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- The Advertiseri
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UNERAL NOTICES IN MEMORIAM PUBLIC NOTICES Pggt 2QThfl Advertiser Thur October 25 1951 WANTED TO SELL WANTED TO SELL General kN PERSON Unini HnT nil niutii' pipe ADT0rMnr MarrUflr and I win DEATHS Mine 1 In rrtrrt Dy her THIN trect fli'in MIX! kb ItUA memory until Il tiej dluUti Wallboard Sheets Inr MU Htx KI A i uU BIRTHS (': AH rtu ropix: I umvs vid ihr puullv beloved hutttnd of Mar Gln' JI' I of 13 Acacia street Seerliff ten li 1939 D4NKELS road i 194: Hoc emetery KHH WIDE RANGE SUM remembered by Zillah Ray i i Thank Dr vjrmidf burnerl In Tnvmr memory BROWN J6J3? CEMENT 1 BLIGHT STREET ri rripud I Du KAMH MlrluKb Vacuum cifaner CROYDON LU4134 to BARGAINS Iun uti 5 ADILS iron PL4 Phone SERVICEMEN STORES SONS LTD ton 'mark Ho ptdl MAMEY Ori October 33 'rad oryofwir dad passed awl Oc son Regin rienly John rederick Massey taber is Eter retnem w'11 Pint iriiiirL Cheltenham loved hl toin Mn gill (Mt RiiaKtoewfl ja item aa Aeta UdaidV a line Kerosene refrigerators AIRSTREAM 6 cubic ft 153 Certificate Nu SJ3 for one 'I' BEN'NTT A COMPANY No JIM for one I Audrey a non Experienced competent No StaS Coleman Or NO JOB TOO BIG I five MASTER PLUMBERS LU8977 or LU7282 Wheelen root 25 ir oruer and Wl WASHERS 88 Alao clei BIRTHDAYS jf one we eSVe iTre i PARTINGTON 4 SON w7ek for taf AM: who toveo avenue New uneral Directors Ilaide la generally automatical! what that 1 THIS DAY THUR6 South road Black oreat L1M6 increased on Index number in thesed by herlnva! vioem for the Dudlexl Adelaide uneral Directors quarter commencing on the lat er Cemetery 1'RAY THE RinvtM nt the'day of October 1851 tn aeeord memorier ELUOTT SONS lu MrVsARAH IWRAy! JnCom' Mnr iximti Directors nf a nd en laidt and made under theCom 1OOR COVERINGS LOOR lUVEHlNGS WANTED TO SELL Clothing a pfl 'Hearts that hold you In deepest Pximofal wtu rt Haake 28 Rundlet ENCING oo 81 EVTTSiTng' IM rrtm ihkh win pan THURSDAY erMm by the' VJTaK Paxes for a for the A tai Code Collision Collisson SILVER WEDDINGS Blunt Chetenham PI4eNUY LORISTS aldel LMflO After hr a slna rails aweeten toen and fertHlae ApLVANUED Iron sheets I Uffiit 6 IN MEMORIAM TMepboM Barvie LAMTI 15 ADDING AND CALCULATING jA'Sr VaTa't MACHINES orest Immediate delivery No ajtins ijal ton import RETURN THANKS ENGAGEMENTS LAM1NEX 15 C2M3 17 7 15 Elores 1 ows is fol 18 pre rrlbed for adult employes 20 ShlihnS 11 'n the'cMo'r 1 )OUBLE BEDS and WIRES BWrt Ac BARRETT ner Store Lin DEATHS IX Enquiries to 58 Pnn 1 BLIGHT STREET CROYDON TELEPHONE LU8134 and one sixin ttnes 11 in the HOUSE Cu Radio Progranes nxultline Ton lot £1M Per ton In io tliouehis you Sheet lota 4 per toot adull Ron Jual pleasant metnorlea there nelr Loving SALVAGE CO 1948 ind 'ober LTD Mti4a PRICE labor and1 KENT TOWN 181 Hnwarn rtaurhn Phone AIIIl and judiie of or it medicine Il HITTl In inemorv of Mr' DELIVERY MVEDIATE RANK op si IN MEMORIAM In lovinr RITTI memnrie memnr he XKS lchme hull 1 1 Ian 1 Open Kam uniim In ni'mni Com pie 1 PmiPr' i lln Sa rd a all ltd ma Al I NICHOLLS HARDWin Mml lri the meuiorlr lha lie copper Eattood Lt and of! Henley i rrenavilli Allnca'lnn1 Hi' Sindmar Oaii red younte daj Limned at the offiie nt Bnr I oe' iuttm Nancy I'let Apo'y pamer I'! Commercial rd enAdelatM arandcMldyea J355 'nvrmher 9 19 tid WHtTTI I 'nuilK ll oons IMB of Males or io I in the case of emales as the period tor tor one 18602 in PIPE PIPE 20 18 BATHS BASINS KITCHEN B1NKS auppbed and metalled RILEY 128 lb 5 on the Bert Aldrdn and lovn dher of Barbara Pam and Jimmy A(ed Cel orlit musH nd is deposited at uttKe Murray instrument Kunoels IVDBHOA met A thoital for today I mem'ry tor a by Cail Minear melons lu 1 15 I ondertte of uncle Blll who way October 28 1848 Al Vnnrrnile Applyr ft Horny Ar urn 8Mu! Lftti i in 0 Houiini is lUtiit jr anu water aervice drainace batb ker aeriive AlrtLAlD J2482 JW J1UI il tribute and per ms "I ympamy in lv lll i M4V2 Ad P5HK 'lt Hl eh inn lll liBDl HIGH GRADE lounce aulte al most new £jV X1326 ICE ihrrt 2 olock oak ex eon LJuuer Norlb ur Beaton the 1 Birth nai i tlti Poole wi to sincerely THANK all relative friend and neifli Eicht Bhllllnc on the Livint Cemrterv NED JAIIK! Iiehtini nlniirs luoo 'bi s' tuy rensonaht' Cycle Dancint Do cats and Rabbiu Education uneral Nntlcea lat and Rooms Government Advertisem*nt1 Hotel and Holiday Resorts Denial huldeuu 1 48 KEITH ODGER8 lb 18HER TERRACE MILE END LU4833 roved too true I loe1 my dearest trtend 'Snow' wlien 1 lost you Sadly missed bv his lonely 5af atlrlW Mfi nelifl afa 4858 fur one 1 ordinary Siiiih Aliriuii ie tfortiied lha his nd one lxth times I in the ase ri pemaler livery from stock SHORT SON 18 Coromandel place Adelaide Phone WJ1I8 1 ABUBAV" mid ie ex a MLKC HA: lale Nusrnibet meu imuait' leltlhr ales WALL BOARD all 75 per 100 teet Cheapest In South Australia' nved brother of Jaek ideceaed NZ Minnie Gne nt Eden Hilly Insert une'e of Lol Howard The memories ot the daya we shared Those happy years totether Still bind us In that love divine' ary mi'iireo delily one mortem en William lANKEL'B DANKELB World wide rec ep: ton RADIOLA AND PHILIPS Barbara a i Johnathan Koyual I I a no loved you sadly miss you i token ni and tender shna sear mum ae slol member On October 24 at! Wallaroo Hospital James beloved pr visle reek lovuit ornth' today in memories garden We Sim walk Xidr by Mde Centennial Park Cemetery South road Black orest i L1248 ANGOVE October Terms from 1 deposit all makes new and recanditlunea On hhTile MnrT hPlAVAil fr tfifl lham WATER 3 in I lO'x rt uquh 1 in i 10 I' )G 1 kit Eno PHne I urj 2 nev Wflt roooi iDoarDiedi yiCTDB PLA8TIR BOARD remembered by hi four da uahter totlnl memo rtex o( mv dear hu band who Direct Importer or uses CALL AN1ZED GALVANIZED in 1 li in 8 ft 5 J0 Dinner music 6 tush peeilits from 6 Ci inn luue 8 '0 passed away Oc'ober 25 Not a day do 1 lorcet you in the lltoughrs ot snn dauchterin law Ruby ithucoUrr btm rej pink aK al 25 While Jb ZkiA aiG ivory 41 a iinunii terb UnuercoaU in wnu cream pint £1 ter eul oucs com 1 prime are at 25 aauan Hjh i i lllatit w'mltlal a the ca of Ma cmruint ei ua I CAST IRON Porcelain Enamel Ballis ami Basins white and col ors Melters stoves ireen euamel finish In lortnc memoi Certificate No 10 for one 1 ordinary share No 10 and cernfi 'Cate No 1458 lor one ') ordinal snare no eeanedi of Stansbury fr fiAralA Ma )JMk tnr 1i ordinary share No 100 certificate Immraime delivery Ever remem eompreBMr unit soraymk nujun oiuie iv nunuiv burrpth Duplex Addirit Machine eKd order £tU Ph 811 1 I fl LERMA Sehaedei On October 20 at Renmark Ho tiLI piTi ann wiinne Ad Rnth e11 MeGABBY On October at 'he il' Massey peraens eaneeraed I GLANVILLE October 24 al Ever remcnioered br her tovlr hisspltiL Herbert Samuel derlynti Harry Ivy and 5 i i 1 1 a ic 1 1 dr if i her rttid in puM BiDC Run Judith 1 JO ii tn When Oirl XUrrie irr oi October be red Ken Run Edna nlced Tern PIANO Robir rt Indm a rxh LU 5723 PTY LTD 8 Peel street Adelaida UAWVW auu iAtsua vue a Sir As anyone could (It' aennnaN President Board of Industry Rcncmoerfd Uy Doll Court Mastermin 12 View street Colonel Lht Durdens on PRI DAY at 3 4o pm for the West nrtiicnvjn vrirKin ALRED JAMES A WIRELESS OR SALE OR WANTED BEAUTIUL