre 2 double bedrooms lounge diruhgrtn kitchen breakfastrm bathroom coloured suite) Garage Small well laid out Hardens Loos Leasehold £8250 SOLE agents PAIGNTON i mpact modem SO BUNGALOW oci bus route and close to locai shops Coder a mile from town centre 3 NS-H Lounge' Himngrm 2 double bednns breakfastrm kitchen bathrm Garden Parking space Freehold £18850 MARLDON A modern three bedroomed BUNGALOW with full central heating On level site close to bus and shops Well decorated and appointed Lounge dining rm spacious kit- bathroom 'coloured suite) Garage Attractive easily kept gardens Freehold 02500 (offers) to include some fitted carpets PAIGNTON COMPLETELY LEVEL POSITION Spacious double-fronted SEMI-DETACHED RESIDENCE situated between Torqua Road and Preston sea front adjacent alt amenities Ideal for family residence or small Guest House 4 double bedrooms lounge dinmgrm break-fastrm kitchen bathroom sep wc Rear conservatory Detached one-room annexe Garage Easily kept gardens Freehold 04508 SOLE AGENTS I ALOW to quiet mod roridecual aroa of KJteimton Excellent ortter thpcmghotit and Mrongly bedrovn 2 receoiton room ron wet? fitted kitchen bathroom neoarate Garage Attractive secluded sarden Mkhcl-more Hughe and Wflhraham WolberouRh Street Newton Abbot Te! 4542 am BETTESWORTHS Estate Agents ft Avtctkwer 25 36 Fleet Street Torquay Tel asm 1 3 ILSMAM MARINE DRIVE Superb Det modern HOUSE occupying one of the finest marine sate Tor-bay Spcetarular sea A coastal views from all windows Approx I-acre swroptns lawn A rockene Full and double slanng wealth of good Quality woodwork ft many other refinement 3 nro cloakroom fully fitted English Rtw kitchen breakfast i rm utility rra 3 bedroom bathroom sep 2 large balconies Double garage ample scope for n-temt wn Well recommended by Sole Agent Bcltrsworth ai £4d066 ST MARYCHURCN Spacious well built Del CHALET BUNGALOW Standing lfi mature walled garden aspect ft open outlook Study hall 4 bedromns lounge with folding d'ws to dining nn kitchen breakfast bathroom sep wc NSR c-ar garage 2 mm level walk to hop hold £26666 Sole Agents MMUR- Agents Bcttciwofttw CHARMING Semi DeUchrd RESIDENCE within walking distance Torre shop Lounge sep dining rm cloakroom 5 brilrtxjm kitchen ft bathroom Fart Sortie fine open views rnll front garden spinney at rear Cara K'hokl £14660 PAIGNTON Modern 7 bcdrmd Jtemi-Detached Wimpey HO SftJ pleasant level plot with fair smd garden I ourwi dining nn 24ft good kitchen bathroewn ft sep wc Dot garage eedarwond greenhouse hoid £11066 or n-r for quick sale WAT CQMBE PARK Smartly decor atisl modern Setru-Detached HOUSE with well laid out gardens adjacent open space bedrooms bathroom lounge large kitchen dining rm Garage F'bokt £16750 am PAIGNTON A superior modern Detached -centrally heated BUNGALOW on bus route close to local shops Well decorated and appointed i double bedrms lounge and dinmgrm large kit bathrm suite) Garage Moderate-sued garde is Greenhouse Freehold Q45W BUSINESS IRONMONGERY BUSINESS Well-established and capable of expansion Torbay coastal resort Large ground floor area Very moderate rental Seven years Lease Goodwill and fittings £8750 SAV KUI Road TtrouS' Trtrottero Close CASTCH CIKCUS tm IHVW Ar-ml Drtii-h-d IWST ts rjrrtWnt nnfc-r Is marlnt allna trnnrvt -rifKUne iwtm dfrlotHOrttl PrtntUD TJ- ao-oro oiBpriv- hal) pucst lounjte dinhui 1 seat IS tetun bed Pltrt fWld bedroom tolfv ecurpr-sj kibTcn and cold room hatbriwim 2 i-ar prk WrH stocked garden Fully furnished and equmped a rr-vrom at 123 806 4) 7i am 'WANTED BUSINESS with tHing cTom with $arag or i UP to nV666 cah down availab) Shop Flatlet- lnro Hoove rt conversion Private rnquiri owe driiskm Phone 477A5 or Box ANN 2 MUDGE ft BAXTER Chartered A onrrra and Df'atc tn the 5U ard vtu- on of BOSUnaSBSfi Of all and Inn throughout the Wrrteountrr Valuer for tgJMJJJ tranafrr Office 14 Mford Street Kxeter Teieone set LING YOUR BUSINESS' It the West Cotmirv suit thr SoectaUsi RuU)w TtroVera 23 Seaway Wd Dauntton TOROUAY close te rront and town centre Spacious 3 bed-: rtwd Semi Detached House in immaculate order ideal continued (west Hotter use Ciardma parking VI rv 2 garage hold 117 7 to nc fitted carpets oiritiM avl certain furnivh-tn Bette 'worth Estate Agent i and Auctioneer 7 Fleet Street I Tonmav T-l 171 FART-TIMB BUSINESS rrqumr-i only tv every wt-ck ate BUnm GUM VfAtHINSD already on site all you do 1 emot I money avl restock with sure till earning are enortBou Otuk I thin for urgent sale nact I- Crs Dark Brixham or phone Brixham 2761 77 TORQUAY ROAD PAIGNTON your deroratm problem W'rite Howie 16 Home Park Farm Cwwft wfn ELECTRICAL WORK roquirid All tv it' rewire tor bop hote Bate hotel etc Torquay 7466 A COMPLEF8 DESIGN SFRVICR nffrred to owners intending to alter nr detpp iheir RQNffr MUDKAL ASSISTANT NURSE required fulltime for day Buttes tor small rods-terod Heri Home Tclrphotie Tor quav t7tAA Ts DENTAL REPAIRS ame One )0 Me ff Road Off RoundhaiB Rod Paigtuon Phone VjHfvV wflTTh RCOUISD SUN tor night duty Rest Home 2 night weekly Friday ami Sunday or Saturday and Sunriav Tel mis 539M SlX WANTED full or part -Urn day duD Nursing Hume Torquay 38! 2 21 1 RNsSE-H-s required for ntshi day duties Pleasant Negisteivd Home Patrttttht Nurvtft Home TmmUnd Huad St Marychurrh six Torquay SWSi TELEPHONE 585989 To Auction in March 'unless sold previous by private treaty) 81 TORQUAY ROAD PAIGNTON Spacious TERRACED HOUSE occupying a main road position overlooking Victoria Park and adjacent to the town centre At present arranged in 2 flats but with planning permission to convert the lower one Into a shop Small front and rear gardens Garage and parking space For further details and viewing arrangements apply Reads as above.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.