radiocram In exchance tor old radio dlf immr 10 4 Break! I se iui 7 44 Tiams 7 45 Htisplixl hail hour 9 Vanets nauiibox 9 to Yours lor ihe asking cond Paul MaClay 10 Morning mac hine 10 JO Wy of ku Eagle 15 45 Musivale il melodies 11 Ltn Amer can rhythm 11 15 Home circle Club 1130 'U etiold harmony2 Variety 1 frickers DEAK1N nee Vi Lawson' and Mrs Eb Deakm have much pleasure in announcing their 25th wedding anniversary solemnised tn St Bede Churrh Semaphore oo October 35 1838 Rev Jame Welsh officiated Present address Vee erre Woodville North m'mne 'd by his pal Bill DOWN Rrpftriatir I raster's Xr T1 of Bob nd loved tnele of Shirley Aiwiys rememberedStewart family 1 LOWE In memory of in I Dann cseo oroiner or Lorna ana ora her ln lew of Jack Skeiley loved ilone today to the one 1 loved and ARRVN tn lovmg memory 01 rnle killed Egypt October 25 28 1842 Always remembered by Blll MMer ln lgw Ruby n'ohews Geoffrey and Bobby 6v her lovingnd son in law iil eu Beiiiilluiolertra bru Other 6 4 News rum lied Rehroadra of Na pane South road Black orest scribed bear to the normal i A long I shall live I Remembered always by her lov in'iif ma sun passed WHITTLE Out of th' music box 12 Rural news: Inter tate market 12 JO Blue Hill 12 Agricul ture in other Britain Land ol our ather 12 1 15 News commentary 1 30 Housewife itinlre I Schools 2 35 Acceptances 2 Matinee IWl tlonal i inrliKll 10 5 RSL new mu ie 10 40 Car ian! melody 11 15 Close Notwiihstandmg the fore XNE 20 ft'wheat elevator order UA10 aa ueu ano oressiitg tame rrm ibb I I'lhlng in no oil rr i tune tugn elixir riiait all 1 tnrt and he'ov'd of Sid eve ptu and ihn On 'x toner 23 a' Re Siiraion H' nitil li road i oi overt in of th payments Leo Wilaoa 171 Ualeg rd Unley STOH Air Chief erru car raato in white you wait CADMAN BROS GNRAL AUlliONentN AND VALUERS 141 HINDLY hi HON I A4972 AUCTIONS CONDUCT rD ALL PARTS OE 8TA1E PROMPT PAYMENTS asm Im lery trusses trus: IMPORTED HARDBOARD 8 1 4 at 24 a sneet wnu 42 10 a sheet Dump Head Wire nary share No 8388 and certifi Nil lAlfi Inf nj ill T8 share No 18J78 1u the name of English Ri temp vti iTUt 4VJ5 ftriMtaii MJtxiiiy 'deceased' ot Maitland i 4 til milt mp rM tv wmf Edu tn fnd PlAKfLS GERMAN fPiim Digtid' RECON DITIONED THROUGHOUT to give LIETIME aERVICL RONISCH LINKE RO8ENER rIICCA WERTHEIM and other from £95 EDDY'S the old eslablishea PIANO WAREHOUSE seribert for apprentices Im ANYTHING plover or Juvenile workers1 I ano EVERYTHING )S to be increas'd as nearly as QUALITY SECONDHAND URN1 prarticahlr by an amount TORE ALWAYS ON HAND AT UUH AUt'llON MART AT BEDROCK PHK ES I AR: immcrtiKtr priyjtc ri'dn riming nni uiapie teicpiiniic i baxird Cor pr wi tik: fldulebnK indieated abovei revue 3 Music while you 3 45 BBC newsreel Sandler Tro 4 Evensoni Pauls Cathedral Melbourne 4 8tlnn 5 Late and brightest cond Doug Clarke 6 10 Sporting Highlights 15 Serial 8 45 1 pa that one cond John Juan 7 15 Let go suuare dancing 7 JO BBC rciHirl of Canadian Royal tour 7 45 rrttn hr nncre Dt'CKRELL Tn Lol and Rv son Rodrrie Craig1 at Mlle End mergency on Bunday 21t Thanking Dr Hetman and ail nopi'ai Min niILD Oh Ortobe: Alison and Ba aon new bras bib co*cki tn ispenal reduced price' each LAMINEX lop table anu chrome tubular chairs al1 WILL etl kuui'g 1 Ktlg Carpets Imo teller )rgt range al EDDY Currie st where Ina rents mean low price (UNS 13 gauge 00 £13 SB I £13 Quinney 257 Rundle st 107 King Wibiam mileii M1H I Keep the heat out In summer TXm1 with lasulwool Rock Hbre dllinn £ll M884 Advertiser 'n YPi liARLAV PRODUCEHS tiMinu sale 6 on Ol ole mjv twrava Approaching Marrroyct MODBATti mar rute of Beryl Claire eldest MORGAN President Board ol Indir Mi lur I net Dnih iuk nraln KHirii laundry from 2 10 ea luigical goods eiemis whrl pools sir ring urinal colostomy THIS DAY for the iluatea at Pharmacy Budding Secund loor 45 Oawler place Adelaide in the State of south Australia Cash or cheuue id full must ar cumtai Olliers fur abut' Items Clh BlwmnkAn ENCES ERECTED hriC'ira Kt'Trn lA HALL 2g28 Est 15 yrs I81AVO CASES suitable variety ue from £2 Eduya 73 Cur Misn'ague Roy beloved hos PftRCE In loving remem band ot reda Coo rih and loving brame of yreddte who Darn tlir father of Brian and bert Ag'd i'ipreme October 25 1842 50 wears In erted by Shirley Maa and TAILORING SALE Men suits to mra 18 18 IBNfa AWtaw tn mete 1 iw aaa 1820 1851 I Sports trouser to mews £4 15 rr aa eoi ry fond md dear mum we stul rate 'by the Court or by opera tion of the Code conaeouence ot a change In a living wage during the period from the lat day of August 1851 to the 31t dsy of October 1851 and which omment 8 15 8 45 Mary Ifl 10 dean be on i 196 Glen Os mund rd tu'aron Esise I BtAMOND ring as new fiom McCabe 71 Pine Mere I''NGINES Die ris ail sizes Hum 2'i to 70 ho reasonable de Ladiei gent maierieis made up WILLIAMS Tailor Victoria so I married'' Going to a Hollywood Hire Service rAAineaiaiRl AvillariiA 1 I A Ma rnr8 rfP iountt utu frock veil Im maculate dinner or day or nithi ap point en WU A 1 278 wrnltBre ASHRITE washing machine I new £78 367 Prospect a lair Athol Musical PIANOS AND PLAYERS At Quailtv urnishers 124a awler plaie Wioe range finest makes lowest prices All guar ORBaS 28 Light souare Ade laide LA4421 I8OWR take offs foe EnglKn 1 orusoa tractors 193a 4 AU kQ a KOERNERS LilHnU 1 111 I I8HILISHAVER aa pew £6 '1 M44 Adi eraser 6 GALVANIZED IRON 3 6 per foot £179 10 per ton Compare our prices'" 1 INCH GALVAN12XD WATER PIPE 3 per too' Compare out price "I NQR PREPARATION OR ALL i Property Act 1M6" and prompt settlement SHEPHERD a SONS LTD Real Eslate Agents and Broken Auctioneers Valuers 31a King William rtC844 LtANK COLORING Dental Burgeon 3rd loor CML Building King William at Note new jhooe No LA41M LTABERT Cunningham Den 11 tut Oxford Chambers 192 North ter Adelaide Phone WJWe 'he amount by which a wage LAMINEX tables 4 ft In 19 IjlANOB Inspect Kuhnels mag nificent selection of new and pianuk "vi ixc LDTfDG TH I RIENps rf Mr HERBERT BEHT AIDIffDG of MKir iigtree Kilbitm are reircifiiiis hare No 19X17 vertificate No uh ior one 'i aromary snare: No 20103 ano certificate No 13 Adelaide Arcade W2005 020 tor one 5 ordinary share 'z o'clock for the Condowie Ceme tery 8 JB1SMAN unrrat Dlreci ior Snowlown Phone 16 hu re tdenee Mannum iudcin ELECTROLUX £7 10 Hoover lb is GOBLIN £5 19 6 VACTRIC late mouel £12 TECNJCO late model £13 Sam killed El Alam'in rvtober 25 1942 Ever remembered by Uncle Bill and cnuin Bmadvlew MHR In loving memory of Ul IUVI 4 84 awe rith awitd awly'M in Arfmiwnd mtdr under the Common wealth Conciliation and Arbitra tion Act 1904 1848 Eight this tod day of October Itol AIV ria Q' UltJIltary re Nod 437 to 4053 Inclusive cer ortnoaie or bl 1 'tificate No 2717 tur nineteen IB 6 STOR MICKEY MANTTUk a a an iclor £18 iu £1 nep 5 wily HUBBARDS 5 a a tn) net cii at Ul a 4U 1 SAINT GOOD QUALITY SUIT 4 LL ABLE OR INSlDa AND OUT iLe uot On Ortobr It hnpitj Rrbert her ln 'aw of Yd lkirf hnrrr red Brockhousr and Anri and Genrt Godby HSOV On Ortchrr 2 'r her pnnki And r'memijertd Arhur (diuhi fu 'n io'd i firnn i Pr dn tr rxm vuitit "T' I11ANO Broadwood iron iram rich tone walnut cae Bes price on in'Pection Kl'O Adver alo rtilhr i iium i' ii 10 iiav ervire Cycle INDEPENDENT CENTRAL I CRICKET ASSOCIATION MEMBERS ire advised that the uneral rur Mie Me member CHARLES BEARD will leave the Chapel the funeral Home 211 Port read Hindmar on THURSDAY 2 pm tor the Centennial Park Cemetery CREEK RIENDS nf the late Mr COLIN EDWARD CREEK of Gibson street Elow aen arc respectfully informeo that hi uneral will leave the I 625 Local ann weather 7 is a 12 noon 6 36 Aus tralian 'iirscas local sod weather 18 LiwM and wtatlter 10 10 BBC 5 Ah Open a closes 11 IS wage rate if so increased would be an amount other 'hop a multiple ot threepence £21 10 5 3 £23 10 chromt chairs genuine hula 7 gns SPR1NGBETT GUNSON irst loor ADC Buildings 51 Grenlell at Cen 4347 LEN MOORE Undertaker 38 Aimp street Semaphore rnone 8 AR or petrob concrete pumo trailer 2 wheel trailer 4 wheel Vivian In laving memorv of hear re" her paxsea awav October 25 1948 You gave a lol wars to me Tn innHorriAH srd ra ra PHILLIPS In loving memory of it Through your sweetness I re nnr father William Thomas Ever call reniemnersd bv June and Roy Just pleasant memories there PH 11 IP In loving memory of ifou crn oed in a much real joy I95n Nnrmin died ebruary 25 And mother I ll remember you lM K'memcmrm IMPORTED GALVANIZED COR RUGATED IRON 26 Size 6 ft 7 fi and It available from stock tur immediate delivery to al) suburbs ED WHITE SAND PHONE Ik X7B35 KABBIT neiitng 36 17 gauge SOO rolls leoiu Co et inert ana Murray Bnuge 38U6 UpTAKY CLOTHES HOI8IS IlLauuory prams complete Rope washing maentue HIXLB HDlblb 262a Glen Osmonu toad Ho a PARKSID I CH ms H4r 17 rit' PltABr 1 MOpRN Kf fff I rr Arc' hi i ail'd ICII BE Bel Gin uro I ill reidenr a Ever remembered by Kuih nin 6ns8 RIGADE MOTORS DRIVING I) SCHOOL 67 WAKEIELD STREET C4818 ier and pcr onsl expres mn nf ympathy shown in the very saa Io nf a dearly beloved husbandmd brother Would al) please ac i A raid hw hla LnkIRB mil Id lovtog mem ory ot dad and grandpa passed away October 25 1950 wamp hki naiurt hut fTIffO aid 1 1 wiiirrn Gear? uriuinj wim Ties ia? nj vaiirr ana ente Muter ai 10 street Albert Park lovtrt brother nf Redmond Rev and Lerna Afed 30 year ait in rn rk trhr ei at a irMuit nf iffidnti Jnri'ih Albert Wilfred MtUer dearW Thanking all in attendance I'eved broiher of Lorna and bro 1 ln lew or Jaek Sk The en ngement announced if Dorothy younger daughter of Mr and Mr Barker to Alfred (ourger nf Mrs and the lace1 Ir Pnilhp both of Salts bu ry IHTIIVR Waterson Dentn hulgeon successor To tli' la'e 8 LOUNGE pec suite high ar lane niftt at i irnt "yipn made in Sydney upholstered au lumo shaue Genoa velvet Apply 6 Churchill as Glandore Phone LI023 A Plastic Wholesalers Rmg LA47M I7aRund)e st 4 DOUBLE iron bed and mat 1 ires coconut matting ap eroximately 15 6 suliable lot olldar shack 2b Henley Bch ftMlle End ErURL deeming consul oir uso nun i AuauniVE rtiB i ri nioncne liu mvivs £8 also which the Commonwealth baic WILKINSON THE RIENDS wage per week for females tor Ade 11 or th 1st irm wii i tmH'iiv ERON RIENDS of the KINSON cx A I and I increased on index numbers In the7 nmnr RmA formerly ot Melbourne are re mmmxnrine on the 1st Sperl fully informed that hl day of October 1951 tn accordance onrl will lv 1 1 i CKIK rn sister cn is 'cars a How lands' 50 EVIth atreet Albert Park oo RIDAY al 3X pm for the Cheltenham Cemetery Rev Norman raser will officiate HAROLD MOORE I uneral Director 228 Port road Alberton Ph J1057 1VOODHCUM the muentmi i lonRfGAN THE RIENDS Oil 2k mil Mr and Mrs Kevin nGuni i Lfir GAN are respectfully informed ft nt their laved runerai i PIICH THE RUBB MAN Ciul discount Il EDDY lurn 1 Rubber linn ft 26 6 vd 4 turn ma noor cover ng WAHE Amusem*nt Airway Notlcea Auctions Births Marriage sand Death! Businesses Partnerships Ac Building Material Board and Residence lunt ax sirwnise Phone XJ067 4e' 11 cur ocuw xuuuvci CO'hock S'vere fust when life wa Ethel Thom' kk ire Inn lite tor either and now rest in God's beauiifu! garden Cherlxiieci memories of bygone day and nary shares Nod 3523 to 3529 in clusive certificate No SJ tor one 1 ordinary share No 19764 and certificate Nn A162 for one di ordinary share No 18431 tn the name ot Henry Laurence Goldsmith ot ErtHhburgh Dated this 25th oay of October 1851 8HEGOG Secretary MINLATON PHILIP Marks Dentist 41 Rundh st Ph 2052 opp Si'phen Pl GROTE Dental Bur geons Ltd Bowman Bldgs King William afreet Adelaide LA31I9 WrPalha BAM A for hrt I HA1U INSPECT KUNE8 MEMO RIAL8 123 Gnu err st C7O96 Centennial Park Memorials Mile end floribtb luetbi fig Henley Beach rd Wreath DENGILLEY'S floral wreath 47 I Grote st CT1M: after hours i euv Index To Classified Ads ivenue Che I ber 19ul 'i r' Solicitor to tilt company rton VOACHBB HH HIRE OK PIC for NIC8 PRIVATE PARTIES MEALS ARRANGED LIST Or'l PICNIC DROUKM AVAILABLE 1 Refrigerators and wash ing MACHINES all leading models immed'ate delivery HANco*ck 142 Unley road Unley 1 ERIGER ATOR cub fl go 14 order 70 37 Winchester 1 Mtlvrn ni'in Ed'V3rd( QI INN tn mmory of Bill i Bib killed at EI AUmem on toberh 1A4) llakv rimtireihBrM cn ana in me tu uier ki WA and 'he ite Arthur Clair' a Bargain Sllcrooni 41 Wayinmith LAZ355 Next to SAO Co jAINlNG SUITE 6 'UilU UA 1 mniinf 10 Dor nr Piuninf lnnp MD PUBLIC NOTICES WANTED TO SELL 8ARTICULARS I OP SHAR Hntlgehsld GMs CEItlll'lt AIES I8RICE want'n labor only pla iung inside Ij ouares Plympiii M654 Advertiser 12 length 3 Anga st Kent Town between 9 and 7 Thurs day and Sat stove and sink cup board wringer gooo order I IV OIB18 rlington terr on THURSDAY at 3 13 fur the Cheltenham Ceme HPAD TH RIENDS 'f ttir ale Mr HARLES ALRED BEARD are iwitfu Hi i' li: 'uner i will leave lhe KOTARY ciolbrs lines all stzea 120 it to auringoetuu Gunson 51 iirnteu st u4j IjEMINUiON noiseless trw 11 writer i xceheiil condition ML2010 ROLLER kaie ano white boot ire a Ail wooaen a hee uu chrome nnish to Hing AZsSM Bl 8 at the WaiUron Criue rv air IHls DAI Thur dav at 4 fi diierm lv Burial id our l'r IAMS JAMES WILLIAMS Pie Kient AN88AN IHf RIENDS of SANDERY EXCHANGE LIMITED Presented fur tlliiig by KELLY TRAVERS MELVILLE A IIAOI'E uf Insurance Chamber' lu Pine street Adelaide Solicitor NUTlct lb HEREBY GIVEN of Bi ftSs' and fonnerly of Ah Lnd birtnp Estate are respectfully in uEleven formed that her Remain were prt 5 ElTen vately laid to rest on WEDNE8 ShlUlnga 'll DAY October 34 the Bi ARK 22nd OBr Saviour Church of margan "ftma? offictMnl RV I Prealdent Board ot Industry uneral Direo I Purauanl to tne provisyu Head office and ehkpel JMSSgftU That he amounrLdi suit 58 56 Magill road Norwood 49B4 pWTOY thM a)k Laale YOkl OUT nv wntrn trip mmtrtivrgnn aw aw OVERHEAD travel! ng cranes I 20 It to 4U an steel 3 ma a tray iuebuard good De Isndr 't id Beverley M75a3 1 949 SPRING Heel Matchle 4 1 condition Sv1 Auuly Black and White Caba Pnle at IODGE TEMPERANCE No a 141 SAC THE BRETHERN of the above Lodge are respectfully mtnrmed that the uncrnl of our late Brother DERHAM will leave 34 Arlington terrace Wel Tur'ocniv 7 is 5 Serial gro 5 30 Charily chat 5 40 MU'ic iritl ttir movie 545 lack gillp information Ted ad Dnner muir 6 45 RANGE USED RADIOS Xjr mantel pertable and console mode a Kuo radiogram TO DAY SPECIAL Airzone con oia £6 10 BARRETT BARRETT 8 Bargain Salerooms 41 Wajuiiiulh st LA2255 'RED WOODHOUSE are re 11AM rfiBk'VtGUU aawea a kWvlh' JWX za II LTDCfi ior tnp Onflrt1P JeiD were pecrjwnj i on WEDNESDAY 24th IBkUBL in the New Enfield Cemetery Rev ather O'Rourke kindly ot flClCHA8 A BERRY A A unrral Director and Cremator 157 Magill road Maylaod 3253 INDUSTRIAL CODE 1820 lKl Puriuaut to the provisions of lhe Industrial Code 1M8 1951 hereby CERTIY that the amount by which the Commonwealth basic Particular Rtvettg Bhetigrit Inn Annl I 11 nwt V1141 Phillip st City Lorporaiiun vmivrs onuyr svrrrvv THE RIENDS Of Murray Bridge the late Mr EDWARD HEATH tjd al Murrxy Bridge this MORRIS are respectfully Informed that his Puneral will leave hu late I WHITEHEAD Town cierg Harbor THIS DAY Thunder OOLLBOES AND 8CHOOL8 ai 2 pm for the Victor Harbor Special Party Itineraries tor Cemetery vacation planned end Toure or OVERALL uneral Director Iganlxed to xml your requirements Phone Victor Harbor 53 ISee lhe Tour Organiser al the Robinson the friends 8 agovttourist bureau the late Mr AGNES feSON fAR LEAVING OR MEL ROBINSON are respectfully in iV BOURNE BE8OINNING formed that ber Remain were re WEEJC WOULD LIKE COMPANY icaueuw av vnisnvc rsiisG rjw Sefton treet care oo WEDNB8 1 DAY MORNING 34th lost and! privately laid to ret In lhe Cbd I I'kEBTS OVERDUE tenham cemeury Rey Mambly ACCOUNTS DEBTS olBciated 'Phone write or call for partleu Re Order of the uneral Director laerviee est ream a i 77B Pf we4 11Kowah tiftt lz ba a a would lore to hear there ta a mile JO25 Mr REDERICK JACK UMITH THB RIENDB of HwinM collected promp' will always remember and a of olkestone road Mrs PAULINE LYDIA Protection Assn Bud '1? rnnther Octnir Remembered by mother father Ur memories silently kept TamMy I Exae 8mAmlw1i4 Km iMngi lo inr LOHMANN In memory nf our and family Terka rten nl my beloved broth'r Jack nthe card a dear friend Henry who made lhe LLOYD In lovmg memory ol mnatna 1lr tpreme sacrifice October 25 dear father who passed away there come a sad Ion gtna Ba5OER Mc Mygrr Ka W2 October 34 1949 VOUU rmr KV va punoa A 4'34 ivUBi OA5TDRON On 24 gv hurtand nt th' aie Jan' SMALE Harry Killed in ar tt'n O'tnber 25 28 at El Alamein Churchill road Prospect and nv 1843 Dearly remembered by Beryl Jn fiThrr of Mtrcaret Dulrl leibie Nnfr Ca" unn 'Siorer 2 n5o aw nwdre re 1 I'YPEWRtTERS PORTABLE I Also standard models in allires Immediate rteliverv No waning CONTROL SYSTeMS lA SIAl PTY LTD 8 Perl street Adelaide LA5096 and LA097 I'ENT and fiy 10 nr I 1 in nn' rna4 nHmBPh I'nK fr mow cuacnonQ tirsi modern setting M446 Adver Tendr and Coutrict I)sr ITrurks Vans and Buckboardv VENETIAN window and cania Wireless To Sen Ac band car rovers estimate Wanted To Buy ifree UMW Br ogan 187b Good Wanted To Sell wood rd 'Only address i Work Warned HVNDLL KXHIGtHAIluN RUNDLE ST CHY WJ386 ALNDHY Uask'T aunt I writing desk i lxner R4RA18ON nee Rajner' On October 23 at Mlle End genev Mars and Alan daughter Roth welt RODDER nee MacDonald' Ta lora and Prank a sister tor rank and Louise HOWARD On October 2) at Queen Vir'orla Hoapital to Mar tgrei and rank gon 'Marl rands well Thanking oep Caff HUXTABLE On October 21 at Karnonda Hospital to Eileen ann Stan a son Thanking all In attendance KING Dorothy and Lance remembered by mu Beverley CRILDA Treasured memories of my dear husband ArthurSniai oa xed October 1950 There a road called re nwntoriitCT vricir ainj 'wishes meet I walk that road Ini RAtMON Monumental! It Mason 3 Ballara street Mile End LU7027 al hour rlounly In force! and each of those computed Liv ing Wage shell come into operation as retards any em ploye covered by awards end determinations thereby at IhAfaA Art R8ld fhrt flPt dav ot the first pay period A BRAND those employe whkh com mu i ell mences tn novemoer uoi 2' Awards of the Industrial ot South Australia end deter minations ot Industrial Boards constituted under the said Code effected by a Living Wage com puted as abovementioned are uuvste nu nil ior nineteen i tv ordinary shares No I1M to 1188 Inclusive certificate Nu 3330 for AIRHIREAM 8 fl Klrbv thirty 'Ml ordinary share No 4n' I tn ed it i 13011 to 13047 Inclusive certlfi BENNET I fi COMPANY cate No 3721 for seven 7' ordl 1 Lnlry road UiUcy nary snare noo tress to issoi inclusive certificate No 4206 tor us vawiurtis NuareN nira 17500 to 17513 Inclusive and cer tificate No 4417 tor one 1 ordi nary share No I7M1 tn the names of Joachim George Percy Koop and Cecil Ludwig Koop of Yorke town it Malvern U554O Certificate No 2237 for nine 9 1 MACHINES ordinary share Nod 4373 to 4301 Dubbir the sewing machine inclusive certificate No zaay tur headquarter for on hk seven ordinary shares Nod i machine Dvbbie de lux' 9720 to 9726 inclusive certificate I new cabimi mouel site electric No 3078 tor tx 6i ordinary lorlubr All sw backward anu i 4 uu 4iJi iu IQIM InCIU biu cninrBte ro io ior nv oi U1CIBI 1 ba HIM inriuxive jovinr memory ni memory ot our dear husbanding MMd away October 35 1041 a AlamPIn are i tatii iu a ujcwvij JU1C1CI ilven by awrt A tba I LLER Sacred to (lie mem ory of our dear dad and grandpa called home 1941 So sadly mUM try Decree Pamela ULLER A mem orte of our dear dad who fell axleeo October 35 1941 Ttwa nr 7 til irkl Inca xinh8B DP Aa re wre re aailT AAA mem one ot on Oejr r2lver remembered by rtht and Man Jeff ana tranaenuaren memwred by Chru huib LoHny memne oi In lovint memory ofour 44 v0 fell atkeep Oc rew Ami har ha Plb ktl iri II 1 1 ret iaji A lame tn October 1H2 Lnved byi gtan Ahjne and fade all Inserted tty brother John I nt lovini mmone always May RVli In lorint memory of1 Always remembered by Marie brother Set Charles killed tn ac and Alt Carlene and Olenys COOKE Ortnber 18 at Vinnt'hn Victoria Jrme Pher'on Cooke betoi'd rcond nn ot fumes and Mery CV nge cf Kingston South East Aard 83 IJiiLTS AND NUTS It II Bon wfe nt Donald McCurry On October 23 al a daughter Pori Adelaide 'result ot accident' a 1A one ordinary share No 1216 certtflcit No Illi for on ill ordinary share No 1821 certifi lkHtburn va ms Li th i nun xiini Parlor 11 Port road Albet'nn ot: i ni it'ua i 1 1 io C'brllf nitem C'eni'reiv SIDNEY HARRISON utiersl Dlrrt tm uneral Parlor 171 KJ Port i Alberton Phone J1255 Klingebeil the friendsif the late Mr USC AR WfL LIAM GEORGE KLINGEBEIL are rc pectfully informed tliai hi deme Tanunda THIS DAY lhl registered otlice ol SAN Thursday al 2 pm tor the 8t DEKY EXCHANGE LIMITED i jujiri ictnricry iiuuno CLAUDE TR IV EL ION A A Heid office and cbftpel Marl! road Norwood 4M4 LjOhhlWv Ct fl AnrtlakA Nod to ELL Rapid Ha( el Mu tooa ei i a(a Wfre kT iir'ler tjm ivr vur ni uiuiniry Anarr umiiiii tunti No 174 ind certificate No uruxrjx i ordinary nire no iDulu nut viry fhrt hilna nt Ci rereub MM'PS aww KaiKa 1 UU'BlUliil a i vutia urie i uj ru i tin 5 7 It 2 7 7 (t Dui AM ASS A DUR end ol Noteatber 2 28 killed El Alameln October lMl cherish all the memo ries ot tne clay when you were here Loving mother and father I MOORE ond memories of Sum kiled in action El Alameln NTTSUHBE en gageroent i announced of Sylvia second daughter nt Mr and Mr Korh nt Renmark tn Nathnungrl on nf Mr and the die Mr Nitsehke of Nun ootpa MeUREDtE MeDONALD The 'ngagement Is announced ot Patricia elder daughter nf Mrnd Mrs McCredle Welland nu'h to William son nf Mr McDonald Torrensville and Mrs Clift Adelaide Uddl PLASTER WALLBOARD SHEW neo IN THICK OR CEILINOB AND LININO8 I'lg father JI Pat Slid Iyn kgrrt en rears A patient 1 uflerre at re Mr and Mrs Haydon 48 Seventh st Oawler announce lhe 48th anniversary nt tiier wedding solemnised on Oc tober 25 1111 by the late Rev Nicholls Mr and Mrs A QOVTJTOURIBT BUREAU 1 (fleiteNoMrf1 foro i ullT nd serviced for XcixkRTHK PfiSm9f7KheV MURRA BRIDGE Novg for one I' ordtuari ILt1 2fJ 4feBIRT WILRED NOTICE 06 ASSESSMENTBERT 1 MUXBR are respectfully NOTICE i hereby given that lhe informed that his uneral will Corporation of the Town ot Mur SAND building ano garueh iron 30 loan Quuk delivery Cil4 ex xervicetnati SELL ouxnlitie 01 7 16 in ala mild steel pieces and a inong 18 a zinc anneaied fieri uicves 8 In 6 in Pb LilSo STEEL 5 Cons 1 in 1J lb I 3 16 angle King LT 4575 A SMITH GO LTD SEAGULL OUTBOARDS 47 moaeis order now lor early delivery KASCH MUI OHS 31 Hing Wm st uturii5 am UM MMCb Lf'Htil 1 BIRTHS MARRIAGES AND DEATHS In efleet the Industrial Code 1920 1951 provides that In view of lhe foregoing cer tificates tne Living wages the metropolitan area PUIPURC Qi uir WVMA 1920 1951 computed In accord ance with the provisions of the miq ioae ano io operation durlnv cuinpr ns ij or ui aijiy bum 181 or Adult Male DESCRIPTIONS TRADE INS Nine Pounds ifteen Bhilllng SPECIALTY IS i a week iwhtch is aa Af rlatR fihllllHIC1 'll 1 week 00 the Living Wage of £9 4 a week pre vlously tn force: or Adu't emale Emntoyes Seven Pounds Six Shillings H'lltllS 1 KUH SQ I ttK Photv I All'l aukcr trm I litno iu! fl'r JtW 1 BuiT renTir flni iiei nd muter I I inhan t' e'r tn Intlng memory ot Dorie who Harel and Eva paved away Bern October 28 Too d'arly loved 10 he faxaaaiaM Kv Ilia lAVIrt EM ID MofNTfOHD The uneral Home 311221 mad Hindmrh Phone VORTH CROYDON CRICKET A CLUB MEMBERS are alvied that the uneral of our late lite member and potmn CHARLES BEARDll leave the Chapel nt lhe uneral Home SIH Port road Hndmarsli Ill THURSDAY 2'0 4 it green gum de liseted Phone Birdaood 2931 "I Ween 0 and Ijojm or rile Bug 27 Birdwood built corrugateo xroa xhed as new 36 a 13 a 9 't Make good lemo bel uflr Ler AJMk MOVU caiurra ame 95 in I r'J Toy uglily io HuUu 11 HLi STICKS fur tumttori UBler pHe 2 fl U1L flL I Ul'I Sr nd luf October 1111 by the lilt Rev Alwiy Mr and Mr RASER Sgt Charlea tn lov 1 Un wuh Li MoouDce the 40th Uther £1 AUmem Oc nntverMr? of ther rnrrnie tol tober 23 IM2 We have you tn emnised ai Mu Sehank on Ocio our memory Ood ha jou in nu ber 2 tan by Rev Iver remembered by Kalb i litinii Aiau I In loving memory ot ICharlie ia El Alamein Oeto Ltert ffiB 1 mflnftPV TAP In erted by Leahy RASER remembrance ot my beloved brother Charles killed action El Alameln October 35 1942 ('H1LDS cut and pilxhrr goou order LU7469 ('HAKCUAL vaiiame 4 lunri'll st Nth Auelalde I) (OtDSTRAM CliUSADEK lilg'riiu: 6 tub II nrarl scribed for adult employe lor any period other than a week I It IR ha InrrDaArtrf hw an! amount which bears the sama I I 8 txe 'lid oak JACOBEAN proportion to 11 in ih' case DESIGN Selling lor only £15 onnnL i ns'Kll a Balaam Salcruunis 41 Waymouib LA2355 Next to A Ga cu DOUBLE bed Wire mattre a new rolled edge 30 8363 If increased in accordance with a preceding paragraph would be an amount ending with a traction ol a shilling such salarv lx to be Increased tn that amount omitting iha fra'ilon and where a weekly Slurlev Stone unil Alway remembered by her lov Mr nail Mr Htune and ing husband fto ail to THANK all rrli WHITT11 Cherished meninne itc md tneiMl lor flrn1 tri nt my dear mother who passe buie letter cards telegr andwa October 25 1948 uerinrl exproion of sympathy Mlsvink ail rime missing on thrr rcccrn ticreivern'iil i Tlie lamiiy ul the lute Mrs Lucy Wul wish to Sincerely THANK ill relatives and (ncrdx tor letter cirrt tele i MANUACTURING AND TRADING CO LTD novta irnmaz Henry uernam nei i'u wltLe iSr" Of Prirre i Atnie October 35 38 iWIpy? mJ" diw husband hd reva Pi 1 tsre ta rere 8 I re a rtolAbev rec What hapov day nnce enjoyed when we 'r all ingerh" ini'in int ior rsr Termg arranged 145 Rundiestreet WJ165 4l 8V88 8 6AVW4 4 bTO I Carter IMvE tilve wireless no further 1 Ue cheap 6A14O9 22 ba ft Dulwich 1 nte road Lrdey AA a A a eate No 1998 tor one ordinary CO washing machine new share No IM certflcate No 2171 immediate dvlurry pre buo a a i iieie A rd filling xcreeolugs LL5637 SAND sharp sure Christies Noarluuga ouarry ana ruuue red garden sana cinder immea 1 oei LUU SAND cinders earl Ttaasi anu udioi Mouerjt? rair crnirat lufaal ftva4lsh ugihhU full rinse i trade in youi old rpratot eay term ai Dobblr fil Gavler pl Adelaide SHELLGRIT graded Ior poul try garden bricunaking tool oath delivered 13 bag lot and loose load Sample Riven Shellgrli Supplies 22 Currie rt Phone LA2141: Depot L8I41 SAND Plrmpton red for all use A Lo cinder Immediate delivery Hunt 2 Moormge 44V4 rerew asneo qunu' rubble garden soil HUIfgiNI 4 mantels beau tifully designed cabinet £21 12 6 tl 5 deposit 5 wkly HUBBARDS 85 Grote Mantel radios portable RADIOGRAMS TABLEGRAM8 PRE BUDGE! PRICE rom £19 19 Tel ms arranged UNIVERSAL RADIO ENGINEERS 1 A Gaaier place Adelaide National 5 gw mantel perfect cunoition and appear ance £12 19 6 £2 dep i wkiy HUBBARD6 85 Grote 1 19OHTABLEB ah make and 1 ire from £5 dep 7 8 wkiy HUBBARDS 85 Grote st KADIOB BOUGHT SOLD OR EXCHANGED KDDY8 LTD 73 CUrUUE STREET I8ECONDITIONED RADIOS mnu ia em a rnum iv nut ruual GUARANTEED EDDY8 LTD I I73 CURRIE ST Kami wna vias'ic Tccnico National floor model! with automatic changer 4 £15 tep 15 wkly HUBBARDS 8 Omie KADIOGRAM RadiOla cash or term will lake old et at Srt Rand 91 Walkerville ter falkerville ML471I MYEK EMPORIUM Oder 1 valve reconditioned eonaoig radios from £7 18 8 or on Myer ay terms from 40 depcalt end 4 weekly Radio Depart nent Ground loor THE MYER EMPORIUM 18A1 LTD Rundle frect Adelaide HE MYER EMPORIUM 8 A 1 LTD You will find all th and lawn I Radio Department on the Ground hfl loor including Alrpiayer Radl meiiars 6 50 Hrbrnartra or paperi 8 iisn 41m Ih TkA 4 Mictan' corner Iclironir'r King Wiliim an 'cime 1 Wavmoulh guwat Ad8laui 396 2r '8 Ala'ays remembered by his lov SvrffL wftlltrOO AIM lo i ARMICHAEl John William Oo October 23 at Treasured memories ot dad who I ht residence Rnvsl terrace South passed away October 25 1950 Alberton Lavington Sylvester Ever remembered by daughter Janssgn Aged 55 years sell son ln isw Stan and grand On October 24 at children Adelvde James George Limber' In loving mem nt 63 airford street unley tn ory of dad and grandpa who bn 8'th rear Al ret 1 passed away October 25 1950 MABTIN On Drsnher 24 isud 1 Life's pain and sdflrrtng over denlv al MYoum Parkside nB hillside he I sleeping eno beloved infant 11? At' daughter of Edwart John and kjlf Vai and Mry Philomena Martin Aged wys remembered Wat and I Mirienc I In loving mem fl Land complete: 0 SIS' edging stone gc riivtic muvu bord 12 X4 8aUis A IAMA PlvmcLnn Rd Rind tor rdrnfai and fiUin Z'lam 11 AB 9 (horn bImI tnrf cinders Immed del X4560 Houses and Land for Sale SAND garden building auarryHouse and Land Wanted cinders rubble metal 8atia House and Lend to Let taction guaranteed ML29S4 Ex lLegal Notices A A Lost and ound lawn moaer nnlylMrtne Boats 4 1 slightly ued together will Marhinery 20 yd of heavy Matrimonial it £1B Apply A Mdltolm Portrush rd Linden Pk rueni cn nenda xtoior u' iMdtor tyne 'Money Stocks and Shares Motor Tours Public Noiii Proie Engagement Poultry Birds Ac Rhiprtnt Shops Offices Warehouses iruatlons Vacant Situations Wanted Stock and Vehicles Slarnp and Books Cherished memonexl A RANDALL of my darting father paed xwevl uneral Director October 25 1950 There are lots of i 244 Pon ro Hindmrh fathers this world know but Bluekwell Ltd Pruplrs aalaa IwkaBk lA It'a a PreWW A ai he cnula love spoken before he died these are the words he would ImvA PrtnllBrt 'TWlPII WBMI frtP IMA Albert Wilfred Mil ior sorrow make but lake care INN In loving memory of a El Alamein 25 10 42 remembered oy hrnher Bob 1IIIAI 'll 8 WW 1 A DEANb J28 ParoOe Nor A wood Watche tor Xm LayUy ii" Phone 58J MODERN 8 we blarkwooo1 suite '1 tapestry fireside Ichairs attractive oak atichen en semble Musi sell ill Avenue ra Cabra LU5334 RCODENT welder new un able jeweller intricate mete BlHrtM TH RtTBBER MAh a B4 1 62 yd Al colors We willame if nec Car mat Hol hev Vauxhall Prefect Vanguard Ac from 15 ea ribbed mailing 3 8 st rubbei BELL MANUACTURINQ AND TRADING CO LTD CADMAN BROS THE ltBXinwMrRa 103 and 141 HINDLEY STREET lVlfR9 I fltA oab nr I ro VAi rwi mpu the current MODERN CRATSMAN BUILT reconditioned 1 wlita411 vrvNA a vnc vr ihbruo r'rtllrtrtl inn All rla4 lot bad debts overdue account a icqii oo Ol! Alm a re? if'knfVle ramaMPrti I 111 a rt A4rt Phos C47U9 or no jantev Lfi leave the Chanel Daw Angaston Congregational Church I IB4LUS In loving memory 01 Hospital on 00 riday at 2 oeiock for the' yfflHMYat 11 am for Cemetery iw CentenataJ Park Cemetery askjasi on UNDKRT AKERS dqc! I ALAA UtOLRDUtC VJ1 late A I Undertaker PnooelM Semaphore roatt 1 PNCT7t TT RTTXDS ol Semaphore Phone J6SH Mr GEORGS SPEMCER are WCrtl JBU VI VB IVUUI iMWViil (' BVB rpirortnniw afAMBart eW IBiLUb tn loving memory oil aaEsaoztw my dear brother Arthur JoTuilTEND the I 1858 Not a day On I forget you In my heart you are ever near I who loved you miss rou A it dawn the first sad year by his loving Uter Doris 'Doll and brother in law Otooer 23 sudden Anne Itie early beloved ter nt Jee Inaher Gordon Gerald and Reg Bfiano ris' yy hn i 7v 7 i oam xueo action bi Aiame 11 1 iS' Dcinher 25 1942 by a re? Sr La AlLher Aub Rela Allan and Elsa Ina father nf Sorman Ated Gonr tn in Invinc memory rror nr mfwpii uuvibc Arrest WlUnS' ILLEB In lovmg memory of! AC my dear husband wbo parted area AetohBe 1021 i Hmm tM Tkw ElHBira the world he wu but oneL out ro me ne me wnoie vona i gaA At the going down of the sunand 15 lnvln we HERON ot 49 Vincent street Ea rn the morning will temeober In loving memory ot wardslown are respectfully tn them dear father who passed away Oc itormed that hi uneral will eave Be BB I A4 1 lOMlnce I'UcLY SERVICED PIANOfl slovi ab I i a Zimmerman Wertheim Klein Kent Town i ies in en oirw'rt Haase wr MAVIRYS LTD 29 Rundie 1 1 ZEV 10 gauge ana 12 gauge 16 per cwt roil 119 10 per ton Compare our of ihreepenre unies 'xreert crpled nt 15 If ini nf fil furlff halfpenny when itlVlTCHEN lAflfNET iiuimM ii (gj nr mui 1 run i ihlr thwpenre dsi £1110 rt Mitt Ml 1 1 I Oarffl hb day of Octnir I Your own niatrrai man up WILLIAMS Tailor kit of flrums seilina 4 LTERAT1ONS and remodelling A SraE BRL1N oir I iron frame recondition' I throughout ann beautitully pci snvi'ui unoe as iu AXr LDDV PIANO WAREHOUSE 41 st low rental area inspect piAhOb is and' I irun tr gw A 1HIC KS Umk iniki tuck avuK lufi md HidO' ARj'AH mjicr Peryr Simon Hatchery (ft Makoliu oirnun Jarruh tl UlIlbWcMld 1' Afi 1 411 WrH 4 OLMX bitumen damucuufc Irun 1 renla onleM lheclc then rc icncf I BB TlCAfth Prt ArtrtZi KrtlAvrtrt In Mcmeriav a ret iac ji'im Oh'ua tevra mother rnv nr a rt 111 1 1 I 9'8 1" re 8 Ms line 5 1 9 rach addii jnal Evehne at" Will nd Glxrt ar ea ed Aged 67 yer Peacefully MEDICAL I pm'iBhIfl marfipal PiihhDP lgonU' a ta for jr catalogue 1 'Direct RuMgr Ml IM GPO' 1 army Excel TlfflltASI xtWaBa A ItKcnen tablrj and chairs re ikALtMi 200 (roit ra 0 1 gAUM pR 1 Ubls in cood condition laid' LA442J M570 AdverUvr RAM cooo condliwn 3 10 IRANCIS Barnett auto bike I 3 Chnral ter Sth Plrmpton a ivtju luiiuiisuu a uiumliib urt HiLtrwNj Reasonable offer M651 Adver 1 AL1NG nt Samuel and Jani' Aexanlrr ''r Darby both dei' rd ul Pki' i 1 mH rrum £1 111 with he Certificate No 47J4 tor one 1'1 4 otdinaty share Nn 1902 certifi nde Lad sllant (or con ol ludv lioppvr avah II JO in 3 30 Dun sixinge bert lushl'ii mini's OnmedtHte dell ury or tnaae to oraer If it rub oer at 1owe prices cal) phon 2679 nr write 24 Adelaide ArcaOl BRUSH for lini's and hade TEMBY A CO 17 Hviuhsni rd st Peters 19ARY8 foliltng prainrtle soon 1 ondiiton Apply 44 1 si ninon ai i 8RUSH fence I relics industry or calling provided HI6I 'riy BU11UK5 sail 7 vO rew prrenbfd for Adult employvn XJpjVJCtMEN io be incrrised by fifty two 1 StRVlCfe1bS heat per imi" wUPiJ f4S7 AbltlNO MAUHINES famous i BTH tHutpoiuti win a'liuinxti puuip immeua'g Ufnert la flep la Wkly HL8BARDS 35 Ol on HD Rundle 1 a sfi 1 WUNDER WAVE liALUN lta Kng Wlliam LA4376 ti'Ieunde: suTe 'iicransc mi waisn DEBTORS AGENCY LAJOSg All Oedta cullrclea KELS DANKEU WA8HINU MACHINES rite Kel ir ti Trren IMMEDIATE DELIVERY frt Ma 4 19 fap "Art ilea anl mnf uro 4c I 'ordinary hare No 412 certificate Nn 818 tor one I urolnary xiodfrsv's I hare No 819 tertlficaie No 1951 frtv nna i 1 i narlh rv certificate No I7 for five ordinal' share Nod 4060 tol 4064 inclusive certificate No 27911 lor six '8 ordinaiy shares Nori 10483 to 18488 inclusive certifi cate No 4752 tor one 1 ordinaryhare No 17939 certificate No I A1S4 tar AR0 ill firHitiku kmpl WLALa A KKsAHMMJ LpLS 1 Uf kil ii PICNIC QROUNDB AVAILABLE MS' l2J I 4 8ATTER5 ibrator radio aa 8 nes sell or each electric e4 'or rlllugrm U48'3 iui xirexeo: locks at oid Imt artw mafrm i Stone green brown mode lor ca hor easiest ol tertos wunitoi BARGAIN in usd radin ia as re flgiiUHiv' wn i in i iiui QUBUN' MJClMJICa i wmte cream Mink £1 10 Premier console PAIlhr Ua 11 Ill ew mui 9 nn reca' luil JCvvQ aluminium j5 call udioijid nt Erti'tnih' uf waggon ted tmple Tyute end OConnell street to a gallon Coun North AotUide a auvM trawmiua 'V Alt Bnrt tiikurhs I Cen be relurne'a 117 rr a mew i I 4 KU J' n4RC? IV I mlbre9 iPre ts Jume pl Ot(Krn pctroh io in the name of ASHING MACHINES ffTuek £go ilmr Alexander Agnew de POPE POPE I Also HOOVER ana THOR ta fa bMb re reB No 442 for one ordinary shaw Ekrro Hr'p 6 MbcUi rd Nor no rertmcaw no 216 or oon Maia Matpi enr Twir i awrtre 1 reBrti irew I LLC 1 Kit IDO LO QE 2 HD AHHINC' MACHINES OR 1 200 and urtr £20 Phi 1 ID i I re 4 144" 4CT IT lAiM 3wVlLv ounkut mosor irom ju (jIiiMi VI rt BW fl £iiia nuriBtUT niLBus Washing machines I iootpaths dheiigrit make 400 New ana reconditioned fromlr the ideal covering long lat i 3mos Riveus i SheiigiiiSupplies irvls or Hoover I rXJR ouiltvchrome aS tmne end poll hrr il kitehen table and chair part Barrel type from £2 10 Ranu 91 WalkernJe ter WANTED TO SELL General KoS 'lKUS IKON Suw wrewa re 6e rt tut viic 'i' vj(iary Rfiarc nf hi MmtA ray Bnuce ha caused be made i no 2641 the nam intmpi Dm lor tl uf Lhe asMesMnfnt has been ur i fiiAeai 98 i rrtei artrl a eirtrus 1 1 aH if hrt fir I a a Murxtion uroce Murray nnugeiNo fur on ordnir where it to open fur luspeclon be lture No 18223 and reiiHk gt No itecj tht hour uf a and a hum fr nn iii niinav 7 Muutlay lu nduy Any 19054 jn thr name of Paul person nieiidmg lu appeal ggr1 Johann MehJn di norer ArtikfTvl irt Ixflkstnfllll ffllltill will 7 vt Daftimlar fd respectfully rfu imin ih at hrif Ti Assessment Revisum Committee MDlRlni 1111 lMr lraMl' 111 n1 MILLER will lease the residencei l(ans( at Ute tnd ML' Council Chamber Murray Bridge MH ier 10 sinwt Al on Tuesday 20th day of Novemoer oert Park on THURSDAY at 4 95) i 7 pm orm of appeal foi the Cheltenham Ceme which must be erved on the Town wr Clerk reay be obtained from the JESSE SMITH Qrand Sec Corporation Offices Bridge street BEACtiHOLE roe Kemp' On 19 al Mnont Jubi'' Hospital to Gorki snd son Premature lived 11 hour Thanking all in attendance CAMPBELL roee Reilly' On to Ron and October 22 DO Ann OAW On October 21 at 'I' I A Calvary to and Tran a ron Ocrober 23 PUCRBIDGE 'nee On port Adelaide 'result of accident' October 22 at port Lincoln Ho Albert Wilfred Miller dearly loved Piral to Murray and a son broiher of Reginald and brolher ROONEY On October 23 a law nt Mails Community Hospital Kadlna tn MILLER On October 23 al Marv and Lloyd daughter pcrl Adelaide 'result of accident' all in attendance 'Albert Wilfred Miller dearly loved BOTHE ne Kroemer' On Brother of Raymond brother ln Or'ober 20 fo Bob and Joy eon law of Allee and loving uucle Dennis Allen Bothwell Thnk of Margaret and Trevor Ing Dr Aurieht and all In attend MILLER On October 23 'result AiVvIl willow II'UI 9U1IU8 MlrtflkC' VM6 frrtrtC Lfllk va bMART On October 22 at ier dearly loved nephew of Jlm'your dear mother for my sake Hinomarsh Memorial to Kath anu ind Hattv Mllkr ana family Eaaly missed by his loving daugh a daughter MeredKh Kaye I On October 34 Ed ler Gladys Stanley and Ron snuiruBu nee waiger' un rd Heath norm ot Bridge ver wremve pm Or'ober 21 at Queen Victoria Hos rce Victor Harbor Aged 93 dear dad passed away October 35: tery pi'al to Mena and red of Bar Urs aaroor lM T)jem tic (hll l( aJ BBwi Brt ak a Iwbka re 1 orin tnflr'4n 4n netobCf 23 wkciv ia "'lc trim mrt lAfl i ff daerttean I kTrly iTdowSf DOWN late of olkTawne rold Mrs JVNE J5 On October 18 al nd toeing mother of Isa Mrs Dover North Brighton are re SMITH are respectfully infonned wliSTr '1 2 I Arthur Thelma and Janice rev ue art4re fla44M Wk rt IAU AJCJB UCGCflWW 4VBVBa( rtres reaa Rk i I rt tyviti wrx POVrt on oetoner at On October 34 at tn 2y Memorial Hoapital to Joyce and Angaawn District Hospital Pan a son 'David John Both 'tne Lydia beloved wife of the late 01 Sr tSTte uw Sr CWLW1N On October 29 Afftd 71 ytflri tii neni in remeiDbraoett Glenelg Commanlty Hopltkl to SPENCER On October Ji dear dad of you ondly remem wiic ui rti mju mu i wbi uroo Lina jkc ufBiu trv Mw1 kw hi Avin nn Ainrtn WWAJ llQTrU rtlir Ol LJTUtBT 0BKKW 4 On October 24 at pvlnt mother ot Rita George Rindmartb to Via and a'rank Colin and Aubrey alsoon Thanking al! In attendance I Alpha 'dec' Aged 65 years WILAON roee Holland' Ai rest Bhirtey and a son 'John On October 23 at the Leslie Thanking Dr Bill Slater residence of her daughter Mr Hepburn and tuff iCoonan 43 Luhr road South IPsmehem Rebecca Ute dearly be i Wre 11a 91w loca Vlir Ml LUG were I bb 4 A a 1 1 4 vrtrt IWDiie IBie OMJVCII avv 'UUll I a nxi re re rertk Krtr AT a Birthdav greetings are extendM Eileen Marion Thelma Bill In loving memory ot to the undermentioned memoer Eleanor and Marlene Aged I our dear daughter £lva who of the Children's Hospital Bink rears RIP passed away October 25 1850 One League ah communications WILKINSON October 24'sad year of thinking of one we Ar d' b' rv 'saddenJy John "early leveo oseo ano st no Bupenntendem Minimum Ur 1 Albin wrilnV costdlVmlsd by I 5aY aw BBa aaa waBakaa I MALPffi f'fcwrtwieKrejf mWCl6x 8188 WA BBaBaaM rt re flfre YJlVUWCI 11 a ss rt ire I a a i re reeing '8 yeara John the belovM husbamj of pa passed away October 251 Rmeral Directors antl In our vou re BndlT LU4868 LU6129 Mrf3 Tregonn Bwarig ehng around 'Ve 153 re nnsbits saran oeicvoa aence is ri i ovc ciam Magill road NorwKKl 4884 JI essioie I i ms With OUS KLEEMAN Tanunda in i ii the Imur uf 10 tn ana 1 uneral Drerrors between the huur uf 2 runerai Director llind 4M pm Suturduy and Massey the friends of the pupIic ttoiiJiy eicepteo late Mr JOHN REDERICK Du 22na day of Octo mammb rirkf irnhsm are respectfully informed that his uneral win leave the Peelne DaI PabM AlkaelAre On I MUKBUA 1 IT 4 13 tl the Cheltenham Cemetery HAROLD MOORE runerai xzirwror 228 Port road Alberton J19S7 Tenders And Contracts BRICKLAYERS tng rotlace work maicral on itc start imuicdiately Lr3646 1 19 CONTRACT WANTED new work reiva 'u rly rommencemeut Wrue1 Philbp 6 Laverack rd BERVICEMEN'S STORES 111 Commercial road Port Adelaide J2393 J2006 J1484 Also at 27 Main North road Medtnaie ML41ll 'ARDEN bOlLS lawn dresslna 13b Runair SLAlt' "a wino Hg his Master Volee Krnsler pIANO Bord 1 ex cona also ouarry and X7831 Phllpa A tor Heillra Mullarn I banjo L4B53 Kl rtt CurrU auarty garoiu cinder Mtional Operatic Taama A PLAYER PIANOS Inspect Kuh 1 LA2141 fildna screening xc LLu63 THE MYER EMPORIUM 'kA' nel ide range ut high ARDEN fo'l" steel oiler KanD sharp anu Chrixtle TD Rundle Adelaide grade plavet piano by world 15 St Anns pl Park Noarluuga ouarry ana ruuue lani'ius maker A sritien guer iqe red garden sana cinder unnito 1 ri with every instrument rsnsuK ou uiiiuti uu no Ca'h orea term KUHNEL tructure £60 Ring J8491 or cu Rundle st Mead I Largs after 8 pm 11 'em notes i ii icn a iv VrirerBi 11 cream wicker cot £5 high rt 4 RICULTURAL GARDE bttlprompt delivery ar vasiTVn Iron heels an if lIllAKi' III BRANCH 1 wrrt fMUMiro ID Al" we rent "Sir nir IC'l 55? 17 i dfln ft not It rw Uilk wm Lrtnur Joruil ivu inr runrru wui rtkY Ha rsiv ttrrroirsrtwr 4 October 25 Committeeman Mr JACKCOWN OA JVTOfr Serc7 R7ptrU TOL 1035 Phone KamnaJCgwilaroo 46 GREEN Preident THE RIBNDfl DICKSON Secretary I of the late Mr JOHN WIL tvw nrwNnA of Mr KINSON are respectfully informed rSd BOB EWEN are that hi uneral wllltove ltt jpectfully Informed lhal the uneral of their late dearly be Alberton on RIDAY at 3 pm iniert VOUNOERT DAUGHTER lor the Cheltenham Cemetery 71 DADTTMHTnW A ART leenprsl BRUSH any ouanuty riiv I lr Muntin Kwki Mod rraiKtJ (H hbrttd 1 hr 25 142 A tender chord ot memory UioYMr Bny and family Wemembiredb hi ov A1 ovvM iH irtrt nuuy hthe and Lifttart fkHIU ici iiuua auu iiiiuu 4 iflrsndchddrtn Oeorjie end Kath iohm memory Lrd' ieletram beautiful Mjldura Iffural tribute and personal expres kLy lain isioh' ynipuny i mbir ni tareotten in Ute Md los of dear Je end Gone but lowuep wn niro ambl Loving mtmorle tlwoy Hnfer 1 00 thi our sincere br In lovfM memory UA88ON wUe nd fwtmlfrtris Wt? fiXrt of our det mother nn DOb Al lhe Ute Qlon rh flWAT on Oc tober 25 1M0 Ever lo THANK 11 rclnve qur der mother ana rand" hv nfl kind friends fur fiord in Ode in son in law rank and two nutes icietratn' and pen sutiaj api memo the in of their husband and Ja fuhcr Card and kindnesses too the como'ited living wage rnme into operation: and when a compiirea living wage AfbrtPaflAn ii rMirrit ploves covered by eueh an award 'OMMODE chair never useo or determination the wage rate 4 jo scud oak tablr 4 tl thereby prescribed for such em ix 3 it Rniv Kii'i aatar CO! wooden spun I 4 0 A I WOOL OR COMORT 1 martreM flood cond £4 1 for shoe L433 IMfl Roe st M4r End loown it ntl A pecifli hc 'reki htpi trtuftlr xprvjcr nllrrei yoc al 22ft Viuona square BRUSH MOT linn bundle Alsu nn'i wirrrhn free anc flC Port rd Hind Miy be Uffwly liwl tiled oeer lhe clHnf our tome or On oewDcr 4a pn runerti iu I BB kBii Qa4h hrttavrtri ftife flnecxion 4rtrtrt 14 Pftrr 1 Ire ik ikrt rink 6 Wrftr and Love you In death Jt the i iThurdT at 2 tUBY WEBBINGS T(UurlM Mrs Pomen Cheltenham Cemetery i na On October 33 Montang street Kilburn Anne pRinn Mut and Krana dMIi Wife Of Herbert Ln A Company i i ilde flare ea 4 'av wxre me 4 hflf MOORE In lovini memory of luuiu a ae' utiiiu4 re i i aca xet a memory Years re quirk ly passtne f41lSLLf2tIltrs XlflMLVn tas I THANK kind rrhuve end I Bui memorie are everlasting TROMAh On October 25 1943 'ir ena for teller telegrams Ro by the loaned lovng daughter Jamestown HopiU the be nules nd personal expre re 1 IlntBrl hllrjrirt ftf Etliel ftfld I as Irt 4 ling father "I rank Phillis r(Vemeiil Specially thinking iH'v riiier Maloney ur Kiaoeii Inserted by ln loving pital tnl OHalluran Will all1 iiri iiviii iiirisrt ai'rPDi li rts itr WATT Jnhn Miner loving ltMv rZrVstZSlMtorl OOLE The wile brothers and va laaa er remembered by hl titriiiuttr' Vi VBU6" i jour loviny kind and thouihtful ER warn orever in our thought WllfTTLft Jn louni memory of Inserted by erroinnf Mater Mattei my dear wife pased and all her loved one October 25 IMI VrtlrtftrtBBln Sii infl mflmirv nt bro nur dear mother who Dashed away a nn tjevnoer 3 ini aver rr me mor rrn oy Aiaa ana Hurh NOBBA Ch fi on Iti Iovine memory nf mr dear husband and fAther ho pi cd iViy Ocinbrr 25 IM AIwjvs remembered by his a Je and (HKIY In meuinrv nf Vid WIW wha ph ed away JiUlircie rt re rt rt bBB rt re me mo I 9 HU aaA no oased away on October 25 Ait Blanche Jack memory of 'XmfmlJerea Vlc Kenh Colin dance Keith berM 1942 Lonngly remembered XUurenr Riton and 111 I brother by Marg Joyct Thelma Keith and tn loving memory faml'y lot our dear dd and Blw'pa I LOHMANN In loving memory who passed awy on October 25 i our aeir orovner nenry imcu action October 25 I M2 i AH A year to tty we will never for Ron aet you i a tl er etifl and HJda and piece OBNfiON Cher hed memo Hua 1 rltv of dear dad and frandpa IOWWkNN ln lorfn Biemorv away October 251949 of our near son and brother Henry killed In etln October 35 1842 I9AINTERS requlrrri lot met I ares 'Uh i out ru ur labor i 4 BLUE ORCHID Rose park Wreaths del 375O all 4 WREATHS del Golden Daf rwkik 419 UQicy roan BBBAOrtT TTontRT Mm ve UA752I afU hrs LP4W2 ton PT TUCKER18 tortatlhGroie(to MORGAN J6ONS 4T hliirk LUSllt Mohumental Mason Head i AltfT hca LU OB" 3 Victoria aa Branch anri I ITfiAhO esror 3M Uf Brtd Drniner off' intro uij tn ftvwu ah vieuro Ht Intnf A an op tutk opp tr e' uu L8Afi Ki airtmata 2S 1H2 raw TbimB tn ttw tt1 i Cheienham i ir re noiu aiuiouan ne rate bjcuavij nrr oi mr oear mocner ut orer hAnr mlici 1 rerereM nt UlsreoBh sb Ure ItVrtS With US for XfttT thl Aa ISA? Tv9 PfllMm '1'1' MLJilJ Laurence twn son of Mr torted by abler Mrf And Dered tty her lov me daughter KI Me 1 Mrs I Modr nf raehnt In Iovine memory of tl be solemn: at Good Bliep1 In iovtnt memorv of Bert pa aed away October 24 rd llfhrm f'kitvrH Are arere re 1 I ua torereihrere e4 ired ref W1 Alimfllff I44fl I on Saturn! Ortnber 27 at 4 October 25 1942 Alway remembered by hl lov In loving mem 1And'hft1t'U''lteo remember1 In loving memory'1 RS2mberedb hi brother pevt nnn snn oi md a ee i'M' 'J 'u nf silnn Il 'nrt u9rehiAid all rwftur In Iht'ini Bl Cuthbert Prospect on Sat Charlie in El Alamein Octo asiu re larrfav rvthroa 4 rel ft re rtB 4A 1rtA rea irerelw ArHieyihd Victoria street Albert 1 I PCrtl 1A Chehenhdm Cemeiery SIDNEY HARK ISON I tunral Phone UA1I29 '2 line uneral Parlors 171 172 Port Hitnniatre rerenw Alberton Phone J1255 I the late Mr ANGUS' A OB BROUGHTON DAVIDSON tor JJMEMBJ merly oi cnurenin roan rroprci are respectfully informed that hi' uneral will leave Elliott Brother uneral Parlor Port road Hina marsh on RIDAY at I) am for the Dudley Park Cemetery LLLIUl I CK fVN68 uneral Directors Pon road Htndmarsh LU4668 LU6I29 ERHAM RIENDS of 'ih' laie Mr TOOMAS HENRY DERHAM are respert ful'y informed lhal hi uneral will leave Ms hue rcdcnce 3 Arlington irrrace weiuiw Thunday at 1 15 for immediate delivery No I IJAL loo imparted 1 in to CONTROL SYSTEMS 'ASIA) fl IQ angle Iron M6Q Adver ti er HI OBins uuwBSiv light extern copper casing 4:0 DENYER Govt contractor 43 Grentell st C2W 4 WN1NGB and sun blinds de livt rtog before Xmas It you tng lor our tree meaure ana auote service NOW Murdochs 83 orentell 4 LL IREARMS and accessorial MARTIN GUNNERY 4g ullei Walk rvillr ML47M terrace MOTOR CYCLE CASES a Goa suna timoer 63 in a 33 lb 21 tn available oO each Lenrocx Pulteney CB77O I ING AGEMENTS RINGS mou biuc while olamonax inest value tn Australia HARROLD ROMER9 Diamond Ring Specialist 39 RUNDLE 11 GROTE STREETS Diamond Ring Catalogues ree Tne Treasure House ol a Million GUIS L'NOINES 2 and 3 hp I 'Uginy damigea oy fire only want hide Lleiiiiiig up Modal i tfr i a ii rwJC II It lUu vuii generator' a lightly hre iuukea fully Amp metei plants rivatc ie in 6 Ulai KiLaiMl 'i piece pmc Ch sv velvet iouiift xute kue tU'huHi wHh fl4 8Til mrh iise ver nti fl number of i wurf nl tl all in eitiini rimduion otierr 1 irifl irWJhfl to dt pri aBTu id Mu re Ari 8 1LI1H LAI I Lrtl 4 I VI I flna 6 pm tbit ifd Sun Cl 1 write KIL Advertiser i in mtisi nim bolid ru a Av I nthV 1 A TlretreHrer 9k law i reea ulYlIaJif i ai tr tri izn mr uae if mmry 1 ii light ire never dim i Png I I material Kertk hiitvfis rtf I 3 wrohl mrnrer iiini i ie Mn i rain a re iji i ri tii re i nieii 1 in RMT I MlfiW I nL iior I ft I I le xi JO APB I 4 ir to Ell in Lae 'iMK )ixlBiBrtk i i IBM iT ffire tur 7 MB 71 reri I'VTXir A tre 1 Tn I a zre reren'rerpihrefrtd BV hfft Invmrt A WiUlla I lUtufl fk in fll a re mn re 4 I I'lUUU I1D i it re "jr '4an 4to re and 4rein rlare 1 i k4 tfre ib i 1lt mt 'I Ia Ah I 3 1 huver ft 0 itturCTv 9 srw ctirnmniT try bv i 1 9 A re I i I I lit 1 tbrevflinri 11" A Did' flktlU I 101 rr I I it (ire in 1 re a nn are ri ni i re! ny flat sn jmn LlTVAid NiirMrtf A rtrla A Llrutffi 5 l' I ie I I 7 re Al'I'l JWIHIHI Ib I l(l1n I a re A rj 11 it ret i rt I to tert (irr 1 rt 35 4KiintrfK raf 4 Rv Vnl 2 A a tu 1 WSUMMA IlGlHIlIHNAm 1IM1TH) lf nn Vw 6 JA fl fl rti JU nf hj'tuiiirt re! 1 ii Mmnv I Ar 8I 'itwr 23 Ever re 7 rt nJ re LOI "ndlv fre xn mo IlHllHY IHUMs ivp ix ert awiy hn iglit rooav be Mr A Wli tiilv rin1 ini u'ux 4 In i I's iii(ii ieta IHlIHHif ri OG Orrh'i I Tune 1" vu I rrrorr nr revrr re i 1 ai a "i itrki i'iiiiit 1 ft 1 i VatlHo rell i VfH lain ft 1 9 I'flUiKl 11 2 4(ii AJi a a tn inn 1 Um mem ibiiirang mav Tflkl VT8lf lMre ft' a 4re j1 AT lirri 4 aM tri "i 1 1 1 HH IP "I Dll riretlj pH rtR bt Mr Aimnnn huh 4eiri sir ft Mi i heHM im nf Teih Jind very 'memhn Wat liu vu riu fi i44u ijir rr mica? oj rirawin psra MMHimft in Cooif in rt nvnrhm uno i Ate ten eiii rn pro 1Jt i irer 11'irid T8rnnre A nf whre ih i A It TAr timber 3S in NATION to reach th Mi'inrt iifl ji rou ICja' ree livre lb II ire hrtre 4 i 'ne ret ui rtrer mzatlvrt Vmt re1 fltov ba ir 'ad nrr ur i rvtr nn rrvu itn frenn Mrt kind ber flirt nft rwthr fika thre OftTAG inn wi rtiit nn Ald Mreb rmmterrt hr Rh bba pler a mp If Ci(! flfla'u: te mn yvennr in rpi ivy curne anfl BTVtHXDlLKlJfl.
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